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I looked down at the ground below me - well...whatever was left of it- What did they call it now? L'Canyon?

I had always been afraid of heights but for some reason, I wasn't afraid to look down.

I was even brave enough to sit and let my feet hang off the edge. I grasped the green vines beside me as I stared into the crater.

If I died would I go back to limbo?

"What do you think?"

"Test it."

"Don't be pussy."

"Maybe you won't die. You are a ghost after all."

"Maybe you'll fall through the ground..."

"...and straight into hell..."

"...where you belong."

I stood back up trying to ignore the voice. I watched the birds fly overhead as a distraction. Wouldn't it be cool to fly like one? You could get places so much quicker. It reminds me of Phil.

He used to come over when I was younger. He would always tell me and Tommy stories. We would fly with him or so we believed. In reality, he would just hold us as he flew. Tommy loved it. I was terrified. I always feared I would be dropped.

The bright sky turned dull as dark clouds started slowly spilling over the blue sky. It blocked out the sun making it cold and dark.

Calm before the storm?

This stupid voice... But there was a storm on the way I should take shelter. Tommy's house isn't far from here.

"Why do you run back to him?"

I ignored them.

"Don't you remember what dad said?"

Now that caught me off guard. Dad...
I scrunched up my nose, he doesn't deserve that title. He was never a real father. He disposed of me when I was a toddler and shows up 17 years later deciding he finally want to be a dad.
He was right in front of me for those 17 years yet he didn't do shit.

"He did it to keep you safe."

I shook my head and began walking so I could climb down.

I froze. I saw another figure on the grid.
I couldn't make out who it was all I could tell it that they were tall and staring at me...

I shifted uncomfortably. Maybe it's Tom looking for me. I did leave without saying anything.

The chances of that were slim. The figure was quite muscular and they had an intimidating stance.

Fear struck me. It could only be one of a few people.

Technoblade - I wouldn't mind he's pretty chill.

Dream - I'm praying it's not. He frightens me.

Sam - Not someone I'd like to speak to right now. I'm sure he's still angry.

Wilbur - I have an okay relationship with him, I trust him (kinda). He did raise me.

Sapnap - I think he's still mad. I don't blame him

Punz - Sheesh... Let's hope not he was payback for the broken nose I gave him.

A/N :I listened to 'The Man in the Hat' from little nightmares II while writing this next scene, I recommend it.

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