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~My feelings for you are like an artist's pencil, it's full of black lead
You're like a shining star in a dark night, I just have to draw it
I can't take my eyes of you because you're so shiny,
I can't take my ears off because only pretty words came from your lips,
I don't want to take my lips off you all night long
Honestly tell you what I want.

Part of 'Closer to you' lyrics. It's so heart fluttering 🥰

Oh Hayoung PoV

I must be crazy for accepting his offer to drive me home. What if we were seen together? What if someone took our pictures? The tabloids will be having a field day. Our careers. But we are not together, he is just giving me a ride home. Calm down Oh Hayoung.

He went in pulled the seat belt and put it on before starting the car's engine. He turned to look at her and spoke.

"So, where should I send you to?"

She looked at him with saucer eyes. What did he ask me? Hayoung pull yourself together, you're acting like an idiot she scold herself.

Sehun chuckled and ask her again "your address?"
She gave him her dorm address and he typed it in his navigation system.
"Ok then, let's get you home safely." He said driving out of the parking space. Hayoung just nodded a bit as she doesn't really know any appropriate answer to his words. He is so handsome and smells nice Hayoung thought to herself. Hayoung decided to look out the window and enjoy the night scenery. Feeling bit drowsy, she let out a small yawn that she covered well.

"Never thought I would ever see a girl yawn in my presence before. Am I that boring?" Sehun teased her. Hayoung turned to look at him and see his smile.She didn't think he saw her yawning.

"It wasn't the company, it's just I am a bit tired. Mianhe Sehun-ssi"assured Hayoung. He stopped the car at the traffic lights and turned to look at her. She's pretty he think to himself. She took of the mask and cap showing her silky hair as soon she got in the car earlier. And Sehun can't stop thinking how gorgeous she is.

"Can we speak comfortably? Just call me Sehun"

"Oh sure, but you're older than me though. Kinda weird calling you by your name. Anyway just call me Hayoung"

"Which year you were born again? If you don't want to call me by my name, just call me Oppa then" he said in a teasing tone. (I melt writing this, imagining Sehun asking to call him Oppa)

"I am 96 liners" she answered hesitantly. Still shocked by Sehun's invitation to call him by his name or Oppa.

"We went to same high school right? SOPA." Sehun said confidently. His eyes noticing the light changing to green, turn his head and focuses on the road again.

"Yes, you were my senior. The cool Sunbae. But we never talk during high school." Or ever Hayoung added in lower voice. But Sehun heard her and let out a laugh.

"You're kind of cheeky Hayoung-ie do you know that?" Sehun said thinking this girl is quite different than what he imagine her personality to be. Probably because she is the maknae of the group and spoiled. Hence the cheekiness. A bit like himself. He didn't remember much of her in high school except for the news of the pretty girl who debuted as a maknae of Apink at 15 years old. Few seniors that were friends of his were hardcore admirers of her and they pointed her to him once. Despite the many admirers he never heard rumours of her going out with anybody during high school, unless she dated after he left.

She didn't think he would heard her. Damn embarrassing. Oh, he remembered her going to SOPA. She never thought he notices her. They were busy with practice, debuting and school. Pretty much all idol trainees that went to school in SOPA had no time to socialise, since their schedules are tight. She was glad that she made few friends that remain her friends till now.

"So why are you not driving? Isn't it better to drive rather than taking a taxi?" He ask cutting her train of thoughts.

"I don't have a driving license. Honestly I failed again at the driving test." She answered truthfully looking at the road in front with a smile. Sehun glanced at her and smile too.

"Usually Rong unnie or Bomi unnie drive me around. Or I take taxi like today. For schedules the managers will drive me. Do wish I could pass and get driving license someday." explains Hayoung with a wistful smile on her face.

Noticing the familiar small road leading to the dorms, Hayoung leaned to the front a bit and quickly ask Sehun to stop the car. Sehun look at the navigation system, pretty sure they haven't arrive. But he turn on the car signal, and park at a space on the side of the road. Puzzled he turned to look at her.

"My dorm is just one block away, I will just walk there. Thanks for the ride" she said, while putting on her cap and face mask. Sehun quickly turned off the car's engine and walk out. He opened the door on her side, and stood still. Hayoung came out of the car her eyes roaming and scanning the area. Nobody seems to be around.

Sehun look at her behaviour and think, well that's and idol for you. Always having to be alert of their surroundings. He notices how tall she is standing together on the pavement. He looked down, she is only wearing a flat sandals. He usually tower over girls the perks of being 6 feet tall, but not her. Their height difference felt just nice.

Thinking he was worried about her toes when he looked down, Hayoung quickly assured him that her toes are fine. Sehun just look at her and smile.

"I guess I see you when I see you then." Hayoung spoke after few moments of silence.

"Let me walk you to your dorms. It's late and it's dangerous for a girl to walk all alone" said Sehun.

"I don't think it's a good idea for you to send me until the front of the dorms Sehun-ssi" Hayoung said and bit her lips worriedly.

"Hey I thought we agreed to not be so formal. It's late and I will be worried"

She lifted her head and look at him straight in the eyes and spoke softly.
"It won't be good to be seen together this late at night. Let's just part way here. Thank you for giving me a ride. And you're forgiven" she said with a sweet smile. Sehun sigh hearing her answer, but he couldn't argue with her. She spoke the truth, if they were seen together rumours will spark and it won't be good for both their careers. She bowed and walk to her dorm directions. Sehun still standing beside his car contemplating his options.

Hayoung walk home slowly thinking about this weird encounter. Who knows the poker face Sehun could be so kind and sweet. She heard someone walking behind her, and she could guess who it was. He is a gentleman.

Sehun walk a safe distance behind her, he just want to make sure she arrives home safely. He didn't want anything on his conscience if anything were to happen. He stood at the pavement under a street light, hands in his pocket watching her climb up the steps to her dorms entrance. She turned and gave a small bow in his directions before quickly getting in.

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