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"There is no greater glory than love, nor any great punishment than jealously"

~ Lope de Vega
(Spanish playwright and poet)

Oh Sehun PoV

Sehun look at her from the corner of his eyes. She is sulking. She haven't spoken a single word since getting inside the car. He stop at the traffic lights. He look at her. So she fell asleep.🥶

He wanted to apologise to her for yesterday. But when he heard her telling him that she went out with friends he felt hurt, he called her so many times and she didn't answer because she was having fun. It sound childish even to himself. Another reason he is brooding now is when he asked who she was with, she seems to be evading the question. Was she out with male friend?

Sehun continue driving when the light change colour. Destination, his apartment. He wants to talk to her. The only place he could think of for them to get some privacy is his place.

He parked his car and stare at the still sleeping Hayoung. Should he wake her up or just carry her inside. He sigh before tapping her on the shoulder while calling her name. She woke up and drowsily asked him if they arrived. He went out and open the door on her side. She blink a couple of times. He hold her arms urging her to come out from the car. Realising where they are, she grudgingly goes out. He lock the car and walk with her to the elevator.

As soon as they were inside his apartment, he pulled her into his embrace. She was stiff for a moment before softly circling her arms around his waist.
"I'm sorry about yesterday. I should've called you. Or at least texted you. He loosened his hold on her and look deeply into her eyes.
"I was an idiot. I'm sorry baby. After the meeting we went for dinner and few drinks after. Can you forgive me?" He said softly. She nodded and smile at him sweetly.
"You have nothing to apologise about." She said letting him go and went to sit at the living room sofa.

He follow and take a seat next to her. He took her hand in his. He love how their hand fit each other perfectly. He intertwined their hands and turn to look at her face.
"So who were you with today?" He asked brimming with curiosity.
"Friends. Wae?" She gave him a questioning look.
He lick his lips(Sehun and Hayoung both have this habit 😂) before he speaks.
"Male or female? You spent few hours with that friend. Must be pretty close"
Hayoung smile hearing the hint of jealousy in his voice. She touch her hair and bit her lower lip.
"Of course we're close. We have known each other since high school. They mean a lot to me." Explains Hayoung still not telling him her BFF's gender. Really Hayoung 😒 He sigh in frustration, before letting go of her hand and stood up to play some music from his phone connected to his Bluetooth speakers.

EXO's b side 24/7 from their album Don't Mess Up My Tempo played. He turned to her while leaning on the wall. His gaze focused on her face before speaking his mind.
"Do you really like me and want to be in a relationship with me? You can answer me honestly."
He doesn't care about pride now. He just want to know his place in her heart and life.
"I understand if you have no feelings for me. Or you only think about us as friends and you were pressured to say yes yesterday. Or maybe you have someone else in your heart?"he continued with candour.
He try to read what's inside her heart by the changes in her facial expressions. He saw shock and yearning there. But he don't want to assume, he need a clear answer.

Oh Hayoung PoV

She bit her lips. Her throat suddenly felt dry. She cleared it. She is thinking hard how to convey her feelings into words. She can see clearly in his face that he's upset and really wants an explanation.

She stood up and walk slowly towards him. He straightened up as she got nearer. She put her arms around his neck not breaking eye contact.

On cue the next song that's playing on the background is Girl's Day 'Look at Me'. (I insert this song coz I remembered watching a Seyoung Video with this song as bgm on YouTube years ago. And I found it again!!)

Hayoung sang the the first verse softly.*

"I fallen deeply into you,
I held my feelings in so much,
But why don't you know?
Because I'm young,
Are you pretending not to know?"

Hayoung pulled Sehun's face closer to her. She kiss him on the lips. Stunned Sehun didn't respond at first. She was about to let him go when his left hand move to her waist and pull her closer. His right hand on her face, he took over the kiss. He coaxed her lips to part. She gasped, and he deepened the kiss. His hard body against her soft curves making her feel bold. She kissed him back without reservations.

Writer's note: Should I write love making scenes? These two seems to be so hot for each other. 😂😂
Let's see as the story progresses. Honestly I made a few changes to the original one I wrote. Bear with me dear readers and please vote and comments.
A big thank you to those who voted❤️

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