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I recommend sad music

*3 day time skip*

Sam's been an asshole lately, I understand he's grieving but we all are. He's been so aggressive. Maybe I should've been nicer but I wasn't wrong. The prison is unsafe and he's not fit to run it.

I want to be a guard to make sure no one gets hurt in that place. There were so many things Sam could have done to save Tommy.

My thoughts were interrupted by music. Tubbo settled beside me on the bench. We listened to 'Far'.

"Is that one of Tommys?" I questioned

"No, it's mine but I and Tommy used to listen to it."

The silence was interrupted by Tubbo's sniffles. He buried his face into his hands.

"I miss him so much... I- I don't know what to do. He's my best friend and he's gone. He's always been there for me and when he needed me I couldn't help." I pulled him into a hug. His tears soaked through my sweater.

"I miss him too but there's nothing we could've done. " he only clung to me tighter.

He sat up and dried his eyes. "I should go home, Michael is waiting for me." I gave him one final hug before he left.

I sat a while longer, the sun was starting to rise.  It was 5 am at this point. I got up and walked home.


I woke up to my phone ringing loudly. 2 missed calls from Tubster.
I picked up.

"Y/N! I need you right now! It's Tommy!"

"Wait, slow down, I just woke up. What's happening?"

"I can't explain it you just need to get here now. I'm at Tommy abode."

He hung up before I could ask anything else. Did he say something about Tommy? I didn't hesitate, I ran the whole way to Tommy's house. Tubbo was nowhere to be seen.

I stepped inside. "Hello?!" A familiar voice called out, but it was a lot softer than I was used to.

Tommy appeared. There was no way. He's a ghost? "Y/n?" I couldn't believe it.

"Oh my God... I- you're alive?" Before he answered I ran and wrapped my arm around him. Tears rolled down my face.

We said nothing, just hugged and enjoyed the moment. "You were dead? Sam told me and-" he cut me off

"I don't wanna talk about what happened..." He walked outside and looked around at the memorials people have made. He started sobbing.

"They really think I'm dead huh? If they cared so much why didn't they do anything?" All I felt was guilt. "It was worse than exile. The things he did.." He cried harder. I couldn't imagine what he went through. This time he pulled me into a hug. "Tubbo's afraid of me..."

Seeing him like this broke my heart. He has already been through so much. Dream has always tortured him. I looked over his shoulder and saw Ranboo standing in surprise. Tommy turned to meet him.

"Holy- Tommy, your alive?" Tommy put his head down and walked past him to the bench. Tommy seemed to be more shocked than us. Tubbo appeared again. We stood back and gave Tommy some space.

He looked back. "So you're married now? And have a child?" I forgot he didn't know about them. We all stayed silent. "Well, I wanna see him." He stood up and walk towards us.

Tubbo and Ranboo lead us to Snowchester. Most of the trip was spent in awkward silence. Tommy ignored the mansion and walked straight to Tubbo's house.

He followed them to Michael's room. The door opened and Michael was sitting on the floor drawing. He looked up and spotted me. "Y/n!!!" He hugged me and looked at Tommy. Tommy didn't show much emotion he just stared down at him.

Michael smiled and hugged him. Tommy expression softened. When he let to he ran to pick up his drawings to show us. Tommy had left and walked down the hallway to the kitchen. Tubbo followed.

Ranboo and I stayed to look at his drawings. Most of the drawings were of bees or of people he knew. It was pretty cute. He went back to drawing, me and Ranboo followed the boys.

They were outside and it sounded like arguing. They fell quiet when we walked over. Tommy turned his attention back to Tubbo.

"Does he make you happy?" They must have been talking about Ranboo.

"Yeah, he does." Ranboo placed an arm around Tubbo. Tommy gave them a weak smile.

"As long as your happy I am too..." You could hear the hurt in his voice. Did he fear Ranboo was going to replace him?

He left Snowchester and left the 3 of us stood in confusion.

I feel so awful. He didn't deserve any of it. He is only 16 and he's been through more than most people on this server. We came to an agreement that we would try to protect/help him in every way possible.


839 words.

I wanna start a new story, would you guys read it? It's kinda Dream SMP related

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