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Cw: Violence/abuse

*Week time skip*

I spent most my time building or exploring. Me and Ranboo found a woodland mansion, I've taken a liking to him recently. I found a totem of undying and he got a god apple.

His presence was comforting plus he gave off the best vibes. He was fun to be around. We spent most days hanging out.

We sat on the bench outside Tommy's abode listening to Cat. It was 6.24pm the sun was setting. The sky was painted a beautiful orange and pink. We sat in comfortable silence.

"So.. can I ask, what was your reationship with Dream?" I asked him purely out of curiosity. He threw me a side eye before continuing to stare off into the sunset. I took it as a sign not to push it.

"I've-...I've never officially met Dream?" He finally said but in a questioning tone. What does that mean?

"What do you mean..?"

He took a second to look around and see if anyone was nearby. "Look, if I tell you, you can't tell anyone. Tubbo doesn't know yet." I turned my body to face him and agreed to not utter a word to anyone.

"So I told you about my enderwalking last week, right?" He did, but he didn't go into much detail. I told him we could study it and figure out how it worked.

"I never told you about Dream.. I'm pretty sure he causes it, I don't know how and I sound crazy but Dream can manipulate me while I'm in that state.."

"Wait has he done it recently? He's in prison Ranboo."

"I can't remember and yes I know he's in prison but I'm not sure if its really him or my mind."

Normally I wouldn't have believed that but Ranboo had never lied and with Dream anything is possible. But it could've been Ranboos imagination, right?

"I think its more of a voice though." I put an arm around him reassuring him.

"I'll always be here for you. If you ever need help with your enderwalking or anything I'll be here." He gave a genuine smile then stood up.

"Thank you, Y/n. I should get going but I'll see you tomorrow." He left and I stayed for a bit staring at the stars. I wanted yo talk to Tommy again, it wouldn't be healthy for me to keep going back but I missed him too much.


I sat at the kitchen table, debating if I should go or not. But I gave in.

"Tommy?" I called out only to her my echo. I called out to Wilbur but I was met with the same response. I walked around for a bit hoping to find them.

Schlatt was sitting on a chair with his feet kicked up on the table. He flipped a coin in his right hand.

Not exactly the person I wanted to see but I'm here now. I walked over and sat on the edge of the table, he barely acknowledged my presence.

"What the fuck do you want!?" He spat. Not much has changed.. he glared at me while he downed a glass of whisky. Again, nothing new.

"I was just looking for Tommy and Wil. Do you know wher-"

"How the fuck should I know." He snapped. I stood up deciding that it would be best if I leave.

"Where are you going?"

"Away from you" I hissed, matching his energy. That was the first time I've stood up to him in a while. (I mean duh he's dead.)

"Someone's gotten brave, huh? Remember when you worked for me-"

"Shut. The fuck. Up." Before he could get another word in I left.

What a dickhead. I'm glad I don't have to see him everyday. Its horrible to say but I'm happy he's dead.


"Y/n, be a doll and get me and Quackity a drink, whisky preferably." Quackity spun in the office chair grinning up at Schlatt.

I looked to Tobbo, confused. Was he being serious, I'm his secretary not a maid.

"Well what are you waiting for?" Schlatt hissed at me.

"Schlatt, I'm a secretary, not your maid, get it yourself." I said the last part in a whisper. Not liking my tone he marched over to me. Schlatt glowered down at me.

"I'm your superior, you do as I say. Now get me a FUCKING DRINK." Not wanting to put up a fight I obliged.

I came back a few seconds later with the alcohol in had. Schlatts tone completely changed. As I walked in he was overly cheery.

I turned to Tubbo. "We should leave before they get drunk. You know what he's like..." he agreed and we left the room quietly.

I returned an hour later to make sure the bastard was still alive. I half hoped he was dead.

I stepped into his office and to no surprise the 2 were drunk, Schlatt more so. I walked over to his desk to collect paperwork. Schlatt stopped me. He could barely stand upright.

"You think you could speak to me like that earlier? Someone's gotta teach you to keep your mouth shut and listen to your superiors." He was slurring his words.

Before I could process what he said i was struck into the face. I fell to the ground clasping my jaw. He glared down at me, I was struct again and everything went dark.


So yeah, not the best relationship. I pray he'll never be revived, he won't ever change, if anything he's probably gotten worse. He's been there for how many years? All the built up anger... he'd take it out on the first person he'd lay eyes on.

It's best if I stop visiting. Its not good for me, yeah it's great to see Wilbur but I need to move on. Sometimes I wish someone could take this power from me...


987 words

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