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Valentines Day is drawing near and Hayoung still treated him just like a friend. He start to feel frustrated to not have made any progress with her. She hardly replied to his text messages, when he called she would be busy with individual or group activities.

Shaking his head, he texted her again asking if she could spare him the 13th February. He wants to meet her that day saying there's someone he wanted to introduce to her. Her reply came late that night.

Sure, but who? ~ Hayoung

Just someone. I'll pick you up 6 p.m ~ Sehun

Send me the address, there's no need to pick me up ~ Hayoung

She is being stubborn and try to draw a line and he knew it. Not wanting to back down he send her another text totally ignoring her request.

Dress nicely, I'll call you when I arrive at your apartment ~ Sehun

She didn't reply which got to mean she agreed. Satisfied he call the person she wanted her to meet. Done with the arrangements he smile happily, hoping this could be a stepping stone for their relationship.

February 13

Sehun called Hayoung earlier, informing her that he is on his way to pick her up. She grudgingly said okay and ended the call.

Standing in front of her apartment building he took out his cellphone to call her again.

"I'm here, should I go up?"
"It's okay, I'll go down. Where are you?"
"Just in front. See you babe"
He ended the call and browse thru his social media while waiting for her. He replied the message sent by the person he wanted to introduce to Hayoung informing their impending arrival.

He heard her clearing her throat and looked up to see her standing in front of him. She look so beautiful, it have been well over a month since he last saw her in person. He moved forward without realising it and hug her tight. Realising that she didn't returned his hug he gradually let her go and smile sheepishly.

"You look good"
Red stained her cheeks hearing his compliment. Nodding she returned his compliment.
"You look good too"

There was an awkward silence between them when an elderly couple walked pass them and stopped. The older man commented softly.
"You both look good together."
Sehun and Hayoung both turn around to face the couple. It was the couple they met on the elevator last month. They both bowed politely.
"Guess they made up after the fight" the old lady spoke sweetly.
"Good for them, a fight between a couple will make their bond stronger and love deeper" the old man said holding his wife hand tighter and smile.
"Just like us" he added and chuckles when his wife glare at him.

Hayoung's eyes widen and smile underneath her face mask. She was about to respond when Sehun beat her to it.
"She have yet to forgive me. But I will try very hard to win her back" there's a hint of determination in his words that made Hayoung turned and stare at him.
"Hmm, I like your spirit young man. And you young lady are one lucky girl to have a man that love you so deeply that he didn't mind announcing he's in the wrong" the old man said wisely.
"Let's go honey, wouldn't want to keep them out here in the cold" the old lady nudged her husband and smile towards Sehun and Hayoung with affection.
"Every problem have a solution. Especially if both parties involved worked on it. Love need nurturing and understanding to last" she added before waving to Sehun and Hayoung pulling her husband along towards the building entrance.

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