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Quackity showed me around Las Nevadas. He introduced me to everyone. I remember most of them. None of them looked happy to see me. Apart from Charlie but he was always happy.

Quackity left with Sam to do some 'business'. He left Purpled in charge of us. Apparently, we're too childish.

"You're leaving me to look after these idiots?!" He protested. "What do I look like, a fucking babysitter?"

Quackity glared at the boy and he quickly stopped complaining. As the two walked away Purpled muttered to himself.

"I'm really babysitting two adults..." He dragged his hand down his face.

Charlie turned to me quickly. "We should do something fun together now that we're friends!" He tried grabbing my arm but his hand just fazed straight through it. It stunned him for a second.

"Follow me!" He ran into the casino and I quickly followed behind him. 

"Hey! Wait where are guys going?!" Purple called out from behind us. Neither of us answered so he ended up running after us.

We managed to lose him in the casino. Anytime he got near I would fly through walls or go through the machines. Charlie would morph into something.

So we were playing hide n' seek. Purpled didn't seem to be having fun like us. He would get angry and yell.

"Okay, you guys win now come out."
He was stood on the opposite row of the slot machines. Charlie poked his head around the corner. "You've gotta catch us first." Purpled spotted him and ran in his direction. Charlie let out a high pitched squeal as he ran to dodge the teen.

While they were both distracted I left the casino. I wanted to find another place to hide. The restaurant seemed like a good place. I could easily get into one of the cabinets.

The restaurant was locked which really wasn't a problem for me. It would just make it harder for them to find me.
I climbed into a cabinet and waited.


I don't know how long I was in there. I just spaced out. I snapped back into reality when I heard the doors unlock. A mixture of excitement and fear ran through me.

The person went straight to the cabinets. They took out what sounded like pots and pans. That's when they opened one of the cabinets and came face to face with me.

He screamed and fell backwards.
"WHAT THE FUCK!!" He pressed himself against the wall.

I climbed down from the cabinet and sat beside him. He only backed himself into a corner. "What- Ho- how? No -no. You're dead!!"

"Yeah, but I'm a ghost! Isn't it cool? I'm not too sure why it happened." I smiled. He appeared less tense.

"I'm sorry, I was just shocked to see you. I saw you die that day. I-" Tubbo choked on a sob. "Tommy didn't take it well neither did Ranboo..."

I was about to speak but was interrupted by two voices. I immediately recognised them as Quackity and Purpled.

"How the fuck did you manage to lose her!?" Quackity yelled while looking around.

"She's a ghost! She can fly through fucking walls!!"

Quackity leaned over the counter and gave Purpled an unimpressed look.

"She's right fucking here." He snapped.

Purpled also leaned over the counter to look. If looks could kill I would've been revived and brutally murdered.

"Okay well, how was I supposed to know she would be here?!"

"You said you looked everywhere!"

Tubbo and I just sat and watched the two argue occasionally glancing at each other. I decided it was time for me to take my leave and Tubbo followed.

"Where are you going?" Quackity called out.

"I'm going to Tommy and Ranboo." I said.

Quackity sighed before dismissing both of us. Tubbo led me behind the restaurant where there was a small wooden border. It was only waist-high. When we crossed it he brought me to a van. It reminded me of the drug can we had in L'manburg. He poked his head through the window.  "Hey sexy." Tubbo grinned. Ranboo's face flushed red and became flustered.

"Uh... How- uh how are..." He shied away with embarrassment. Tubbo burst out laughing at his reaction. "So what brings you here...?" Ranboo asked changing the subject. He still wouldn't make eye contact with Tubbo.

"Oh, yeah. I'm not sure how to say this but Y/n is back. She's a ghost."

Ranboo quickly opened the door and stepped out. He smiled but it quickly faded. He shot a worried glance in Tubbo's direction. He quickly caught into what Ranboo was trying to say.
"She doesn't seem to have any memory of it. Kinda like Ghostbur."

"What's kinda like Ghostbur." Someone asked from behind us. I turned and saw Wilbur. He blinked at me confused. He went to put a hand on my shoulder but just like every other time someone tried to touch me they went through me. Wilbur smirked. "Welcome back. Quite the stunt you pulled. Shame it ended with you dying." He walked straight through me with caught me off guard for a moment. "Oh, and Tommy's been grieving pretty hard, you should see him." And with that, he left.

Sorry for the short chapter. 5th year is pretty tough and I've been focusing on school.

888 words

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