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By now everyone knew about the prison lockdown. Tubbo didn't really seem to mind he kept saying "Its Tommy we're talking about he's fine." And "Sam will keep him safe"

°~Your P.O.V ~°

I walked to the prison again today. Not like I would find anything, the guards have searched the area. Sam had told me, Tubbo and Ranboo about the explosions near the prison, but I already knew about it.

"How long will he be in there?"
"Y/n I told you a week max, there's a security issue, it needs to be fixed." He tried to sound calm but his patience was running thin, he was under a lot of stress too.

He'll be okay...


Finally home again, maybe I could get some rest. My body wanted sleep yet I wouldn't allow it. My mind wouldn't allow it.

I've been awake for well over 24 hours. I never slept when I worked for Schlatt.

I was about to drift off until I saw him, leaning in the door way with that stupid smug look on his face. Its not really him, right? I had a weird connection with him, like we could talk and see each other, but neither of us were actually there. I could be miles away and he would just appear out of thin air, but it wasn't real.

Maybe I'm just crazy..

He shook his head and sat beside me. "Guess that makes two of us, right?" Reading thoughts again? Nothing new. There was something so comforting yet intimidating about his presence. "Don't worry it runs in the family." And with that he was gone.

Family? Yeah, no. I am nothing like him.

Getting to sleep was a struggle. His words flew around my head. Family.

s if. He's doing this shit where he makes me question everything I know. I didn't know my parents. Wilbur took me in, he raised me in L'manburg.

If he was family someone else must know something. I never questioned who my biological parents were until now, my family was the people of L'manburg.


I had nothing to do. Tommy normally kept me company, he is my closest friend. It's so quiet.

I had to drag myself out of bed this morning. Tommy's getting out soon, and when he does I'll be waiting for him. That's all that managed to get me up. He's been in there for 5 days now, Sam would let him out by Sunday.

Sam would tell me if he was letting him out. He hasn't said anything recently, so I guess I have today to myself, again.
I haven't been to Pogtopia since Schlatts reign of terror.


Trying to find it again was a struggle. It was over grown by nature. This place held good and bad memories, like that time I fell off the edge of the revine and broke my wrist.

Walking down the stairs of Pogtopia I could hear someone. Their voices echoed throughout the place.

It was falling apart. Vines ran up and down the walls, there were no torches lit, it was damp and cold. A smile spread across my face as I remember the fun me, Tommy and Tubbo would have. We use to play pranks and mess with Techno. He didn't mind our pranks too much, we managed to get a smile out of him once.

But then there were the memories of the arguments, the fights, the tears and the pain. Thankfully not every memory was bad. The voices grew closer, they were familiar, I knew who they were. I left quickly, I wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone today. I'd stop by the prison before I go home.


As I expected no one was there. Going home and trying to sleep seemed like a good idea. So I started my journey home.


Maybe I should talk to Wil. He was always good company. I lay on my back and closed my eyes. Sure enough Wilbur was sitting at a small table playing solitaire.

He looked up and smiled acknowledging my presence. He tried to teach me to play but I never understood it. I sat down watching him finish his game.

"It's been a hot minute." He said not looking up from the cards.
"Yeah... I know, sorry."

He put the cards away and turned to face me. He still looked the same, his curly fringe almost covering his left eye and he the same tired look in his eyes.


I thought I should bring up that Tommy was in prison with Dream.
"So you know Dream is in prison right?"
"Yes, you've told me several times."
"Yeah...So Tommy went to visit him a few days ago.." I trailed off. Wil didn't seem to react.
"...there were like.. explosions and now Tommy's stuck there, in the cell with Dream." He just turned his attention to his guitar.

"Wil? Didn't you hear me?"
"Mhm" he started playing and unfamiliar tune, he was ignoring what you were saying, why?

"What?! It's not like I can do anything." He spat. I just nodded in response, by the way he looked at me I took it as a sign to leave.

I opened my eyes and was met with a dark room. I looked over to my desk. 4.00am Sunday, Feb 28th. I spent 2 days with Wilbur. Shit.

Its been a week, Tommy should be let out today. Might aswell start my day of early. I put on my armour and left to do some mining.


926 words

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