"Happy, happier,happiest"

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She finished cleaning the kitchen and bedroom, feeling rather bored she check her cellphone and texted him.

I won't regret us. Miss you ~ Hayoung

He probably wouldn't reply until later. Sighing she went to her game room and play some online games. Feeling bored, she stop playing and shut down the computers. She sat staring at the blank computer screen her mind wandering about how her relationship changed with Sehun. How he made her heart flutters, his protectiveness, and sincerity. He could appear aloof and distant but deep down he is a sweet and caring man.

Hayoung snapped out of her reverie when she remembered the promise she made months ago to his hyungs. She have yet to bake them cake. Maybe I could bake one today and give it to them as New Year's present she mumbled to herself. She stood up and went to her kitchen checking necessary ingredients for baking, taking mental notes of items she needs to buy. Done with the inventory, she went back to her room and wrote down a list with the recipes she had in mind.

She was walking around the grocery store with her trolley filled with items for baking and some food items when she bumped into Kyuhyun of Super Junior. They said hellos and walk together, sharing stories while shopping .They met previously when Hayoung appeared on a show Kyuhyun emceed, and they hit it off becoming friends.

Almost finished with their shopping, they went nearer to the cashier counter when one of the televisions on display played scenes from Busted Season 2. A scene where Sehun was talking on the phone to Sejeong. They look cute and comfortable around each other. Hayoung couldn't help it but to feel jealous at the sight. Kyuhyun seeing the scenes too, leaned forward and whisper to Hayoung.

"They seem pretty close, wouldn't be surprised if they're dating. Heard few hushed rumours but can never be too sure about this stuff"
Hayoung only nodded and give Kyuhyun a faint smile. Hoping her face not showing the turmoil of emotions inside her.
"Really? Well hope all is well with them. You know how it is with idols dating news." Hayoung move her trolley leaving Kyuhyun behind and pay for her purchases.
Outside the grocery stores, Hayoung was about to dial for taxi when Kyuhyun called out her name. She glare at him and look around the area feeling glad no one was around.
"Sunbaenim, please be cautious. Next thing we know, we'll be on Despatch 2020 news of idols dating." He laugh hearing her words. She is so straightforward despite the playful appearance.
"Will it be bad?" He said teasing her still laughing.
She continued to glare at him and that is enough as an answer in her opinion.
"Okay, I'm sorry. And stop calling me Sunbaenim, just call me Oppa like Heechul Hyung. We're friends aren't we? Come I'll drop you off."
"It's fine, I can take a taxi. My place is quite near here."
"Aigoo this girl. Come Oppa send you home. If you're worried about gossips and rumours. Won't happen since I'm an older generation our fans don't really follow us around" he said with a chuckle. She couldn't help it but smile amiably.

They talked about games and their favourite soccer teams. Kyuhyun looked impressed at her knowledge on the topics and voiced it out.
"It's nothing Oppa. When I like something, I became invested." She said softly with a smile.
"Well you seems so unreal. A girl that play games, know soccer and pretty too. Wonder who will be lucky to have you"
Hayoung was glad they arrived, so she wouldn't have to respond to his compliments. Taking her groceries bags out of the car, she thanked him and said their goodbyes.

She walked into her apartment and took out her purchases. Putting and arranging everything before she start her cake making. She planned on doing a Cheese cake and apple pie.

So immersed on her tasks that she didn't bother to check her phone at all. Once she have the cake in the oven, she starts to prepare the ingredients for the apple pie. She was trying hard not to think about Sehun and Sejeong. It was work and they're friends of course they're comfortable around one another, but she couldn't help it. She is jealous of their interactions.

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