"Privacy" part two

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The next day Hayoung woke up early as usual. She check her cellphone. Still nothing from him. She sighed. She wanted to call him, but hesitated. She bit her lips hard and went to the bathroom. After her morning shower, she decided to jog a bit.

She came back to the dorms feeling refreshed after her morning jog and went to the kitchen to have light breakfast. She don't have any schedules for the day. Tomorrow she will have a dance practice for her performances at the Yonsei University Unicon. Done with her breakfast she look around the dorm. Chorong and Bomi eonnie have their own individual schedules. She was left alone. She goes to her room and sat down on her writing desk. She start her laptop and look for bread and cakes recipe. So immersed at checking and writing down the recipes she wanted to try, that the time went by without her noticing it. She stopped writing when she heard her phone ringing. She check the caller id, it's her best friend Park Sooyoung (Joy of Red Velvet). She answer the call with wide smile.

"Hello" ~ Hayoung
"Babe, I miss you. Let's go out today. Yerin is free too" ~ Sooyoung
"Really? What time? Let's go karaoke" Hayoung said happily. Missing her best friends. They have been friends since high school. Hayoung debuted first as part of Apink, followed by Sooyoung as Red Velvet and Yerin as Gfriend member. They are well known as the OhJungPark. Everyone in the industry knew of their friendship.
"Call, I will text you time and place. See you babe" ~ Sooyoung ended the call.

Not long after, Sooyoung sent Hayoung the details for their outing. Smiling Hayoung went to shower and get ready for her girls date.

*the OhJungPark trio slaying with goddess like visuals and incredible talent.
Pic credit to owner ❤️

 Pic credit to owner ❤️

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Oh Sehun PoV

The EXOs went out for dinner and drinks to celebrate the happy news. They finished late. Sehun went back to his apartment almost at 2 a.m. The members talked a lot, it's apparent they all have grown and mature by the topics they conversed. They reminisce the past and hope for the future.

Sehun felt slightly drunk after all the alcohol they consumed.(slightly is an understatement) He went straight to his room and fell asleep.

The following morning Sehun woke up with a headache. He glanced at the clock on his bedside table ,12 p.m. He doesn't feel like waking up. He's still hungover from last night's drinking session. He fell asleep in yesterday's clothes and his phone and keys are still in his pockets. He fished out the keys and phone. Putting the keys on his bedside, he check on his cellphone. It's blank. He forgot to charge it. He sigh and stood up lazily. Charge his cellphone, grab his towel and went to the shower.

He came out of the shower feeling more refreshed. Feeling parched he went to the kitchen to get some drinking water. His throat feel so dry. Well that's what a few rounds of beers and soju will do. He opened his fridge and grab the water bottle. He uncapped the water bottle and drank straight from it. From the corner of his eyes, he saw the cheese cake container. Shit, he totally forgot about Hayoung last night. He walk to his room and pick up his cellphone. He check for her calls. No calls from her. He check his inbox, there was one message from her.

Thank you for today. I had lots of fun 🤩 ~ Hayoung

It was sent after he dropped her off. He felt bad for not  replying her text. And right after he confesses to her. Great job Sehun-ah. What would she think of you and your confession now? He rub his face and dialled her number. Ringing, ringing, Voice mail. He end the call and try again. She's not answering. Is she sulking? He look at the clock, it's a little over 1 p.m. He is sure she have no schedule today. He tried calling again. No answer. He lick his lips nervously and decided to send her a text message.

Youngie-ah, sorry for not calling or texting you yesterday. After the meeting, our team members went out for dinner and drinks. Mianhe 🙏🏽 ~ Sehun

Sehun felt agitated, he paced around his room. Not knowing how to proceed. He call her one more time and still she is not answering. He call Suho to ask for advice. Suho answered after the second ring.
"Hello Sehunnie"
"Hyung, I need help. Hayoung is not answering my calls. I forgot to text or call her last night. I think she's sulking. What should I do?"
"Calm down, maybe she have a schedule. Wait and try to call her again later." Suho answer calmly.
"But she don't have anything on her schedules today."Sehun said in a whiny tone.
"Maybe she went out with her team members. Relax okay" Suho said trying to console Sehun.
"She should at least pick up her phone. But why she doesn't? Hyung" Sehun said in frustration. Suho laugh hearing Sehun whine.
"Calm down okay. Try calling her again later. I need to go. I have something I got to do." Suho said his goodbye and hang up.

Sehun pull his hair in frustration. Aigoo this Hyung not helping at all. Sehun can't possibly go to her dorm and demanded to see her. He don't have that kind of privacy. Left with no other option, he just have to wait and try calling her again later. He curses under his breath and lie down on his bed. He scroll her Instagram (he felt like a stalker). He saw her latest post from last week. It's a dance practice video. She's an amazing dancer. She look good dancing to that song, definitely 'worth it'.
He scrolled down and saw a few more pictures of her being her usual cute and gorgeous self.

He type her name in the search bar. He saw few articles about her solo and group activities. No negative articles. He search for her fancams, and watch a few. She have sweet singing voice and a very good dancer in his opinion. Argh he miss her. He try calling her again.

Subscribe to Ohhabbang YouTube juseyo and give her lots of love ❤️

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Subscribe to Ohhabbang YouTube juseyo and give her lots of love ❤️

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