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He's not dead. Dream always said he wouldn't kill Tommy, because 'He's too important.'

There's only one way I can prove to myself he's gone. I'd have to see him.

The tears began to flow as I lay down. I really hope I don't see him. I had to calm myself before I went to see.


"Ah you're here again." I didn't greet him I looked around for Tommy. I finally spotted a blonde boy sitting in a corner with his knees brought into his chest. He was sobbing quietly to himself.

He was actually here...

I sat down beside him. He didn't look up, his head was buried in his arms.

I brought him into a hug. "Tommy... I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have let you go.."
He cried into my shoulder.

There was nothing I could do, I can only comfort him. I was trying to hold myself together, but see him like this, so upset broke me.

I couldn't help but cry. "He.. killed me.." he said between sobs. "..h- he beat me to death. Why did you leave me there?.."

I just kept apologising. This was my fault. He was here because of me.

I looked over to Wilbur, he didn't seem to care, he was too busy playing solitaire. (I should be a poet 😏)

I knew he was cold but not like this, not towards Tommy. It's like all his best traits were gone. He is unsympathetic, angry and lacked any and all empathy.

I tired to talk with Tommy. He didn't want to talk about what happened, understandable. Wilbur didn't utter a word.

I had been sat with him for a while, he completely avoided anything about Dream or the prison. I have to leave I've been here for hours.

"Tommy. I need to leave now.." he sat up and looked me in the eye. "No please you can't- you can't leave me here with Wilbur.." he said the last part in a whisper, not wanting Wil to hear. He managed to hear him anyways.

"Tommy, let the poor girl go, she's exhausted." He knew i was going to leave. I couldn't stay here even if I wanted to.

He pulled me into a final hug. "I don't know how you got here, but I hope your safe. Please come back soon.." his voice started to break. He walked over and sat beside Wilbur.


I lay on my bed. I cried into the pillow, so he was dead, he's not coming back. My heart ached realising I'd never have him in my life again. Even if I visited him everyday it would never be the same.

The revive book.

Dream still had it. That was the only reason Tommy hadn't killed him in Dreams vault. I can talk to Sam about it. Maybe we could convince Dream to bring him back.

I jumped off my bed and grabbed what was necessary before heading out to the prison.

I had asked Sam to meet me outside.
By the time I got to the prison he was waiting for me.

"Sam, hey. Look I need to see Dream. It's-" he didn't let me finish.
"No one is going in or out."
"Sam I need the revive book or at least let me in to try convince him." He let out a sigh.
"Y/n you know its against proto-"
"I know but please, just once.." I let the crocodile tears fall. If I wanted in I'd have to go all out with the acting.

I begged for a few minutes while sobbing. It seemed to be working. Sam scanned the area and let out a sigh.

"No funny business. I mean it." He led me through the  portal. Once on the other side I hugged him. "This means alot to me. Thank you."

I wouldn't be let into the cell. I'd have to talk to him from the other side. Sam let me keep my armour but he took everything else.

We went through the prison. It was my first time inside.

Inescapable, yeah right.

Sam was opening the Vault door to the main cells. He was waiting to receive his key. "Would it be possible for me to be a gaurd here?"

He took out his key card. "It's possible, but you'll need training but I think you're too young to work in a prison."

"I'm 19, if you teach me how things work and I can train at PvP it could work right?" Sam locked the door behind us. "I guess so. I'm trying to hire some people. I can test you later, but we'll see."

This is great, I could work at the prison. At least I could distract myself with work. To be fair I was pretty good at PvP Techno trained me alot when I was in Pogtopia.

We made it to the main cell. "As I said I can't retract the lava or open the cell, its dangerous."

Yeah no shit it was dangerous, I don't think I could look at Dream after what he did. "I haven't spoken to him since.." he trailed off. I just nodded. I stood infront of the lava, Sam was leaning against the obsidian wall.

"Dream??" I called out, there was no answer. Sam shook his head " You'll be lucky if you get him to speak."

I called out to him again. Could he hear me through the lava?

"Y/n?" He finally responded, confused.
"The one and only..." I joked nervously.
"Look if you're here for Tommy he's dead.. Let me out, I'll revive him."

The audacity of this man. "Dream we both know you're not getting out."


"Guess he's staying dead then.." I let out a sigh. "Dream please.. he's my best friend, I need him.. " but there was no reasoning with him. I turned to Sam. "Can I go?" Sam nodded.

"WAIT. Y/N." I turned back. "What?!"
"Don't leave me alone. Please. "
I wanted to feel sorry for him but he's done so much damage. I followed Sam back through the prison.

We made it to the front desk, he gave me back my belongings. "Meet me outside the prison tomorrow at 2pm."

I was confused. "For what..?" He looked up from some paper work he was working on. "For training? Unless you don't want to, its fine."

Of course, dumbass. How did I already forget. "Yeah 2pm us good."

"OK I'll see you then." With that I left through the portal. Visiting Dream was a waste of time. I shouldn't have gone. Not like he'd listen to me anyway.


1104 words

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