"Tak Kenal Maka Tak Cinta"

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This chapter title meaning :-
~You can't love what you don't know
~To know is to love
~To know somebody is to love somebody
~Not knowing is hence Not Loving

They met in passing thru music shows, variety shows, award events or thru events unrelated to the biz world. To say they know each other is far fetched. They do know of each other's name, groups and positions in group. But that seems to be all they know of one another. They bow and smile, act politely and acknowledge the other person's presence on occasions they do meet.

Well their fandoms won't let it be more than that. The boy group fans are known to be possessive (sorry EXO-Ls)*. Whilst the girl group fans are known to be more protective. No association means our girls won't be hurt.So they say.(tell me I am right Pandas)*  So what will happen if these two idols meet and get to know each other? Could it mean love that transcends all barriers or just heartbreaks for those involved. (Idols and fans co-exist, Idols hurting hurts us fans. And Idols try not to hurt us too 🥺)

Side note:
Really hope one day fans could accept Idols having love life ❤️ for those of you who are accepting of their idols having a love life, You have my respect and love 💕💕  Saw this on twitter and decide to share here. Pandas are different breed 😂😂

* to dear EXO-Ls, I am one too since like forever 🥺But we know they are some that need to nagajuseyo from the fandom

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* to dear EXO-Ls, I am one too since like forever 🥺
But we know they are some that need to nagajuseyo from the fandom. Cough *K-antis*
*to dear Pandas, support our girls 😘 we getting 10y anniversary song 💃🏻💃🏻

Wrote this fanfic long ago of my own and not copying any other persons work. Any similarities are coincidental. Only publishing it now since I am bored and missing EXO.

P/s: The title phrase came from Malay/ Bahasa Melayu. So like the title, hope you could love this ff as you get to know it.

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