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"I haven't got all day" Dream spun on his heel and opened the door. 

"Wait!" I stood up from the couch. "I'll go with you..." I didn't have to look at him to know he was smirking. 

"Just let me say goodbye first." Dream looked at me for a second before he shrugged and stepped outside. I walked over to Phil and hugged him. 

"Thank you." I smiled. He hugged me back. 

"No problem mate, if you need me you know where I am." 

I nodded, Phil act's more like my dad than Dream. Not gonna lie it hurts. As I walked over to Techno he held his hands up. 

"Not a hugger kid." Ignoring him I jumped to embrace him. He didn't push me away or tense up he actually hugged me back. It took me by surprise. 

"Just to be clear I don't have any sort of attachment to you alright?" 

I laughed at his response, typical Techno... As I pulled back from the embrace I placed a folded note into his hands. Before he could react I left. Dream was on the wooden steps staring in the direction of Ranboo's house. He heard me behind him and turned to look up at me. 

"Took ya long enough. C'mon, we need to get going." He stood up and began walking in the direction of the nether portal. I followed closely behind. 


We walked across the thin bridge which was at least 20 meters above a pool of lava. I didn't dare look down. Yes, I could fly but the fear of falling was unreal. Suddenly Dream stopped walking and turned to face me. 

"Do you trust me?" He asked. The question came from nowhere I wasn't sure how to answer. I looked down to the lava beneath us and then back at him. He couldn't kill me... at least not here.

"Yeah, why?" I finally responded. Dream just nodded and continued walking. I stood still for a moment before quickly catching up to him. We walked in silence until we reached the overworld. 

"Why did you free me?" 

In reality, I didn't want to free him. I did out of fear. 

Fear. I was afraid if I wasn't there he'd hurt me...

I don't know how long I can keep this stupid act up.

"I don't remember... I'm pretty sure you asked me a long time ago."

"Yeah, I did. Back in January. Your memory seems to be coming back."

"I guess so." I laughed.

"So why did it take so long? I believed you weren't coming for me. I lost hope. Do you even know what they did to me in there? And I waited for you, yet you didn't show up till Technoblade was in there with me. Why is that?"

Uh oh 

"Uh... I don't know... I'm sure there's a logical reason." 

"See here's the problem. You do know. I think you're faking this whole memory thing. So I'll ask you one more time. Why?"

I froze completely stunned by his words. When I didn't answer he stiffened. It scared me how he went from a loving father to this in the space of a few minutes. 

Dream let out a heavy sigh and turned away. "Well, when that memory of yours comes back tell me. Now c'mon I have places to be." 

"Where are we going?" I asked following him.

"Paying someone a visit." He answered bluntly. 

That worried me. It most likely wouldn't be a friendly visit.

~ Technoblade's P.O.V ~

I looked down at the paper Y/N gave me. I shot a look over to Phil, he shrugged and walked into the kitchen. I sat down and opened the note.  

It's me Y/n, surprise. Yes, I wrote this while Dream had his little tantrum. I need to tell you some things that I can't say in person. I have my memory and always had. Please keep this between me and you. You can let Phil know if u want I trust him and I want to thank you for everything. We may not have had the best relationship in the past but I hope we can forget it. The main reason I'm writing this is because I don't trust Dream. If I'm being honest I'm scared. I don't feel safe. He's planning to hurt people again and we both know who is first on his hit list. I don't know who else to ask for help no one likes me at the moment I would understand if they wanted me to suffer. Honestly, I deserve it. I'm going to try to stick it out for a while. If it comes down to it could you help me? 

"I knew something was off. I should have made her stay." 

"What's wrong?" Phil asked as he walked towards me. I held out the note for him. He frowned and looked down at the scrawled writing on the page. I watched him read through it. He looked up at me, concern across his face. 

"We should go after her-" Phil started but I interrupted him. 

"No. Y/N is smart. She knows what she's doing. We'll keep a close eye, if we step in now we could blow her cover or ruin a potential plan."

"But she's in danger!"

"She's one of my best students. Dream is more likely to use her than hurt her. If things get bad she'll come find us."

"I can't just sit around while she's probably getting abused by this bastard."

"Like I said we'll keep a close eye and step in if need be."

"I hope you know what you're doing Techno."

"I always know what I'm doing. Now if you'll follow me old man we have a meeting to attend to downstairs."


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