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The wine starts to get in her head and he could tell. She is the type that is happy when she is tipsy and seeing the bright smile directed at him made him smile too. He drove the car slowly heading towards his apartment.

She squinted her eyes when she realises where the road is leading to. She stare at him and asked the obvious question.

"This is not the road to my apartment. Are we going to your place?"

"Yes baby, I'll send you home later. There's something I need to pick up and give to you first."

She nodded her head even though she didn't understand what he meant. Leaning back comfortably into the car seat, she close her eyes.

Parking his car meticulously he glanced at her. She's sitting up straight, rubbing her eyes and turned to stare at him. Her face slightly pink from the alcohol effects. He smile and turn the ignition off.

She walk out of his car, and stumble a bit. He hurriedly went to stand next to her and shake his head. Holding her on the waist he lead her to his apartment.

Once inside, he asks her to sit at the sofa as he went to the kitchen to get her some water and coffee. Back with both, he asked her to drink some. He watch her drink the water and took the bottle from her as he passed her the warm coffee. She pouted cutely and shake her head as a sign of refusal.

"You need the coffee to sober up. Unless you want to spend the night here instead." He threatened her.
She took the mug from him and sip the bitter coffee carefully. She drank half of the coffee and place the mug on the table.

Smiling, he ruffles her hair and touch her face briefly before letting his hand drop.

"The last time I was here we fought, and you were mean" she said suddenly, her lips pouted again.

"I'm sorry I was mean. Should I sell this apartment? So you don't have to be reminded of it again."

She rolled her eyes, the coffee sobered her up slightly. Picking up the mug, she finished the remaining coffee. She leans forward her right elbow on her thigh as she hold her head and look at him cutely with a little smile curved on her lips.

"Would you do that for me?"
"I would do anything for you baby. If that's what you want I would" he said with a serious face.
"But I like this apartment. You confessed your feelings in that kitchen" her left index finger pointing to his kitchen while smiling before she continues,
"And we had a wonderful moments before our fight. I still keep the bracelet. It's somewhere inside my bag I think." She chuckles sweetly.

He stare at her face and lift his hand to touch her smiling lips.
"What do I do so you'll take me back?" He asked sincerely.
"Well you could start by signing this apartment to me, then buy me everything I want. What else?" She stopped smiling and appeared to be in deep thoughts.

"We can go and ask the lawyers to draw up the papers tomorrow. And I'll get you a credit card for you to use and buy whatever you want." He replied in serious tone seeing she have no thoughts of continuing her sentence.

Her eyes widened as she stare at him before laughing loudly. When she spoke again it was in a firm serious voice.
"There's no need to flex your wealth to me Mr Oh. I don't need all that. I just want a man that would only look at me and love me. A man that I can trust with all of me and trust me in return . Do you think you could do that?"

"I have never been more serious in loving a woman my whole life until you. I love you so much that it hurts. When you asked for us to break up, I felt like my heart was ripped off my chest. Knowing it was my stupidity and jealousy that caused it all made it worst. I want to learn from my mistake and show you a different me. I can't promise you I won't be jealous again, but I promise that I'll trust you"
He moved forward to hold her face with both his hands, his eyes imploring her to see the sincerity in his eyes.

"Can I trust you?" She asked softly.

"Never trust a man that says 'trust me'." He chuckles and continue speaking in a serious tone.
"I'll show you with actions instead of words if you give me another chance"

She searched his eyes before whispering softly in trembling voice, "kiss me".

His thumb caressed her cheek as his eyes move to stare at her lips. Moving his head closer, he touched his lips to hers. He kiss her tenderly, memorising the the texture and shape of her lips with his lips and tongue. Closing her eyes, her hands move up to rest on his shoulders.

He bit her lower lip softly, earning him a gasp from her. He took the opportunity to deepened the kiss and entered his tongue into her mouth. They kissed like that for a long minute before he pulled back and look at her in the eyes. Both breathing hard, he smile lovingly at her.

"I missed kissing you, holding you in my arms. I missed hearing your soft sighs and hugging me close to you until I could feel your heartbeat. But most importantly I missed just being yours. I love you baby."

She felt her eyes get teary hearing his words, moving her hands upwards she caressed his face with care before speaking softly.

"I don't think I ever stopped loving you"

He revered in her confession and promised himself not to ever hurt her the way he did before. They spent the night having long talks about their hopes and fears, conveying their inner thoughts and emotions.

She fell asleep on his shoulder, he stare at her pretty face and think how lucky he is that she is giving him another chance. Smiling happily he lifted her and carries her to the bedroom.

It still feels like our first night together
Feels like the first kiss
It's getting better baby
No one can better this
Still holding on
You're still the one
First time our eyes met
Same feeling I get
Only feels much stronger
I want to love you longer
Do you still turn the fire on?

So if you're feeling lonely, don't
You're the only one I'll ever want
I only want to make it good
So if I love you, a little more than I should

Please forgive me, I know not what I do
Please forgive me, I can't stop loving you
Don't deny me, this pain I'm going through
Please forgive me, if I need you like I do
Please believe me, every word I say is true
Please forgive me, I can't stop loving you

~part of the lyrics of Please forgive me Bryan Adams 1993

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