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'Until I met someone like you.' That stuck with me. A wave of guilt came over me. I promised to never leave but I know I will. Not just for my safety but his own, if he's seen with me they might think he helped. I don't want his life at risk again.

"It's getting late we should go inside." He followed me back inside. "You can take my bed tonight I'll sleep on the couch."

"I was taking the bed either way. I wasn't going to give you a choice." He laughed. Tommy grabbed a glass of water and headed to the bedroom. I grabbed pillows and a blanket but I didn't plan on sleeping.


I waited for an hour to make sure he was asleep. I hadn't heard anything so I assumed he was asleep. I made my way over to the prison.

I wasn't expecting Antfrost to be sat at the front desk, asleep. His ears twitched as he heard me come through the portal.
"Why are you here?" He complained.

"Sorry... I- uh. I left something here earlier, I came to get it"

"Whereabouts did you leave it?"

"Think it was the guard's area."

He sighed and opened the door. "You have your key card?"

"Yep." I waved the card as I walked away. Thank the gods I'm a good liar. I made my way towards the main cell.

When I got there, I could hear Dream talking. There was a second voice. I walked up the steps cautiously. The voice was clearer now, it was Technoblade. Why is he here?

I'd have to leave this for another day. I couldn't hear much, something about netherite blocks and Dream not being homeless. Neither of them seemed distressed so I left.

I made sure to lock everything behind me so it didn't look like I was there. I finally got back to the portal.

"Did ya get what you were looking for?" Ant asked before I left.

"Yeah, thanks for letting me in," I said as I walked away.


Tommy stood in the middle of the kitchen. "Where have you been?"

"I was needed in the prison for a while. Why are you up, everything okay?"

"Headache that's all."

"I have some medication in that cabinet if you want some."

Tommy opened the cabinet and took one of the pills. He was pretty tired so he went back to bed. I sat on the couch trying to come up with a plan. I wrote down a few ideas and a list of items I'd possibly need. I lay down trying to get some sleep.


The sunlight on my face woke me up. I looked at the clock on the wall. 2 hours of sleep, great :/

There was a loud crash of pots and pans from the kitchen. I leapt off the couch and ran into the kitchen. Tommy was sat in the middle of the floor with pots and pans everywhere.

"You're up early." I smiled.

"I didn't want to wake you up."

"That went well." I said sarcastically

Tommy groaned in response. I helped him pick up the pots and placed them in a cupboard.

"I was going to make pancakes." He mumbled placing a pan on the stove.

"Tommy you can't cook, you would have burned the house down."

"That's the fun part." He smiled.

"Hey, I'm the arsonist here and I wouldn't appreciate it if I woke up in a burning house."

"So I can't burn your house down?"

"No, you can't."

I helped Tommy cook the pancakes. Thankfully nothing caught on fire. He didn't speak a word as we ate. Must have been hungry.

"I'm going to Snowchester today if you wanna come."

I just blinked at him. "Oh...sorry I forgot..."

"It's okay, I'm going to be busy today anyway."

There was awkward silence for a few minutes. "Yesterday was really fun. We should do it more often."

"We'll see, as long as you don't throw eggs everywhere next time."

"That's a promise I can't keep and you know that." We both laughed.

Tommy's said goodbye and took his leave. I went to my office and took out the prison blueprints I got a long time ago. I'll have to find someone to help me I can't pull it off on my own. I think I know someone who would be willing to help. He admires Dream, a lot, it shouldn't take much to convince him.


755 words

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