"Fluttering" part two

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She is trying real hard to memorise the steps and move. She is sure she have gotten half of it. The dancers are all kind and supportive towards one another. She miss her Eonnies. Debuting as soloist mean she is doing everything herself. She is the main dancer, main vocalist and Centre. No matter how hard it goes, she will do her best. And make not only herself but also her eonnies proud. Suddenly the manager-nim came and spoke to the choreographer before walking out. The choreographer then clap his hands and announce they will take a 10 minutes break.

Breathing heavily, Hayoung went to the side and drink from her water bottle. She searched  her bag for her cellphone before slapping her forehead with her right palm. She forgotten about losing her cells.

Her manager-nim came back with coffees and cakes. Telling the choreographer, dance instructor and dancers to enjoy it. Before he walk towards Hayoung with Bubble tea and a white box.

"Here, someone asked me to pass you these. And the coffees and cakes for the teams too." Said manager oppa giving Hayoung the box and bubble tea. Hayoung blinked several times looking at the things on manager oppa hands and back to his face.

"Did one of the Eonnies do this?"  She demanded of the manager oppa.

"Open the box and you will know who the sender is." Manager oppa said giving her a wink. Hayoung chuckled, took the box and bubble tea from his hands.

"Hayoung-ah I trust you girls. I have been around you for years. But remember to take caution all the time"  manager oppa left Hayoung at the corner alone for privacy. His words puzzle her.

She sat down on the floor, and carefully open the box. Inside was her cellphone, a card and 6 colourful macaroons. Her mouth watering at the pretty sight.
She opened the card guessing the sender identity.
Not guessing per se, she is pretty confident she knew who sent her these. She read the words carefully.

The next time you need company for bubble tea excursions , feel free to text or call me ; )
01x- xxx xxxx
P/s: thanks for leaving your cell behind. I got a reason to send you this card with my number ^^

Hayoung smiled looking at the words. She felt her heart fluttering. She never get this kind of gift from a man. Looking at the dance team enjoying the coffees and cakes made her smile wider. He is so kind to buy them those. She took out her cell phone from the box and hesitates. Should she call him to convey her gratitude or should she just text him. Few seconds later she opted to text him.

Hi. It's Hayoung. Thank you for giving back my cell. And the coffees and cakes. You shouldn't have but I am grateful nonetheless. ~ Hayoung

Was it too formal? She thinks after clicking send. Slurping her bubble tea, she click her inbox. There's manager oppa text from this morning. She click in the call history, saw the missed calls. Her eyes widen when she saw incoming call from an unknown number. And it lasted for about 15 seconds. Did he answered the call. A message came in.

I shouldn't buy the coffees and cakes or I shouldn't return the phone? 🙈 ~ Sehun

Of course you should return the phone😒 thanks for buying me and the team some refreshments ☺️ ~ Hayoung

Fighting with your practice. Hope the bubble tea and sweets give you strength 😉 ~ Sehun

Should I ask him about the call? Hayoung contemplated for awhile, when the instructor clapped his hands and call everyone back to practice.

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