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"Let's not fall in love, we don't know each other very well yet
Actually, I'm a little scared
I'm sorry
Let's not make promises, you never know when tomorrow comes
But I really mean it when I say
I Like You"

~ BIGBANG  Let's not fall in love
(MADE album)
-this song basically speaks about the fear of hurting, but not able to stay away from that person you fallen for.

Hayoung woke up to his arms around her waist, she can't help but feel protected. She move to turn and face him. She gaze at his beautifully sculpted face, from his well shaped brows to his high nose and his pink lips. He's perfect and it felt unreal this man wanted her, to the point he did things without thinking like yesterday. She find it sweet that he missed her so much that he went to surprise her, but at the same time she felt burdened and scared. What if someone saw them and carelessly talk about it?

She sound selfish, but one of them have to be sensible and think of the repercussions. She close her eyes and let out a sigh.

"Do you often wake up and sigh like the weight of the world is on top of your shoulders?"
She opened her eyes to see him with his eyes closed and his lips sporting a smile. Without words,she put her arms around his neck and hug him tightly. His hand on her waist move up and down her back as if to say everything is okay.

She slowly loosened her hug on him and lay down straight, eyes fixed on the ceilings.
"Oppa if someday I was to say Let me go. What would you do?"
"I'll ask why, why should I?" he said lying on his side, his left arm supporting his head to look down her face. His right arm on her belly tracing the pattern on her oversized shirt.
"What if I didn't give you explanation. And just say" she paused for a moment before speaking again in low voice still not looking at him.

"If you really love me, you will let me go"

"I'll say that's nonsense. Why should I let you go when I really love you. Unless you don't love me anymore, which is impossible because I'll make you fall for me again if you ever fall out of love"
Her head turned to look at him, her lips slowly forming a smile.
"And how do you plan to make me fall for you again and again?"
"Anything and everything necessary. But baby, what's with this talk?" His hand move from her waist to her arm, rubbing it slowly.
"Honestly I'm scared. There's so many what ifs that it terrifies me. I don't want to get hurt."
He moved to hug her and whisper assuring words.

After she calmed down, he lay back down on her soft bed

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After she calmed down, he lay back down on her soft bed. She stood up and pick up her phone from the side table checking her messages before putting it back down again. He watch her moving around, grabbing her towel and going to the bathroom. She stop in front of the half opened door and turned to look at him smiling mischievously .
"Wanna join me?"
He sat up on the bed and before he could respond she quickly went inside the bathroom and lock the door. He heard her laughing from the other side.
He shakes his head, her mood swings is something he could never understand. She could be so emotional and upset for one moment and be happy and laughing less than a minute after.

He remembered one of their late night calls where she told him about some netizens comments on her body figure, saying she doesn't have Idol perfect figure. She sounded so upset and sad, he got angry. Few moments later she exclaimed happily saying some international fans defended her and say she have the best figure. He love that about her, always being positive and being happy over smallest things.

She showered hurriedly and didn't bother to wash her hair. She saw few hickeys on her breasts and blushed. She washed her face and brush her teeth, done with that she study her neck on the mirror and saw a few marks there too. She felt thankful for the cold weather, no one will question her if she wear turtleneck shirt. She went out of the bathroom wrapped in a long large towel. Ignoring him she walk towards her wardrobe.

He walk passed her to get to the bathroom. Before going in he made a remark about how good his love bites marks look on her neck. She glares at him but he only chuckles closing the bathroom door.

He came out of the bathroom with his face and hair slightly wet, in his boxers that he fell asleep with. She handed him a small towel to dry himself off. He picked up his pants and round neck shirt from the floor and put  it on. She glanced at the wall clock noting that it's too late for breakfast, but she still ask him if he wants to have anything to eat.

"I'm hungry, the weather and late night exercises drained me of energy"
She was making up her bed when he spoke, she took the small pillow that she just fluffed and throw it at him. He caught it laughing. She left him and went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. She saw the bag he brought last night and decided to serve him those with coffee.
They were sitting at the small dining table eating cream buns with coffees when his cellphone rang. He picked up his phone and answer the call. He look at her when the call ended.
"I need to go. We're flying to Japan tonight for our concert schedule, I have to send Vivi to my parents house and pack."
She nodded and stood up to send him to the door. He grab his jacket and keys before giving her forehead a kiss.
"Take care not to get hurt." She said softly.
"I will. You take care too. I'll call you later." He give her lips a light peck and walk out of her apartment. She closes the door and locked it.

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