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Yesterday LA was 4 o' clock
Now London is 3 o' clock
It's a Friday in the hotel
I'm about to go to Paris right now
Walking on the runway
I'll be standing on stage in the day
I think I'll go to the studio tomorrow
I'm going crazy, I need you right now

It's raining and snowing too
The day's summer and the day's winter
Everyday I feel like I'm up in the clouds
I'm barely hanging in there without you
Without you it's always winter

How's the weather in Seoul?
How's your day? I'll go back soon
I'll hug you tight
You can rest comfortably in my arms

After washing up, I lie down and it's 3 0′ clock
You probably know this feeling
While staring at your photos blankly
1 hour passed by again
If it was Seoul, I would be in a taxi
Speeding to your door front
I wait to go there, I really want to hug you, why does
10 minutes always pass so slowly in this neighborhood?

The next morning comes again
Even if we're apart, I'm always in this spot
Everyday I feel like I'm up in the clouds
I'm barely hanging in there without you
My heart is always beside you

How's the weather in Seoul?
How's your day? I'll go back soon
I'll hug you tight
You can rest comfortably it my arms

How's the weather in Seoul?
How's your day? I'll go back soon
I'll hug you tight
You can rest comfortably in my arms

~EXO-SC Fly Away - 1 billion views album

He didn't give up and kept sending her a text message a day. Telling her what he did, his worries, how much he misses her and anything he felt like sharing with her when he felt like he couldn't take it anymore and decided to call her.

He was nervous and worried when he heard the first ring, nervous about what he could possibly say to her after almost weeks of not talking and worried that she won't answer his call. He was about to give up when he heard her soft hello.

"Hey, how are you?"
"Good, you?"
They both went silent. Neither knowing what else to say. Sehun cleared his throat. Thinking what he should call her, so used to calling her baby or Youngie.

"Youngie, am I disturbing you?" he asked hesitantly

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"Youngie, am I disturbing you?" he asked hesitantly.

"No, I was just finished with some photo shoots"

"You got concerts coming right?"

"Yes, will be busy with practices"

He really wanted to ask her if she missed him, but he refrained.

"Friends?"He asked instead.
She was silent for a moment before she replied with a hesitant yes.

"Can I keep texting you?"

"Sure" she still sound hesitant and that make him feel so sad that they couldn't seem to get comfortable talking to one another. She only answered his questions and doesn't seem interested to insert anything into the conversation.

"Can I call you when I miss hearing your voice?"
Another pause in their conversation before he spoke again.
"Please, I know I hurt you. But I can't seem to let you go. I miss us. I'm sorry for being a jerk. I just need you in my life" his voice sound sorrowful.

"Honestly I don't know."

"Let's take it slow and see where it leads us. Please?"

"Hmm, okay. But no pressure and no strings
attached." He felt like jumping in the air, so happy that she have agreed to be friends at least.

"I promise I won't hurt you again" he said determined not to make the same mistake.

"Don't make promises. I got to go."

"Okay, take care Youngie-ah."
They said byes and end the call.

He sat thinking about her, at least he is on the right track of winning her back again. He need to learn to trust her and gained her trust in him back. He felt like he's courting her all over again. Fighting! He sent her a text message, part of the EXO Power lyric 😉

When tiring days come, remember the beautiful us. ~ Sehun

Oh Hayoung PoV

She was surprised when she saw his caller id, feeling tense she answered the call. She truly wanted to be curt and disinterested talking to him but it was hard for her when she heard his low voice. She missed him. In order for him not to notice her true feelings, she answered his questions as short as she could.

After saying goodbyes, she stare at her phone for a long minute. Did she truly said they can be friends with no pressure and no string attached? Are you crazy Oh Hayoung, she scolded herself. It's like an invitation for him to try and win you all over again.

"Be strong Hayoung-ah, treat him like your many other male friends and don't think of how much you loved and missed him. See it's in past tense, you're good Hayoung-ah."

This writer didn't think it's good for you to lie to yourself Hayoung-ah.

She bit her lower lip worriedly, and took calming breaths. Then she saw the text message and felt her heart thump fast and loud, her mind remembering their past good memories.

Writer's Note: Be strong dear EXO-Ls. I miss EXO so much too. Baekhyun news was expected but still makes me sad. I don't know what to feel when we send off babies Kai and Sehun next.
To Pandas, please be patient. We may not get comeback soon due to the issue with Rong mama. But please don't lose hope and give Park Chorong lots of love. Debut anniversary for both EXO and Apink is this month 😭😭 And Sehunnie birthday 🎉

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