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Two thuds were heard...

I pulled my arms down from my face. Dream stood in front of me with a shield. He had blocked the flaming arrows. Shit, he moves fast...

We started backing up slowly. Why don't I have a shield?! How could I forget?!! I cursed myself in my head. Punz and Sap reloaded their crossbows quickly. Sam held his hand up signalling them to hold fire.

"Give up now and you will be unharmed." His voice was loud yet reassuring.

"Don't listen to them. You know they'll kill you the second you go near them." Dream whispered not taking his eyes off the group.

"This is your last chance to surrender peacefully." He gripped his sword tightly.

"There's a large tree behind us, run behind it and I'll follow. You don't have a shield so try to stay in the denser part of the forest." Dream looked at me briefly then took a small step back to show we weren't surrendering.

I pulled out a bow and arrow and aimed it towards Punz. If I could injure one of their archers we would have a better chance. Dream saw what I was trying to do and moved his shield just enough for me to get a view of Punz.

Before they could react, I shot. The arrow flew and hit Punz's thigh. He groaned in pain and dropped his bow. While they were briefly distracted we made a beeline for the forest.

We ran, careful not to trip on any roots. They were still close behind. We lost them in the forest, thankfully.

I sat down. "We need to keep moving." Dream crouched beside me. "I told you, go without me. I'm slowing you down."

"They will kill you. If they don't kill you they'll torture you."  He said quite firmly. He examined my wound. "It's not too bad, you'll live." He ripped some cloth off his sleeve and tightly wrapped my leg. "That should slow the bleeding."

He helped me to my feet. "We'll walk for a bit but they'll catch up. Can you run?"

"If I need to. I don't feel much pain there's too much adrenalin."


Barks echoed through the forest. They seriously brought dogs?

"Damn, these guys are serious..." Dream chuckled.

"Yeah, no shit."

We came to the treeline of the forest. We were in a desert? There were tall buildings and lights in the distance.

"Let's go there." Dream walked towards the city.

"Don't buildings and lights mean people? I thought we were trying to avoid them."

"Yes, but we might find a first aid kit and some food." A medkit would be useful, the pain kick in 45 minutes ago and I was limping pretty badly.

I was using Dream as support so I could walk better. As we got closer there was a big flashing sign. "Wait, this is Las Nevadas. Quackity owns it. This isn't a good idea."

"Do you have a better one?" He looked down at me. My silence gave him his answer.

By the time we made it to Las Nevada's, they were out of the woods. They haven't seen us yet but they will soon.
I sat on the fountain while Dream went to look for some stuff.

I saw a familiar red sleeved t-shirt. Why was Tommy here? He spotted me and ran over. "Y/N! YOU'RE OKAY?!" He hugged he tightly. Someone teach this kid to keep his voice down. He'll get us caught.

"They said Dream escaped and you were with him. He didn't hurt you did he? I'll kill that green bastard-" Was he this clueless?

"He didn't hurt me... I- you should leave. The guards will be here shortly, I don't want them thinking you helped us."


"Yes, us." Dream spoke from behind the young brit. The colour drained from his face. He spun around and was met with Dream glaring down at him. Tommy stepped back tripping over my foot.

"Y/n... You're not... Surely..." He stuttered wide-eyed.

Dream crouched down and started tending to my wound. He rapped bandages around it and stood up. Tommy also stood up but he pulled his sword out and pointed it at Dream.

"I'll fuckin kill you." He tried to sound intimating but his voice shook. Dream stepped closer to him and Tommy stepped back.

Suddenly, an arrow whizzed past narrowly missing my face. Fuck they caught up quick...

Without thinking I jumped up and ran Dream did the same and we got split up. I ran around one of the buildings. Strip club? "HEY!" A man yelled from behind me. Shit...

I ran the best I could. I made it near a tall white tower before a hand landed on my shoulder and spun me around. It was Punz. He was pissed I don't blame him. "I have her!" He called out. Dream was nowhere to be seen. A few people started making their way over. Punz's grip tightened on my arm. I was cornered...

I clenched my fist. They're getting closer... With every last bit of strength, I punched him in the face. He let go and stumbled back holding his nose which was now bleeding.

The only way out was up. "Get her!!"
I ran up the tower. What're the chances of me living if I jump off? I got to the top and there was nowhere to go. I looked from a body of water I could jump into. Nothing...

Puffy was the first person to reach the top. She put away her axe and approached me slowly. "Y/n... I know you're frightened but please just come with me. I'll do everything in my power to protect you." Her voice was calming. She held her hand out I almost grabbed it but the others started to appear.

I backed away. Puffy turned to them angrily. "Stay back! I'll deal with this." I clenched my sword tighter. Puffy approached me again. I was so much tenser now that there were 2 men and a demon standing behind her.

"Can you leave, I'll deal with this!" She turned back to the group. Punz shook his head. "Can't risk her escaping. If she doesn't surrender now, we'll take her by force." I frowned at the man. "Fuck. You." I spat. He went to approach me but Puffy put her arm out to stop him.

I backed up against the rail and looked over. Tommy, Ranboo, Tubbo and Karl stood at the bottom. I scanned the area. Still no sign of Dream. He must have gotten away. Punz and Puffy we're arguing.

"What the fuck are you guys doing?!" Sam asked, furiously. The fighting ceased. "Sam let me talk to her."
He glared over at me. I looked back at the ground below. "No." He said firmly. I hopped on top of the rail.

"Y/n! Please get down!" Puffy begged. A few shouts came from down below aswell. I pointed my sword at Sam. "I'll jump."

"No you won't, you're afraid of heights."

"I'd rather die than go back to that god forsaken place you call a prison."

"I can have that arranged. But I'll keep you alive, your our best bet for getting Dream back."

I cringed. He's gonna use me to get Dream back. No way. I looked down. Tommy... For the love God close your eyes kid...

I let my foot slip off...


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