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SM entertainment

Oh Hayoung PoV

Apink's manager dropped Hayoung off in front of the building and reminded her to call him after she finishes with her dance practice with Joy and Yerin for KBS song festival performance.

Joy and Yerin was waiting for her at the lobby, before the trio went to one of the practice room in the building. They'll be performing SNSD(Girls' Generation) MR MR. Yerin always wanted to perform together with her besties, this is an amazing opportunity for the girls thus they gave their all into practicing the dancing and singing.

They were sitting down in circle and resting for a moment at the corner of the dance room after dancing for about 2 hours.

"So did you tell him about being here at SM building today?" Joy suddenly ask Hayoung.
"No. He's busy." The two girls just look at her. They understand how hard it must be for two idols to date. Both having their own busy schedules add on having to hide your relationship. They can't just meet simply like other normal couples, every meeting has to be planned beforehand to avoid getting caught.
Yerin smile and hold Hayoung's hand, hoping she get strength from it.
"It's okay babe. At least you have a man that love you, texting and calling you even if you rarely spend time together."
"I want a boyfriend too." Joy said pouting her pretty lips.
"How about Sungjae Oppa?" Hayoung smile teasingly. (I miss bbyu couple)
Joy glare at Hayoung not answering the question. Yerin just smile looking at her friends antics. The trio stop talking and stood up when the dance trainer call them to continue perfecting their dance moves.

Oh Sehun PoV

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Oh Sehun PoV

He enjoyed spending his day off just at home relaxing after the busy comeback schedules plus EXO's concert tours which will recommence in few more days. He watch his beloved pet Vivi a Bichon Frise he raised since a pup walk towards him and lay down next to him. He pet Vivi and laugh happily, he had been very busy that he left Vivi with his parents.

He was giving Vivi his lunch when his phone rings. He look at the caller id, it's Suho. He wonder why he's calling.
"Hello hyung"
"Sehun-ah, I'm at the company now. Guess who's here."
"Not interested"
"Are you sure? It's someone who share your surname"
"What?? Aah hyung, don't joke with me."
"I'm not kidding you. Hayoungie is here. She have dance practice with Sooyoung and Yerin of Gfriend."
"Hyung hang up and find out until what time she'll be there. Please."
Sehun heard Suho laughing loudly before hanging up.

She told him to rest and that they couldn't meet since she have a schedule today. She didn't tell him about it being in SM ent. He doesn't know how to feel. The last time he saw her was before Obsession album promotion. He wanted to meet her so bad this past couple of weeks, but she insisted that he have to be with his members and work hard for the comeback promotions. She asked him to rest whenever possible and not to worry about her. Saying they can spend time together when their schedules aren't so tight.

They'll finish around 2 p.m ~Suho

Sehun read the message from Suho and glance at the time. If he hurry, he can meet her at the company before she leaves. Without thinking, he gets his car keys, jacket and Vivi's leash. Locking the door he carries Vivi and drove to SM ent.

He arrived at 1.45 p.m in front of SM building. He have called Suho while he was on the way telling Suho to come down to the parking lot and take care of Vivi while he go upstairs and meet Hayoung.

Suho was just walking out from the elevator when he spotted Sehun. He got inside Sehun's car and said he'll take care of Vivi there and told Sehun at which floor Hayoung is practicing.

Sehun is standing outside of the practice room, looking down at his phone. He was about to text her when the practice room's door opened and few girls he recognised as backup dancers walking out. They bowed at him as soon they saw him standing there. He acknowledged them by nodding his head a bit, that's when he heard her giggling voice. She didn't see him as she was looking at Yerin, so immersed in the conversations.

Yerin and Joy both stop on their tracks noticing him standing there. She jumped a bit when he cleared his throat to announce his presence to her. She turned and he can see her surprised face.
Yerin and Joy both bowed to him and speak at the same.
"Hello Sunbae-nim."
"Hello. May I borrow Hayoung for few minutes?"
He asked looking at Sooyoung since he knew her.
Sooyoung turned to look at Yerin before they both move their eyes to Hayoung's back. Hayoung was standing still like a mannequin looking at him wide eyes. Before any of them could say anything more they all heard a shout from the end of the hallway.

"Ohphrodite?!" Kim Heechul a member of Super Junior walk towards the group.
"It is you. I heard you came for practice. Sehunnie, you're here too."
Sehun and the trio bowed to Heechul showing respect.

"Heechul Oppa, how are you?" Hayoung asked.
"I'm fine. You never called me. You promise to buy me lunch the other day." Heechul exclaimed loudly.
"Next time when Oppa not so busy." Hayoung said with a big smile.
"I'm not busy. You're the busy person. Or are you scared of a scandal with me?" Heechul asked playfully looking at the group. He noticed the way Sehun have his poker face on. Understanding dawned on him.

"Scandal with you? No thank you Oppa" she said laughing. Sooyoung and Yerin were sporting a big smile.
"Ah Sehunnie, you have same last name as Hayoungie. You wouldn't have to change your last name if you married him Hayoung-ah." Sooyoung and Yerin look down to cover their smile hearing Heechul's words.
"But what are you doing here Sehun-ah?"
"Nothing Hyung. I just have someone I need to meet." his face devoid of any emotion.
"Okay. I'll leave you all then. Sooyoung and Yerin fighting. Hayoung don't forget, a lunch date with Oppa." He said playfully.
Hayoung rolled her eyes.
"Sehun-ah, good luck and fighting" Heechul said before walking away.

"We'll go first Youngie. See you later." Yerin said pulling Sooyoung's hand.
"Call us" Sooyoung said to Hayoung before she and Yerin bow to Sehun and walk away.

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