"Missing you"

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"Tuai padi antara masak,
Esok jangan layu-layuan,
Intai kami antara nampak,
Esok jangan rindu-rinduan."

~excerpt from Gurindam Jiwa (sonnets of soul) A classic Malay movie released in 1965.
- sorry I can't translate it. Coz it's in a pantun format. The beauty would be lost. The gist of it is "peek at me between looking, thus tomorrow you won't be missing(me)."

Taking off her sandals, she look around the dorm's living room. It's dark, Chorong and Bomi are probably in their room. She walk to her room and and did her nightly routine before preparing her clothes for dance practice the next day. She was about to go to sleep, when she remembered something. Taking her phone that was charging on the table she texted Sehun.

I was with Sooyoung and Yerin today. Goodnight ❤️~ Hayoung

She sent the text and slept peacefully till morning.

Oh Sehun PoV

He arrived home, to be greeted by tipsy Chanyeol and Kai. Baekhyun and Suho nowhere in sight. He shake his head, looking at the soju bottles and beer cans on top of the dining table where his Hyungs are drinking.

He grab a glass and pulled a chair, joining his hyungs. Kai pour him a glass of soju while smiling.

"Why are you late?" Ask Chanyeol, all smiles. Sehun love his members drunk behaviour. They all become happy whenever they are drunk.
"Why? Are you jealous?" Kai said his words came out in slurs. He then laugh.
"I'm not. Just curious. Ahhhh must be nice to be in love."

Chanyeol poured more drinks into their empty glasses. They continued talking, joking around and laughing. The empty bottles and cans piling up. Kai already went to lie down on the living room sofa. Sehun got up and ask Chanyeol to wake up and sleep in the guest room. Chanyeol stand and walk unsteadily to the guest room. Sehun move towards Kai trying to wake him up and ask him to sleep in the room but Kai just slaps Sehun's hand away and continues sleeping. Leaving Kai there, Sehun went to his room.

He look at his phone and saw her text message. With a big smile he send her a reply and went to sleep.

The following day, Hayoung was busy with her practice and only managed to exchange few short text messages with Sehun. He told her about having only Busted Season 2 press conference on his official schedule for the upcoming week, but EXO will be busy with recordings, mv filming, preparations and practices for their upcoming full Album onwards.

After her performance at the Yonsei University Unicon, Apink will go on a trip together for the weekend. Nothing official on her schedules except for Apink Lazada 11.11 performance in Malaysia. She is basically free until mid December, where there will be awards event and year end shows she'll be attending with Apink.

They both couldn't meet up since whenever she is free, he had to work and vice versa. They communicate via texts, phone calls and video messages. It's frustrating.

Writer's Note: Congrats Apink on leaving an amazing impression on Malaysian even the non Kpopers. Dressing appropriately and toned down their dancing. Love you girls much from Malaysian Panda. ❤️❤️

P/s: The 11.11 Lazada event was shown on a national television and Malaysia are majority Muslims. EXO too during EXOPlanet. No shirt ripping 😆 I stan respectful People ☺️

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