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I sat around the prison for a few hours waiting for Tommy. As I was getting up to leave someone had walked through the portal. My face lit up as I spun around.

"Tom-" It wasn't Tommy. Sam stood a few feet infront of me. The smile faded from my face. He's not getting out, is he?

"Sorry y/n, I still haven't found the security issue yet. He'll have to stay until I figure it out."

"Sam! Are you kidding right now? You said a week. The paper said a WEEK! You can't keep Tommy in there it HIM."

He simply shook his head. "There is nothing I can do until the problem is resolved."

"Can you atleast move him to another cell?" Ranboo spoke from behind me. When did he get here?

"It's too risky, if something malfunctions  Dream could escape."

Sam had a point. It was really risky. There wasn't much point in fighting him, he wasn't going to let up. I turned to Ranboo he gestured for me to follow him.

He led you to Snowchester. "Tubbo wanted me to ask you if you wanted to stay here. You seem pretty lonely." That was sweet of him to ask. "I don't know-"

"No, seriously Tubbo insisted." Just as he said that Tubbo opened the door.
"Y/N!! C'mon, we have a spare room you can stay in." Damn. Now I really can't say no. He lead me to a spare room beside his. (Yes I know its not accurate but just pretend 😩)

Michael opened his bedroom door.
"Y/N!" he ran towards me throwing his arms around me. He was just the sweetest little kid ever. He led me to his room and showed me his tower of blocks. It was surprisingly tall. It was almost taller than me. Impressive for such a small child.

I sat on the floor with Tubbo as Michael told my about some other toys in his room. Ranboo let to do "work". He's a minor and where would he even get a job?


Michael had said goodnight to me before Tubbo had put him to bed. I waited downstairs. Ranboo came through the front door. He greeting me with a warm smile before walking to Michael's room.

The pair arrived in the living room a few moments later. They sat down and we spoke for a while. We had our laughs and went to bed an hour or so later.


I woke to someone gently shaking my arm. I opened my eyes and flicked on the bed side lamp. Michael stood infront of me with his small yellow blanket and bee plushie.

"Daddy is sleep walking again. Can I stay in your bed tonight?" He didn't look scared just tired. I agreed, picking him up and placing him beside me on the bed.

He cuddled into me and fell asleep almost immediately. Cute. I didn't fall asleep for a while. Someone paced around outside the room. I could only assume it was Tubbo or Ranboo sleepwalking like Michael said. The footsteps faded downstairs after a while.

I turned off the lamp and fell asleep while holding Michael.


"Leave him be Dream." I said annoyed. He scoffed and continued annoying Tommy. Fuck sake.

"Y/n, shut him up, for the love of God." He looked to me with pleading eyes. There's nothing I could do. I wasn't  about to beat up Dream just cause he was annoying. We just had to deal with it.

Then Tommy started. Walking around mimicking Dream in a high pitch voice. They were arguing like children. Being stuck in here with these idiots was the worst.

"FOR CHRIST SAKE SHUT THE FUCK UP BOTH OF YOU!" They both stared at me, startled my my sudden reaction. They had both stopped and sat in opposite corners. I rested my head in my hands.

"Don't you think we should be friends, it would this more bearable." Dream spoke after a few minutes of silence.

"Fuck. You." Tommy spat. Dream just shook his head.

I sighed standing up. "I have to go soon." Tommy didn't respond but Dream stood up and brought me into a hug which surprised me.

"Come back later, yeah?" He asked. Um Dream was asking me to come back why? You should. He lonely.

I simply shrugged my shoulders before saying goodbye to Tommy. He wouldn't even look me in the eye. Can't blame him though. This place is hell.


749 words

Stay safe, also hydrate ~ Devynheart

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