"I like you"

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The next day

Hayoung woke up early and decided to make a simple dessert. She has been into baking these days. Checking the pantry and fridge she found necessary ingredients for baked cheese cake. She start to work on preparing the cake when Chorong walk into the kitchen.

"Youngie-ah. What you making?"Asked Chorong looking at Hayoung turning on the mixer and oven. With items for cake making set on the table.

"Oh Eonnie, I am making Cheese Cake. Sehun called and ask me out this afternoon. Will bring this for him" Hayoung answered truthfully. All the members knew of Hayoung and Sehun growing friendship. She told them about the chance meeting.Kim Namjoo even teased her that Sehun seems to forgot her as his friend. They didn't object to her being friendly with him, as long as they don't get caught by the media or the public. Apink members are happy as long their maknae is.

"Really, Eonnie will leave you to your baking then. I need to go to the company and meet our managers for our Lazada 11.11 in Malaysia schedules and meeting. See you later. And enjoy your date" Chorong winked at Hayoung, making her blush.

Outside, Chorong excitedly posted in Apink's group chat room about Hayoung's upcoming date. 😈

Hayoung was busy with her baking, and only checked her phone when she was done. When her eyes read the chats her Eonnies sent in the chat room, she blushed and smile.

Apink's Chatroom

Chorong- yah, uri maknae going on a date today. Fighting maknae-ah ❤️❤️

Bomi- Jinjja?? Daebak. Maknae all grown up now.

Eunji- who's the unlucky guy?

Namjoo- I can guess. Sehunnie???

Naeun- I knew this day will come. Fighting maknae-ah.

Bomi- don't do naughty stuff Youngie. ㅋㅋㅋ

They continue to tease her. And Chorong Eonnie even tell the members about her baking cake for Sehun. That traitor.

Hayoung- ahhh it's not a date. He just ask me out for a favour. Stop it y'all.

Eunji- yeah right. 😒

Namjoo- 🤣🤣🤣

Hayoung- whatever. I'm going to get ready. Talk later.

Bomi- tell us how the date goes.

Eunji- I want to date too🥺

Namjoo- me too

Hayoung put down her phone. And went to the shower. She wear the white crop top and blue jeans she prepared last night. She put on light make up and get her sling bag. Putting her wallet, wet tissue and lip gloss inside the bag. Set and ready. She look at the clock. 12.15 pm. She went out to the kitchen, pack the cake, two small plates and plastic forks.
*refer Video for Hayoung's outfit 😉

Her phone rang, looking at the caller id she answered with a smile.

"Hello Oppa. (Silence) okay I will go down now. (Silence) hmmm, see you then" she went out of the dorm and sees him waiting for her in his car. She walked slowly towards his car. Upon seeing her, he went out of his car and open the passenger seat door.

He look good in his white shirt and jeans. Wearing red cap. It's like they planned what to wear. She in her white crop top and jeans plus red heels. 🤭

Kind of short

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P/s: I made Hayoung still staying in the dorms with Chorong and Bomi for story sake. Don't get mad at me dear Pandas ❤️❤️

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