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Cw: Panic attack!!

☆~ Tommy's P.O.V ~☆

Wilbur was driving me mad. 2 months of this shit. Sitting in a void. All he ever talked about was solitaire. He started to explain the rules again. I couldn't care less.

He had the cards layed out on the table. Wilbur wanted to play competitive solitaire but I wasn't having it. I threw my hand on the table scattering the cards. He just stared at me blankly.

"I literally spent 6 hours putting these cards out Tommy." He sounded calm but i knew he was pissed with me.
"Ha ha, Jesus you're lonely!" Wilbur rolled his eyes and let out a small sigh.

Wil started talking about Schlatt and Mexican Dream. Two fucking idiots if you ask me. He turned to get Mexican Dream. "No no no, its fine, leave him be." I really didn't want to deal with him, not today. The man always tries to sell me shit, saying its drugs.

Wilbur laughed as he turned to me. "I'm really happy your here, Tommy. I flet-" "Stop saying that, just shut up man." He kept talking. " you know why I'm glad? Tommy, me and you were no good for L'manburg or anyone."

He doesn't know what he's talking about. "I mean if you look at the history we cause the problems. The wars were started by us Tommy.." He had a point. Most problems were caused by me and Wil. Y/n too, she's a chaotic bitch when she wants.

"Can you just shut up. I hate when you talk like this.." he was right, well not really. He was close. "I think if me and you were still alive, everything would be in shambles... if I ever come back its just going to shit again, y'know."

"Yeah, i know..."

"See I know what I'm like thats the issue-"

"And I know what I'm like and I FUCKING HATE IT HERE!" Willbur gave out his loud high pitched laugh.

"Oh Tommyinnit, I love it here. Look I'll set up another game of competitive solitaire..." his voice faded out until there was silence. Shit, have i pissed him off?

"Please, keep talking about solitaire...

"Tommy?!" It wasn't Wilbur. I spun around and was met with a white mask with a smile drawn on. He roughly grabbed the collar of my shirt and dragged me towards him.

I opened my eyes, Dream was kneeling over me. "Tommy?" I'm alive? Wait it works?

I shot up from where I was lying and pushed Dream away. "You're back!" What the fuck just happened.. I walked around taking in my surroundings. I was back in the prison, was it real?

"You okay? How are you feeling. Do you remember anything" What was this an interrogation? I was still processing what happened when Dream placed a hand on my shoulder.

The memories of him killing me came back as if on que. I launched myself back against the wall away from him screaming. "GET AWAY FROM ME. DONT YOU FUCKING COME NEAR ME!! Y-YOU KILLED ME!"

I backed myself into a corner, shaking. I felt my throat was closing up. My heart was going to explode it was going so fast. I was struggling to breath and shaking intensely.

"Tommy, take a deep breath." Dream crouched down to get on my level but he kept his distance. My vision was going blurry and my rang loudly.

°~Y/n P.O.V ~•°

Its only been 2 days since Sam broke the news to me. I still can't believe he's gone. My phone buzzed on my night stand.

Tubster ☆

Hey come hang out
with me and Ranboo?
we're at the hotel.

Yeah I'll see you
two in 10 mins.

I debated going but decided it would be best to take my mind off things. Plus Tubbo and Ranboo were some good friends, they were fun to be around.


I was nearing the hotel when I saw Tubbo and Ranboo building. Tubbo noticed me and shouted excitedly as I approached. Tubbo climbed down from the roof of their small hotel.

"God, you look like shit" Tubbo laughed. Normally Tubbo would have been more concerned or considerate. He hasn't been him self since he was told about Tommy. I guess everyone grieves differently, Tubbo way was to ignore and laugh it off.

"Are you okay? Have you been sleeping?" Ranboo asked more concerned. "Still can't process it yet." He nodded understandingly. I helped the pair with building and for a while I felt normal, happy almost. 

"I think that's enough for today." Ranboo said putting away the last of the planks. "Oh, Michael was asking if you were gonna come over soon. You can come back with us, he'd be happy to see you."

As much as I wanted to see him I was exhausted and wanted some sleep.
"Oh.. sorry I kinda want to go home and get some sleep." They understood and headed home. I started my trek home.

Puffy was standing infront of a memorial for Tommy. Her eye were red and swollen from crying. I stood beside her and looked at the picture of him. He  was smiling in the photo. It was taken in L'manburg, he was in uniform. He looked so small it was taken 3 years ago.

Puffy threw her arm around my shoulder and pulled me into a side hug.
We stood in comfortable silence. I couldn't tell if she was upset because Tommy was dead or because her son murdered a teenager. She turned to face me.

"Stay safe, okay?" She pulled me into a tight hug which I didn't mind. When she released she began to head in the direction of her house. I was about to continue home when I saw George. (Damn we meeting everyone today. Main character vibes ✨)

He gave a smug devilish smile as he passed. Was he happy Dream had killed Tommy? Surely not. I mean I could understand why, Tommy did burn his house down but that happend ages ago.

"Colourblind bitch." I muttered, but I made sure it was loud enough for him to hear. He whipped around at the sudden remark. I turned to face him.

"What did you just call me?!" His accent was thick. I just smiled and rolled my eyes.

"What are you deaf, aswell?" He glared at me. Honestly it wasn't that threatening, he was slightly taller than me but he didn't have a thing to his name.

"I swear I'll-"

"You'll what? Get your boyfriend after me? Cry like a little bitch?? You haven't  a thing to your name George. You don't scare me, not like you'll do anything anyways." He scoffed before turning on his heels and storming off.

Finally I could return home and get some sleep. My phone rang. Ranboo.

"Hey where are you?"
"I'm almost home, why?"
"You wouldn't mind if I came to talk to you, I understand that you're tired-."
"Its fine, I'll meet you there."


1165 words
Oooo long chapter

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