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Whatever is written in quotation marks and italics are the voices
"Like this..."

The sun was brightly beating down on me. It stung my eyes. I slowly sat up shielding my eyes. All my senses were messed up. I was so disoriented.

"What did we do now?"

I looked up at a massive sign.
'Las Nevadas'
I looked around more...
I'm in the exact spot I died...

I tried to stand but pain suddenly surged through my entire body. I fell to my knees and clutched my stomach. It felt as if there was a burning sword was stabbed through me.

I lifted my shirt and saw a red, angry scar. It was hot to touch. It stung like a motherfucker.

I finally stood up. I should get back to Tommy he's probably worried...

"Oh boohoo. He'll be fine."

As I was about to leave I heard someone shout my name.

"Y/n from L'manburg!?"

I turned to see Charlie running towards me. His yelling managed to draw some unwanted attention.

Sam and Quackity both exited the casino. Neither looked happy. Sam wore his usual netherite armour, Quackity wore his shirt, dress pants and suspenders.

"Just what we needed."

"Fight them. Quackity's short we can take him."

Sam unsheathed his sword and started making his way towards me. I took it as a sign to get the fuck out of there and quickly.

I was still in pain so running wasn't easy. He'd catch up soon, he was always faster than me anyway. I don't know why I ran.

I made it into the woods before collapsing behind a tree. He'd find me soon but I needed a moment to try and collect myself.

I looked down at my hands and noticed that they weren't transparent anymore.

Holy shit...

I'm alive...

"Keep moving or you won't be for long."

The sound of a twig snapping brought me out of my trance. Shit, I need to leave.

I stayed quiet in hopes Sam would pass by. I then heard a second pair of footsteps running towards me. I was about to run but they stopped.

"Where is she?!" Quackity asked raging.

"Calm down we'll find her," Sam spoke calmly. "Are you sure she's alive?"

"Yes, I'm sure!! She wasn't transparent like usual." He retorted.

"Well I doubt she went far she looked injured."

The two then spread out.

"They've split up. You could take them."

"The knife strapped to your leg... Use it."

I shook my head and stood up. I didn't hear anyone and decided to start walking. That was my first mistake.

As I came out from behind the tree Quackity was less than 15 meters away. He immediately spotted me and charged. I let out a yelp, not expecting him to run at me so quickly.

As I ran I recognised the area. What the fuck did he call it? Paradise?

I hoped I remember which way it is. I must have managed to do a loop when I was running because I ran the opposite way.

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