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Tommy's hotel was finished, it looked great. He was so excited about it. It was the happiest you've seen him in a while. This place was finally starting to become peaceful, only problem was the egg. Everyone seemed to move on with there life, Tommy had his Hotel, Tubbo had Snowchester and Michael. With Dream gone everyone was happy. You were happy, but you couldn't help but worry that Dream's imprisonment wouldn't last forever. 

You were snapped out of thought by your dog barking. She was looking out the window, you looked out to see what she was making a fuss about. Tommy was outside walking towards your house. 

You opened the door and  called out to him. Cooper ran towards Tommy greeting him as he walked into the house. "Hey! How did you find my house I never told you where it was?"

"I asked Sam where you were, he told me" He said sitting down at the table. "it's a nice house, why don't you want anyone to know about it?" 

"It's my safe place, the less people that know the better. You can't tell anyone, Okay? And don't even think about stealing." You both laughed. Tommy had a habit of taking things without asking. He was most likely here because he wanted to steal or he wants a favour. "So what are you doing here?" You crossed your arms while leaning against the kitchen counter. He looked nervous.

"I want closure.." he finally said.
What does he mean closure? "Tommy what do you?" He just looked down at the table. You sat beside him, he was clearly bothered. You both sat in silence for a minute.

"I want to be done with Dream. I also want to know why he did what he did, why he tormented us for so long. I want to tell him a few things and then be done with him forever."

Dream has done so much damage to everyone. Tommy especially, he tortured him everyday in exile. Dream manipulated everyone he ever came in contact with. He always targeted the minors, they are easy manipulate plus they're weaker which makes them easy targets.

"So when are you going?" You asked. Tommy thought for a second. "I'm not sure sometime next week." He fidgeted with the bracelet on his wrist. You were surprised he still had his. You made friendship bracelets with Tubbo back when L'manburg first started. When you gave him one he laughed and said he'd never wear it. He threw it in a chest somewhere. You thought he got rid of it.
"Am I doing the right thing y/n?" There was concern in his voice. "If I'm being honest I think this is the best thing you could do."

You guys joked around for a bit. It felt good to be able to act normal again. Tommy asked if you wanted to see the hotel, he was really proud of it. You agreed and followed him.


After the tour of the hotel you and Tommy continued to talk outside. You noticed Tubbo and Ranboo walking towards Snowchester. Tommy took notice too. "That fucking Ranboo guy" he muttered under his breath as he rolled his eyes. Jealous much. "Tubbo is still your friend, you too have just grown distant,  it happens. He still cares about you." Tommy just shook his head and walked into the hotel. You didn't follow, he might need his space.

Sam Nook approached you. "Tommy and Tubbo have grown distant since Tommy has gotten his disc's back." He explained. "He blames Ranboo. Tommy's given him a tough time recently."

"Yeah I've noticed, I'll try talking to him again." He nodded and walked into the hotel as well. You decided to walk home too as it was getting late and the sun was setting, you didn't want to be out after dark. You made your way back home saying goodnight to anyone you passed on the way. 


You finally climbed into bed, Cooper cuddled up beside you. You light the candle next to your bed, it gave off a soft glow. It wasn't long before you were in a deep sleep. You heard some shuffling and opened your eyes. You sighed realizing you were dreaming again. 

" Y/n are you okay?" Tubbo asked placing a hand on your shoulder. You nodded as you both walked up the stairs to the stage. Schlatt was standing on his podium. You stopped when you saw him, Tubbo reassured you that everything would be ok. You stood closest to Schlatt, Tubbo stood beside you. You glanced to the top of one of building, Tommy was on top. You looked down at the people below you, Tubbo was getting ready to give his speech. Schlatt stood behind you with his hand on your shoulder, you didn't dare turn to look at him, he was glaring at you, you could feel it. You were frozen.

Schlatt knew about the plan, he knew what you and Tubbo were doing. Eventually is speech came to an end, your heart sank as Schlatt approached him. Before you knew it Techno was on the stage in front of him. He had his weapon pointed at Tubbo, you went to lunge at him to knock the weapon out of his hand but Quackity quickly restrained you. You kicked you legs wildly trying to break free of his grip but to no avail. "TECHNO PLEASE DON'T!! STOP!!" You screamed, tears running down your face. He pulled the trigger. There was a bright flash of colours as you felt a burning sensation on your left arm.

You jolted up from your sleeping position in a cold sweat. You took a second to try calm yourself. Cooper climbed onto you licking the tear on your cheeks, you giggled as she did so. Your dreams were just replaying past memories, the memories you wanted to forget. You looked at your left arm, the scar from the fireworks was still there, faded but still noticeable. You kept it covered, looking at it only reminded you of  what they did. Tubbo had scars mostly on his right side though he was more proud of his.

You finally calmed down, you took a drink from the glass on your night stand before turning over and going back to sleep. Schlatt is gone, you don't have to worry about him. He's been dead months your safe, he's not coming back.


1069 words 

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