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I threw in some angst.

"Okay, well I should get going." Tommy announced as he stood up. We had stayed a while and the sun was setting. I told Tubbo about Dream. He was... shocked but I expected that.

Michael ran and hugged Tommy. He glared down at the small child. Michael giggled and hugged him tighter, Tommy's expression softened and he bent down to hug the child.

Michael was so sweet. His smile could light up a city and his little laugh would welt your heart. For such a small child he had so much love to give.

Tommy left and Michael climbed onto my lap to cuddle. He's so wholesome. I could hug this kid forever.

"Cmon Michael, let's get you to bed" Michael just stared blankly at Tubbo. I also look at him with confusion. It's only 6 pm. Why so early.

Tubbo clenched his jaw. "Michael..." Without another word, he hopped down and trotted over to his father. Tubbo took his hand and pulled him to his room. I sat alone on the couch waiting for Tubbo to come back.

It took a few minutes but he reappeared in the doorway, arms folded.

"Is everything okay?" I asked genuinely confused why he eyed me so suspiciously.

"Dunno had a feeling..." He shrugged as he sat down opposite me.

"A feeling? About what?"

"About you. It was always a bit weird how Dream treated you so differently." He leaned back in his chair.

"This is...about Dream being my dad..." He just stared at me. "This shouldn't change anything. I'm not him."

"Yeah, well, stay away from me and Michael."

I felt a pang of pain in my heart. He wasn't serious.

"But I... I haven't done anything..." Tears pricked at the corner of my eyes. There was no way he was willing to cut ties with me because of who I'm related to.

"You know what he has done not only to me but to everyone, who's to say your not as crazy as him." His voice slightly rising.

"Like your dad is any fucking better." I snarled.

"Don't bring him up. We're not talking about him we're talking about Dream."

"At least my dad didn't try to kill me on a stage in front of a crowd." I mumbled loud enough for him to hear.

"YOU DON'T KNOW THE HALF OF WHAT DREAM HAS DONE TO ME ALONE." He slammed his hands onto the coffee table between us.

"AND YOU DON'T KNOW THE HALF OF WHAT SCHLATT DID TO ME!" I shouted back tears threatening to spill.

There was silence for a moment. "I never blamed you for what he did. I didn't care if he was your dad, you're my best friend, I wasn't going to let him ruin our friendship." I lowered my voice remembering that Michael was only a few rooms away. "Dream may be my father but that doesn't mean I supported what he did. Why are you letting this ruin us?"

"You've been acting weird the past few months, I see it now. You're turning into him. In no time, you'll be just as bad as him." He spat.

I've never seen Tubbo so bitter. "You've gone cold. Your turning into Schlatt, if you haven't already. When you took over L'manburg, you acted like him too.'

"Dad?" A soft voice called from the hallway. Michael walked in holding his bee plushie.

Tubbo threw his eyes towards the front door signalling me to leave.

"Hey, buddy, I'm going to leave for a while and I'm not sure when I'll see you again," I spoke softly to Michael. He walked over to hug me, I bent down to do the same. I stood up and Tubbo squeezed my shoulder tightly. "Don't touch him again." He whispered angrily into my ear.

I turned to glare at him, he glared back. I smile lightly at Michael before turning to the door. "Bye, bye, Y/n..." He sniffed.

My heart shattered. I waved to the young boy who was now in Tubbo's arms. As I shut the door I let my emotions spill. Tears streamed down my face as I left Snow Chester.

I made it to a familiar path with lead to the tower we built. I stepped inside and dropped into one of the corners. I let everything out. I don't think I've ever been in so much pain.


I must have fallen asleep at some point. I woke up still curled up in the corner. Tubbo's words repeated in my head, I never would have expected that kind of response from him. I stretched as I stood up.

I made my way up the tower. The cool morning breeze hit my face when I reached the top. I sat on the rail and gazed at the prison. Maybe I am like him and I just can't see it...

"What are you doing here?" The voice was all too familiar. I looked back and of course, there stood Tubbo, Ranboo stood beside him.

"I could ask you the same thing," I answered. Ranboo looked between the two of us, clearly confused.

"Yeah? Well, we're here to plan on killing Dream."

I can't tell if he was trying to get a rise out of me. I didn't react, I kept glaring and didn't break eye contact. They walked around to the other side of the tower.

I could hear them talking, I didn't care to listen. I stayed sat on the rail lost in thought.

I'll get you out...


Someday soon.


930 words

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