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So I accidentally deletes this chapter and it took so long to re-write :(

You woke up and it was still dark outside. You looked at the clock, 6.03 am. You decided to get up as you knew you would go back to sleep, an early start would hurt either. You went downstairs to get some breakfast, you jump as you felt your dog brush against your leg. Cooper was  your 10 month old puppy. She was a maltese, you kept her hair short as she would always get pretty dirty . She was a very energetic dog, she was the only thing on this server you truly trusted and loved. (Yes i know it a dog, just go with it, shes your bestie.) 

You ate your breakfast and fed your dog before heading out for the day. It was about 7 am now, you walked down the prime path. The bloodvines had grown everywhere, it was getting out of hand. You continued down the path and ran into Tommy who had just left the construction site. It was unusually to see him up so early.

"Goodmorning y/n, Sam Nook asked me to check out this egg thing. Wanna come with?" You nodded in response and you both began to look for Bad and Ant, you needed them to bring you to the egg. After a few minutes of looking Tommy spotted Antfrost and began to chase after him. The tall blonde had caught up with him pretty quickly, you were behind a bit but shortly caught up. 

"what the fuck is up with his eyes?" You whispered to Tommy, he laughed at the remark. "Hey man what drugs are you on?" He said with a laugh. He didn't give him time to respond. "So we want to check out the egg." Ant let out a small gasp and grinned.

"Oh you guys wanna see the Egg? That's great!" he exclaimed. You gave an awkward smile and glanced over at Tommy. He kept a straight face. "The Egg is spreading everywhere isn't it beautiful?" Ant was still smiling. Did he really believe we wanted to join the egg? "Yes.." Tommy answered in a monotone.

"So what is the eggpire? It seem pretty cool. Would you be able to tell us more about it?" You tried to sound interested and he seemed to buy it. Tommy gave you a confused look, he seemed to buy it as well. You were pretty good at lying and acting. "You guys should join, You like the Egg right?" You shrugged in response Tommy just avoided the question. "So where is Bad?" Ant told you to follow him. You both agreed and walked behind him, Bad was walking toward you on the path. He looked different. His normally red clothes were white and his eyes seemed to glow more than usually. He looked angry and intimidating. He was already intimidating before  but even more so now (he was 9'6 after all).

He greeted you both, he still sounded the same. You both just stared at each other, it felt like he was looking through you. Tommy began to talk to them about seeing the egg. You didn't pay much attention to what he was saying. You had a bad feeling about this whole thing and just wanted to get it over with. They began to show you the vines. 

"All the voices in my head are telling me that this isn't safe and I should go." Tommy stopped dead in this tracks. You all turned around to face him. Bad was reassuring him and trying to convince him to keep going. "C'mon Tommy, I'm sure it's safe." You looked at him with pleading eyes, you didn't want to go alone. He rolled his eyes and began walking again. 

"Isn't it pretty?" Bad asked looking at the vines growing all over the place. You both nodded in response trying to keep the peace. They began to show you the vines explaining that's how the egg spreads. You could faintly hear Sam Nook talking to Tommy through an earpiece. "Can we go see the actual egg?" Tommy asked. He was getting bored at this Point. Bad agreed and began to bring us to it.

After a bit of walking you were lead underground. "So um.. why are we down here?" you asked nervously. "The Egg is down here" he sounded a little too cheerful. Tommy shot you a worrying look, he wasn't joking around like he normally did. This had to be bad if Tommy was nervous.

You were lead down a small stairway. You both jumped over the vines not wanting to touch it. "Would it be okay if I broke this?" Tommy held a pickaxe in hand. They both glared at him, he took it as a no. 

You both entered a large room covered in vines. It hung from the ceiling all the way to the floor, it was disgusting to say the least. You both stepped over the vines best you could, Tommy had a look of utter disgust and discomfort as you both made your way to the egg. "this doesn't feel safe.." Tommy whispered to you, you nodded your head in agreement. "It's safe don't worry." Bad said walking closer to the egg.

How did he hear that? We were pretty far back he shouldn't've heard it. 

Tommy walked closer to it, again you could faintly her Sam Nook speaking to him. "You should touch it." Bad said eagerly while standing behind you both. You turned around to look up at him, he wasn't look at either of you, he was looking at the egg as if it were talking to him. "I... I really don't think we should.." He glared down at you. Uh Oh.  "Oh come on, it won't hurt you I wouldn't put you in that kind of danger." 

You and Tommy both looked at each other, what did you get yourselves into? There was no way out of this. Tommy held his hand out to you, reluctantly you took it and stepped closer to the egg. "On 3. 1...2...3." You both shut your eyes tight as you reached out to touch the egg. Your eyes opened, both of you had your hands resting on the egg. You pulled your hand away as you began to feel faint and sick. "How do you feel?" was the last thing you heard before your vision went dark.


;-; I came up with most of this at 2 am. Sorry if its bad lol.

1074 words. 

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