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I woke up before everyone else. Michael was still asleep in my arms. I stayed still nit wanting to disturb him. It was pretty early in the morning about 6 am.

Footsteps passed by the room. After a few seconds Ranboo walked into the room in a panic, he relaxed when he saw Michael.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you. I wasn't sure where Michael was." He said in a whisper. Ranboo left the room and I fell asleep shortly after.


"WAKE UP!" I was being hit by a pillow repeatedly. Michael sat smiling at me. He climbed out of the bed and walked to his parents room.

I got out of bed. I missed the warmth of the sheets. Nevertheless I walked downstairs. The family of 3 were eating breakfast together.

I wish I knew my parents, Wilbur always did his best. He was great, it was sad to see him slowly descend into madness. I didn't help to stop it, I just followed.

"Y/n, are you okay?" Tubbo snapped me out of thought.
"Oh yeah. I'm just gonna head home."
"No, you should stay a while." Although I wanted to I didn't want to be in there way.

"No, I need to go, I have some business to attend to." I lied. They seemed to believe it.

I stepped outside, the freezing air hit my skin. The snow sprinkled on top of me. By the time I had left Snowchester snow coated my shoulders and head.

I went to visit L'manburg, well there was nothing left, it was just a crater. In a way it was good to see it go. So many bad things have happened here, yet so many good things too.

At the bottom of the pit was the flag. It was covered in the bloodvines. The obsidian grid was still intact. I had fought Philza up there, I had almost killed us both.


There was nothing left. We couldn't fight anymore, not like there was a point. I stood on top of the grid and looked down at the blazing fires below.

Phil walked up to me. He said nothing. He followed my gaze before looking back up and shaking his head.

"It had to be done.." he lacked any emotion.

"It didn't have to end like this. I get you were mad at us.. but this.. its too far. They're kids.." The tears filled my eyes, I lost everything. 

"Thats how war works. No mercy"

I was no longer filled with sadness, instead rage overtook me. Without thinking I swung my sword at him. He saw it coming and I hit his shield.

We fought back and forth until I was knocked off my feet. Phil was way better than me, he was well trained, i wasn't, but I put up a decent fight. My shield was kicked out of my hand.

The tip of the sword held my chin up forcing me to look at his. One wrong move and I was dead. He stared at me still void of emotion.

"You never learn."

Before anything else could happen I had kicked Phil causing him to fall back. He almost fell off the grid. I didn't waste any time, I got up and ran like my life depended on it because it really did.

I didn't hear footsteps behind me so I turned to look. Dream said something to Phil, I was too far to hear. Phil just nodded before looking at me and walking away.

Dream started coming in my direction. There was no way I could fight him. Before he got too close I turned and kept running.


I never spoke to Phil after that, I still want to know what Dream said to him. Phil 100% would have chased me but Dream said something to him.

Dream isn't the bad guy here.

I've learned to ignore the voices. They speak nonsense anyways.

But enough for today.
My phone buzzed

Sam: Y/n, I need you at the prison.
         Now!! Its urgent!!!

Seeing the message my heart sank. Shit. What the fuck happened now.

I quickly broke into a sprint. My mind was running as fast as my legs.

I made it to bridge at Skeppys House. Sam was standing outside. I jumped off the bridge, not like there was another way down. I winced at the pain when I landed. I didn't waste time, I ran up to Sam.

He had been crying.

"Sam! What's... whats going on..?" I asked completely out of breath.

"I couldn't get to him in time.." Ranboo and Tubbo ran up behind me.

"Sam what's happened, we got your message??" Ranboo asked clearly concerned.

Sam shook his head. "There was a fight... I couldn't get there in time.. Tommy didn't make it out.. I- I'm so sorry."

There was no way. Sam was just messing around. Ranboo placed a hand on my shoulder. "Y/n? I think you should sit down.."

My ears rang loudly and my legs went weak. I collapsed onto the ground. I never felt so much pain. My heart felt like it was being ripped apart.

Someone embraced me but I was in too much shock to notice.

That's when it went dark and the voices became loud.

You told him to visit Dream.
Its your fault.
He's dead and it your fault.
It's your fault.
It's your fault.
It's your fault.
It's your fault.
It's your fault.
It's your fault.
It's your fault.
It's your fault.
It's your fault.
It's your fault.
It's your fault.
It's your fault.
It's your fault.
It's your fault.
It's your fault.
It's your fault.

It's my fault.
It's all my fault.


955 words.


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