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Silence filled the room after her statement. He look at her closely, disbelief evident on his face. She gave him a little smile, tears rolling down her cheeks.

"With your jealousy and mine, we would hurt each other more. Our careers will prevent us from meeting often, we'll meet and be surrounded by so many other people. You're a kind man that goes out of his way to make people around you comfortable and your attentiveness towards another woman would make me insecure. And there's me, I couldn't help it when my circle of friends included males."

"We can make this work, I love you baby. Don't leave me please. We just have to talk about our insecurities and everything will be fine. I promise I won't be this stupid ever again. We just have to trust each other" he is pleading with her, feeling helpless seeing her wipe her tears away before looking down.

"Trust. We don't seem to have that for one another thus I don't see how this will work. Let's just break up" Her heart constricted saying those words but she didn't think she could forgive his distrust towards her.

Gathering her courage she stare at his sorrowful eyes and gave him a little smile. It never occurred to her that their romance would be this short lived. This man owned her heart and thought her passion. She wanted to be with him forever unfortunately they don't have the very foundation to have a lasting relationship which is trust.

"Curse at me. Shout and get angry but please don't say you want us to be over. I don't think I could live without you." He hug her and beg for forgiveness over and over again. She was torn, wanting to forgive and forget but deep down she knows she couldn't do neither. She hug him back tightly, tears falling down her cheeks freely.

"I'm sorry, but I can't do this anymore. Please let me go. Maybe someday I will be able to, but not now."

She release her hold on him and walk to her room, locking herself in. Her back on the door she as she slid down the floor, holding her knees and cried like never before.

Oh Sehun PoV

He stood dumbfounded when she left him. He heard the clicking of the door lock and felt his world crushing down. He could hear her cries, but there is nothing more he could say or do. He saw the determination in her eyes. She didn't want him in her life anymore.

He turned slowly letting himself out of her house, hist fists balled on his side to hold himself from crying. He drove to Suho's house with one thing in mind, to get drunk and forget her.

Suho took one look at Sehun's face and let him in. Without saying anything Sehun went to Suho's kitchen and grab a bottle of Soju. His throat hurt after he gulped down half the bottle contents but it was nothing compared to what his heart is feeling.
He chugged down the remaining alcohol and opened another one.

"When you're done drinking, feel free to sleep in the guest room. We'll talk tomorrow" Suho said before leaving Sehun alone with his Soju bottle. He just stare at Suho's back and continue with his drinking.

He was down to his fourth bottle and still couldn't forget her. Damn her, why can't she just forgive him. Wait, it's his fault. He let out a pathetic laugh and continue drinking until he passed out on the kitchen floor.

The next day

Suho woke up early and found Sehun sleeping on the kitchen floor. Shaking his head, he tried to wake Sehun up. After a few failed attempts, he finally manages to wake Sehun and get him to the bedroom. Leaving him there, Suho went to his room and get ready for his schedule for the day thinking he will have to talk to Sehun when he's sober later.

Writer's Note: I'll make them whole again somehow 🥺 this is just a writer's phase. I had shitty week hence this sad and melancholic chapters 😭😭🙃

To those that supported this fanfic ILY ^o^

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