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2 hours...

I sat eyeing the cameras, Sam was patrolling he would be leaving soon. I didn't sleep last night, my nerves were too high. I've drunk about 3 cans of monster today, it's the only thing giving me energy. I'll have adrenaline in a while so I should be okay.

Sam stood in the doorway. "You can go home early if you want."

"Oh...but I just got her a few hours ago... You've been working longer, you should go home, I can watch over this place." Anything to get him to leave. I can get Wilbur and Phil in here quickly.

"Are you sure?"

"Yep. I mean this place is inescapable, what are they going to do?" I joked. Sam nodded. "Okay, well I'll see you tomorrow." He waved goodbye and left the premises. I checked the cams to make sure he was completely gone. Okay...

I called Philza. "Sam left early, come through the portal, I'll open it."

"Okay, meet you soon..." He hung up and I saw them appear by the portal. I poked my head out of the door. They both saw me and made their way to me.

Will handed me an earpiece. "It's easier for communication." I nodded and put in the earpiece, we tested them to make sure we could hear each other.

"You got the ender chest?" Phil asked.

"Yeah, I've got Dreams armour and stuff. Techno's got his things in an ender chest."

"Alright let's go," Wilbur said cheerily.

I opened the guard's door for them and they walked in. I grabbed a spare key card from the desk. "Take this, in case anything goes wrong, I don't want you guys trapped." I gave the card to Phil, he thanked me and put it in his pocket.

I scanned my card and the floor started rising. "Christ, I fucking hate this armour!" Wilbur complained.

"It's for safety reasons, we'll move as quickly as we can." Must he complain this much?

We moved quickly through the prison. I picked up one of the legal forms. "Here you go, sign this." I threw the book at them. I kept a straight face. Will didn't give it a second look he just chucked it into the lava in front of him.

"Okay, rude..." I rolled my eyes and Phil laughed lightly. "We can walk through here." I unlocked a door beside the lava, the two men followed me.

Soon enough we stood outside the cell. "Ready to do this?" Phil asked happily. I smiled as I pulled the lever to lower the lever. "This is the slowest part," I explained.

Just hope Sam doesn't show up now. We're so close. The lava was low enough for Phil and Wilbur to peer over.

"PHILZA!" Techno screamed. "OH, I KNEW YOU'D COME!!!" He was giddy with excitement. He was bouncing like a little child on Christmas. Dream stood beside him not saying a word. His mask was badly cracked. He didn't look great.

I sent the bridge over and the two hopped on. As the bridge made it's way back I placed the ender chest. I took out Dreams armour and handed it to him when he came close enough. He quickly put it on and took his axe from my arms. He started down at me. I'd lying if I said I wasn't intimidated, the cracked mask looked so eerie.  

Suddenly he pulled me into a tight hug. I froze for a moment but melted into it. "Thank you." He whispered.

"C'mon let's get out quickly." I rushed the group through the prison. No other guards have shown up. This is easy. Too easy. There's no way we get off this easily right?

We got to the vault door. I hesitated.
"Y/n?" One of them called out from behind me. "There's no way we get out this easily..." I turned to the group, they all had weapons drawn. Phil placed a hand on my shoulder. "Whatever happens we'll face it together."

I swiped the card and the door opened. I was expecting to see Sam or someone on the other side, but there was nothing...

Phil ran ahead and swiped his card to open the next door. We all booked it and in no time we were at the main entrance. Holy shit...

My phone rang causing us all to jump. "It's Sam what do I do??" I panicked.

"Answer it!" Will yelled. And I did.


"I can't find my journal for the prison. I'm coming back to look. Open the doors I'll be there in 2 minutes okay?"

I immediately hung up. I felt the colour drain from my face. They seemed to notice. "What's going on?!" Phil asked clearly worried.

"S-Sam is coming, he's gonna be in any second, we need to get out. Now!" I mean through the portal and everyone followed. Within seconds we were outside.

A loud crash of armour was heard. Wilbur and taken it off and thrown it to the ground. "Will, what the fuck!" I yelled.

"Split up. They'll have a harder time finding us." Before anyone could object he took off. My phone rang again. Sam...
I declined it.

"Me and Techno will go together. Will you and Dream be ok?" We both nodded and the pair started to run in the other direction.

*Emergency announcement*
Possible Breach.

"Let's go befo-" Dream was cut off by a screeching siren. He grabbed my arm roughly and we started sprinting. He was a fast runner I was just slowing him down.

We ducked behind a large tree once we got a fair distance from the prison. "You go, you're faster than me. I'm slowing you down they'll catch up."

"And what? leave you the fight against god knows how many people, not happening."

The distant shouting grew closer. Dream grabbed my hand and we took off running again. I hope the others got away safely...

I sharp pain shot up my leg. I collapsed and hit the ground hard. Dream almost lost his balance trying to stop. I turned to see an arrow sticking out of my calf. Fuck...

I yanked it out roughly and stoop up. I can't continue like this. I group of people in full enchanted netherite armour stood behind us. I slowly felt the leg of my pants become soaked in blood.

There were too many people. We should've stayed as a group...
Sapnap and Punz both held loaded crossbows pointed at Dream. Sam, Quackity, Bad, Ant, Purpled and Puffy all held swords or axes.

I turned to Dream. Surely he had some sort of plan, he's good in these situations.

"Give up! NOW!" Sam roared. I took a step back. "WE WILL FIRE!!" We took another step back.

Sapnap and Punz both fired at us. My blood ran cold...


1144 words

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