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It reminded me of L'manburg. The van. I don't know what it is with Wilbur starting countries with caravans. Dream knocked on the door and took a step back waited patiently for Wilbur to answer. The door swung open and the man himself stood in the doorway with a cigarette in his mouth. 

"Dream! Great to see you man, come in." Wilbur exclaimed but he acted like I wasn't there... He didn't even glance in my direction. Dream accepted the invitation and stepped inside. "The kid gonna stay there or?" Will asked.

"She's an amnesiac, not like she'll remember anything we say." Dream said, laughing to himself. Wilbur gestured for me to come in and I did.  The inside of the van was pretty similar to the old L'manburg one. I guess Will hasn't changed too much. 

The two talked for a while, nothing they said piqued my interest until they started to talk about Las Nevadas. 

"Well, what's your reason for wanting it gone?" Dream asked.

"I don't necessarily want it gone. I'm just jealous. What's your reason?" 

"Seriously? I fucking hate Quackity after everything he's done."

Wilbur just nodded. A silence fell upon us. When I looked up I was met with Wilbur's stare. He was looking me up and down. He then turned his gaze back to Dream who nodded. What the fuck are they agreeing on? 

"Welp, we'll get going. See you tomorrow." Dream got up and I followed. 

Once Wilbur shut the door and we had gotten a fair distance away I turned to Dream.

"What was that about?" I asked.

"What was what about?" He didn't bother to look at me.

"Just before we left. Wilbur was staring at me then turned to you and you both seemed to agree on something. What was going on?"

Dream let out a sigh. "Are you sure Wilbur was looking at you? Even if he was I doubt it meant anything." 

His words made me question if I saw correctly. Maybe he was looking behind me or through me since I'm transparent. I brushed it off as me overthinking the whole situation. 

"I never got to see Tommy," I whined.

"Why would you want to see him?"

"He's my friend."

"Y/N... Tommy's not your friend. Don't you remember what he did to you?" Dream's tone was soft.  He sounded pissed off less than 2 minutes ago. Talk about mood swings. And what did he mean by 'what he did to you.' Tommy's never done anything to me.

"What do you mean?" I asked genuinely confused.

"Y/N, he lied to you since day one. He's been manipulating you," He pulled me into a hug. "I'm sorry darling, I thought you remembered. Losing your memory must be so difficult for you, you must be so confused. I'm sorry I got frustrated about it earlier."

Thankfully I still have my memory. I decided to go along with it to keep my cover and plan protected.

"What do you he lied? About what?" 

"Everything. He lied about me to you. He made you believe I was some sort of psycho. Tommy had turned you against me. But you know me Y/N, I'm your father, you can trust me. I'd never hurt you, you know that right?"

"Yeah, you'd never hurt me."

"Yeah. We should keep moving or we might get caught." He took my hand and led me away from Las Nevadas. Where we were going now was anyone's guess. 

We walked through a forest in pitch black. It had to be near 3 a.m. How is he not exhausted? If I could get him to rest I'd be able to get away for a while.

"It's late. Shouldn't we rest?" I asked.

Dream pulled a small pocket watch out of his pocket. It read 3.15 a.m. He looked over at me. "Are you tired?"

"Yes." I lied. Idiot, ghosts don't need sleep. 

He shrugged and sat down leaning against a tree. He looked like he was trying to get comfortable. I sat down on the grass across from him and did the same.

I heard a small click. I looked up and Dream had taken off his mask. It was the first time I'd seen his face apart from the picture. His eyes were like emeralds. He had fewer freckles and more scares. One ran across the bridge of his nose and another on his cheek narrowly missing his eye. His lip looked busted too. I had never noticed until now but he had multiple ear piercings. 

He gestured for me to come over. Reluctantly I did. He threw his arm around my shoulder and pulled me into a cuddle. If he wasn't so toxic and manipulative this would've been a sweet father-daughter moment. 

"Listen, kid, I know I'm not the best dad you could've asked for but I'm trying. I love you kiddo..."

I couldn't help but feel like it was all lies and empty promises. As much as I wanted to believe it, believe him, I can't. He may not have hurt me physically but everything he has done to the people I care about hurt me just as much. But there is a part of me that believes he's trying to be good.

I look up at him to see him drifting to sleep. I sat still as to not disturb him. Where would I go? Would he look for me? Would he be mad? I mean there's not much he can do to me.

I checked again to find him out cold. Now I had to slip away without waking him.

I slid out of his grasp slowly and placed his arm down gently. I froze when he moved. Thankfully he wasn't awake.

I walked through the forest until a found a familiar oak path. Not wasting any time I picked up the pace. I was so happy to be back in a familiar environment. I walked along quietly until someone caught my attention.
1004 words

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