"The storm"

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Kehadiran cinta mu
Menyinari hidupku
Kehangatan cintamu
Mengubati sepiku

Kelembutan hatimu
Mengubati lukaku
Kedamaian hatimu
Menyinari hidupku

Belaian manjamu
Penawar resahku
Keluhuran hatimu
Hanya kau kekasihku

Keagungan cintamu
Bersama impianku
Untuk hidup bersama
Sehingga ke akhirnya makin membara
Api cintaku
Kaulah yang satu
Kaulah cintaku

~ Cinta Abadi by Blackrose 1990
-this song basically talk about a lover's meaning to his life and dream of everlasting love. Word by word translation is available on google 😆 it was playing when I wrote this chapter so I shared it with y'all.

They finished eating and sat comfortably sipping on the wine and watching each other, smiling when he asked her if she want to dance. She laughed looking at his face as he got closer, his hand outstretched towards her. She smile listening to the song that happened to play on the background, perfect she thinks and stood up to go into his arms as they dance slowly.

*Song playing for this dance was Truly,Madly,Deeply by Savage Garden 1997

She laugh happily as he twirls her around, and back to his arms. They enjoyed the dance looking at each other faces feeling carefree, love shone on their eyes.
They were still moving in rhythm, in sync with each other long after the music stops before Sehun leaned down and kiss Hayoung on the lips soft and sure.

They parted after a long minute, both breathing heavily when Sehun's cellphone rang. He turned around to pick the phone from the table, Hayoung glanced at the caller id seeing Sejeong name there.

"Hello Sejeong-ah. -silence- Happy New Year." He laugh, Hayoung eyes squinted feeling jealousy rising.
"Oppa already had dinner with a friend, maybe next time?" Sehun oblivious to Hayoung's jealous face continued to chat with Sejeong before finally hanging up.

"Baby, what's with the face?" He asked when he finally turned and saw her.
"Nothing" she turned around when this time her phone rang. She answered the call with a big smile. It's Son Dongwoon from Highlight/Beast. Currently serving in the military, probably on a new year's holiday.

"Hello, Dongwoon Oppa."
"How are you Maknae? Oppa call just to say Happy New Year."
"Happy New Year Oppa. Are you on leave?"
"Yes, spending it with family. I'm calling all of you just to wish Happy New Year." She chuckles thinking how thoughtful Dongwoon is.
"Okay Oppa. I'll see you when you're out or should I come visit you someday?" She smile hearing him laugh.
"If you were my girlfriend maybe I'll let you come visit, but you're not." She couldn't help but laugh out loud. Son Dongwoon is like an older brother to her, often teasing and protective too.
"I'll hang up Oppa, I got another call coming." She said looking at her phone. Seeing Heechul SuJu there.
"Okay bye maknae." Son Dongwoon hanged up.

She pressed the green icon on her screen, and was about to put the phone on her ear again when Sehun pressed the loudspeaker button. She look at him puzzled, but letting it go and place the phone on the table.

"Hello Ophrodite, how are you?" Heechul cheerful voice can be heard in the silence of the living room.
"Hello Oppa, I'm good. How about you?"
"Oppa is good too. Happy New Year Youngie-ah"
"Oh, Happy New Year Oppa"
"Youngie, someone here wants to talk to you."
A few muttered voices was heard before Kyuhyun voice came on the line.
"Hello Hayoung-ah. This is Kyuhyun Oppa. Happy New year"
"Oh, Oppa Happy New Year." Hayoung said hesitantly, noting Sehun's darken face.
"I just want to say that and thanks for the company few days ago. I don't have your number so I couldn't text or call you."
She chuckles nervously.
"I should be the one to thank you for the ride home."
"Youngie-ah, don't mind this kiddo. Better hang up now." Heechul intercepted. Hayoung just laughed thinking how chaotic it must be on the other line.
"Hayoung-ah, do you mind if I ask for your number?" She hesitated before telling Kyuhyun to get it from Heechul. They hang up not long after.

She stare at Sehun's face, no emotions shown there. His eyes looking straight at her, not speaking a word.

Oh Sehun PoV

It seems so many male idols have her number and comfortable enough at calling her. Jealousy crept up an tugging at his heart when he heard her say Dongwoon OppaHe remembered watching a video of Son Dongwoon giving his jacket to Hayoung on an award show. He breathed deeply when he heard her say she have another call, he quickly pressed the loudspeakers on. Not caring how it looked to her. He heard Heechul's voice, then Kyuhyun. Really?? They met few days ago, and she didn't bother telling him anything.

He stare at her not saying anything, he is scared of what would come out of his mouth with his current emotions. She just look back at him, unbothered. He felt his temper rising, and couldn't hold back any longer.
"So many male idols seems so eager to call and wishing you a happy new year." he spoke in low and emotionless tone when deep down inside he is boiling with rage and jealousy.
"It's nice that some female idol called you too I guess."

Is she trying to turn the table on him now? He searched her face, her eyes avoiding his stare.
"So you met Kyuhyun Hyung recently and didn't tell me all about it?" He lean closer to her, his fingers playing with the charm on her wrist. His voice not revealing any emotions.
"It never occurred to me to report everything to you. Just like I didn't expect you to tell your friend 'Oppa had dinner with a friend'. You'd probably go and have dinner with her if I wasn't here" she snatched her hands away from his touch as she spoke the words.
"I couldn't possibly say I had dinner with my girlfriend who is so happy to hide our relationship because of our careers." His words dripping with sarcasm. Her eyes widen in disbelief.
"Did you just insinuate me of having ulterior motives in hiding our relationship?! You know what? I'm out of here." She took a step to get her jacket, he hold her arms stopping her from taking another step.
"When did you meet Kyuhyun Hyung?" he asked again.
"The day I went to send the cake to your practice. Happy?" She pulled back her arms and grab her jacket. Not wanting to stay another minute with him.

Terlajak perahu boleh diundur,
Terlajak kata, badan binasa
~ Malay proverb
= boats can be reversed but not words. Consequences from words spoken carelessly

Writer's Note: I'm sorry, I ruined a romantic moment because I was so sad these few days. Baekhyun ig live announcing his enlistment made me cry. Chanyeol enlistment 😭 Lay and the cotton issue in China. No updates from Jongdae. Apink anniversary is so near and PlayM is still playing dumb.

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