"Missing You" part 2

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Hayoung received the keys to her new apartment last week  and had bought a a few essential furnitures for her apartment. Today Chorong and Bomi will be helping her move her stuff from the dorms to her new place. Seeing the boxes containing her personal belongings she felt bittersweet. She never lived alone before, she has always been with her Eonnies after Acube entertainment confirmed her debuting as part of Apink. Their company changed names from Acube to PlanA and now PlayM, but the Apinks are still the same. They may not live together as of now, but their sisterly love, affection and support will always be with her.

"Are these all?" Shout Bomi from her car. Her car is loaded with boxes and stuff. Hayoung ran toward Bomi and passed her apartment keys. Asking Bomi to drive first. Chorong and Hayoung will load the remaining boxes in Chorong's car and follow Bomi.

Hayoung and Chorong arrived at the front of Hayoung's apartment building and park at the parking area near the elevator next to where Bomi have parked her car. Bomi is unloading the boxes into a platform trolly. Chorong looked at Hayoung, they both never seen the trolly before.

"Yah, Bom-ah. Where you get that?" Chorong ask as she got near Bomi.
"I borrowed it from the apartment management." Bomi answered with her bright smile.
"Bomi Eonnie daebak. We wont have to struggle moving so many boxes this way." Said Hayoung giving Bomi a thumbs up.

They had to go back and forth a few times to get all the boxes from the car to the apartment. The trio sat on the sofa at Hayoung's apartment living room breathing heavily after they were done with the last box.
"Do you want us to help with the unpacking or do you want to do it yourself?" Chorong asked, her breathing now back to normal.
"It's okay Eonnie. I will do it myself. Oh, Eonnie there's still one big box inside my room. It contains stuffed toys I've collected over the years. I've chosen only a handful to bring with me. Its all washed and still in very good condition. Can you help me donate it somewhere." Hayoung said to Chorong. Chorong nodded as an affirmative.
"I'm hungry. Let's go out and eat." Bomi finally spoke while holding her belly. They all agreed to eat chicken feet at a nearby restaurant and call the other members to join them.

Apink members gather and enjoy their food and drinks. They talked about how they have grown together as a group, and how glad they are of each other's achievements. By the end of the night, they're all a bit tipsy since none of them are really good at handling alcohol. They said goodbyes and get on their own taxi, except for Bomi, Chorong and Eunji who is waiting for their designated driver since they drove their cars to the restaurant.

*Watch queens drinking and having fun. Still slaying with their visual and vocals. 💃🏻💃🏻

Hayoung arrived at her new apartment a little over 11 p.m. She went to her room and lay down. So glad she washed and put on the new bedding. The place is still messy with unopened boxes and only place that's clean is her room even though there's a few boxes scattered here and there. She stare at the ceiling her head empty when she heard her cellphone ringing. She answer the call in her husky voice.
"Youngie, where are you?"
Hearing Sehun's voice on the other line she smile brightly.
"Oppa, I'm at home. My home." She said giggling. She felt so happy and proud.
"I moved to my own place today. I didn't tell you right?" She added smiling drunkenly.
"Baby, are you drunk?"
"No. Well maybe a little" she said and goes into a giggling fit.
"Give me your address. I'm coming over."

Oh Sehun PoV

He stare at his phone after the call ended. She moved out of her dorms without telling him. He shake his head and grab his jacket and keys before heading out of his house. He drove to the address she given him.

He arrived and look around the apartment building area. It's in a good location with security. He felt better about her staying here. He came because he was worried about her being drunk and alone at a new place. He pressed on her apartment's doorbell, and waited for her to open the door. The sight of her opening the door made him so happy. He haven't seen her in a while and he missed her.

"Oppa, you're here. Welcome to my house." She said all smiles. He walks in and close the door behind him. She look so adorable with her face all flushed from the alcohol, he can't resist but to give her a huge hug and a peck on the cheek.
"I missed you" she said all smiles before turning and sat down on the sofa. He look around him and saw all the unpacked boxes. She put her head on his shoulder as soon as he took his seat next to her.
"My head feel dizzy." She said with creased brows, eyes closed.
"How much did you drink?" he asked her. She sat up straight and look at him with squinted eyes.
"Not much. We were celebrating me moving out and had spicy chicken feet. Are you angry?"
"No baby. I'm not angry. How's your head?"
"Still hurting." she ended her sentence with a cute pout.
"Why don't you go and have a shower. You'll feel better after."
"Should I?"
He nod and pull her to the door he assumed as her room. He opened the door and pushed her inside asking her to go and shower. He went to the kitchen, open the fridge and grab a bottle of water. She'll need that. He look around the small kitchen, it's perfect for her. He smile and went back to his seat in the living room putting the water bottle on the table in front of him.

He look at his wristwatch, it's been fifteen minutes and she still hasn't come out of her room. He stood up and knock on the door. No answer. He turned the door handle, and walk inside while calling out her name. There's a few boxes in the room too he noted.
He walk towards a door he assumed as the bathroom and knock.
"Baby, are you okay?" He can hear her moving around the bathroom. At least she's not passed out in there, he thought.
He move around the room while waiting, when a few moments later the bathroom door opened revealing her freshly scrub face, hair wet from the shower body wrapped in a white cotton towel. The skimpy towel only cover her from chest to mid thighs showing her long legs.

"Oppa why are you in my room?" She asked him, still standing in front of the bathroom door.
"I just want to make sure you're alright. I called out few times and you didn't answer. I thought you passed out in the bathroom." He paused looking at her face.
"How's your head?" He added.
"Better. Oppa could you go out so I can put on some clothes. Please?"

He smirked and thought payback time for not telling him about moving out. He walk slowly towards her, seeing her facial expression made him smile inwardly.

He is secretly enjoying this. He stop in front of her and brought his head down close to hers. She quickly turned her head and put her left hand on his chest to push him away. Being so close he can smell her sweet shampoo and soap mixed with a scent that is hers. He inhaled deeply before surprising her with a kiss on her shoulder.

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