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"When I'm good, I'm very good, but when I'm bad, I'm better"
~ Mae West

Oh Hayoung PoV

Hayoung, Sooyoung and Yerin met at the karaoke. They planned to sing few songs then go out for lunch. Sooyoung booked a room in advanced. They walk in and get to their allocated room. They start selecting songs to sing as soon they closed the door to their karaoke room. They take turn singing, or they sing as a duet. They all shout and sing at the same time. Its noisy, chaotic and full of laughter in their room.

After spending almost an hour at the Karaoke room, Yerin complained of being hungry. They pay for the room usage and head out for lunch. Sooyoung suggested them going window shopping after lunch. The other two agree wholeheartedly. Walking to a nearby cafe, the trio garnered a bit of attention from passerby.Upon entering the restaurant,the patrons turned their heads openly staring at them. Their height and visual are often the reasons for such attention. Luckily not many people were in at that moment. They chose a corner secluded table, and order their food.

While waiting for their food, the girls chat about their schedules, life and gossip about other people they know. (Don't tell me OhJungPark don't gossip, especially with all those years in entertainment industry. They probably know all the juicy stuff😆)

The waiter arrived with their food not long after. They were halfway through lunch when Hayoung cellphone rang. She took it out of her bag and look at the caller id. She look at her friends and excuse herself. Sooyoung and Yerin nodded and continue with their lunch.

Hayoung went outside of the cafe to answer the call.
She said her hello softly.
"Youngie-ah, where are you? I been calling you since like forever and you didn't answer." Sehun said on the other line.
"I went out with my friends. You probably called when we were in the Karaoke room and I didn't hear my phone ring" She answered truthfully.
"Who are you with? Apink members?"
"No, I'm not with the Eonnies. Just some friends." Hayoung didn't ko know what got into her. She felt like makings him jealous. Honestly she still feel insecure about his true feelings for her. He didn't even bother to call or text her yesterday after dropping her off.
"Where are you?" He asked in a low voice.
"I'm having lunch now, and will go window shopping after this." She answered before a group of men passed by her. One of the man whistles at Hayoung, and she can hear the other man saying stuff about her. She walk back into the restaurant, her cell phone still close to her ear.
"Who was that?" Sehun asked. This time his voice tone got darker.
"Just some passerby. I need to get back to my friends. Speak to you later Oppa. I'm hanging up now. Bye" she quickly pressed the red icon on her screen. Not giving Sehun chance to speak more.
She walked back to her table, put her cellphone on the table and sat down. She didn't feel like eating anymore. She drink her juice and look up to see Sooyoung and Yerin staring at her. She give her friends a questioning look.

"Anything amiss?" Asked Yerin. Hayoung didn't answer and only shake her head. Her phone rang again. Yerin and Sooyoung eyes looking at it and saw the caller id before Hayoung picked up to answer the call. She didn't bother to go out this time. She just look at her friends apologetically. Sehun spoke before Hayoung could mutter a word.

"Where are you? I'm picking you up now."
"But Oppa I promised to spend time with my friends today." She said in low voice. Her two friends looking at her wide eyes. They could hear her clearly.
She signal her friends to stay quiet.
"Okay, what time will you be finished? I'll pick you up then." He sound adamant. Hayoung didn't think it's wise to argue anymore.
"I'll text you when we're done. Okay?" Her eyes glancing at her friends reaction.
"Okay. I'll wait." He answered shortly. She hang up after saying goodbye.

Two pair of eyes focused on Hayoung with curiosity and shock. She squirmed on her seats.
"What? Fire away." She said not wanting to lie to her friends. Sooyoung spoke first.
"Was that The Oh Sehun calling you?" Hayoung bit her lips and nod her head.
"Is there something going on between you two?" Yerin asking this time. Hayoung nod again.
"Yah. Can't you speak anymore?" Said Sooyoung loudly.Hayoung laugh.

"Okay, calm down. I'll talk. Yes, that was Oh Sehun from EXO. He asked me if he can be my boyfriend and I said Yes" Hayoung said the last sentence as fast as she could. Sooyoung's jaw dropped, while Yerin exclaimed loudly. Hayoung told them how Sehun and her met and became friends. And his confession yesterday.

"Heol, daebak." Sooyoung spoke after Hayoung's explanation. Yerin turn to Sooyoung and spoke.

"Do you know anything about Oh Sehun's past relationships or dating rumours?" Sooyoung shake her head. Hayoung just kept quiet, she is curious too.
"Yah, you both from same company. How can you not know anything?" Yerin said hitting Sooyoung's arm.
"He is very private. I never heard any rumours about him. We may work in the same company but we don't always have same schedules you know. Beside for some it's just business relationship. So why bother about others personal life?" Explain Sooyoung her eyes moving from Yerin to Hayoung and back to Yerin.
Yerin turn to Hayoung and spoke
"So he's picking you up?
"Yes, but later. We need to go window shopping first." Said Hayoung.
"If you insist, then let's go." Said Sooyoung excited.
They paid their food bills and walk out hand in hand with Yerin in the middle.

After over two hour of walking around, going in and out of shops, the trio have quite a few paper bags containing their impulse purchases. (Never trust girls that say they just going to window shopping)

Feeling tired they all agree to go to a cafe and get some coffee and rest a bit. Finished with coffees and a pancake with ice cream shared among the three of them, the girls decide to call it a day.

Hayoung hesitantly texted Sehun to come pick her up and sending him the location. Sooyoung and Yerin both look at her.
"We will call our taxi after Oh Sehun arrive to pick you up" said Sooyoung. Yerin who is next to Sooyoung nodded.
"Thanks, but it's okay. You girls can go on first." Hayoung said after reading Sehun's message that he's on the way.
"Wae? Don't want you boyfriend to meet us?" Said Yerin teasingly.
"Yes, I don't want to introduce you girls to him." Hayoung said half joking.
"I want to be in a steady relationship with him before introducing you girls. Can we do that?" She continues with pleading eyes.
"Okay baby, we understand. Yerin lets go" Sooyoung said before giving Hayoung a hug. Yerin stepped up and hug both girls. They laugh feeling ridiculous. They said their goodbyes when Sooyoung and Yerin got on a taxi.

Not long after, Sehun arrived. Hayoung opened the car's door and went inside. Sehun drove the car without saying anything.

"Well if you not going to say anything, so I won't too, thought Hayoung. She stare outside the window. The sun has set, she glanced at her phone. Almost 7 pm. She told her Eonnies that she went out with Yerin and Sooyoung earlier today. So they won't worry if she was late. She check her messages, her manager oppa reminded her about tomorrow's dance practice. She reply with a thank you for the reminder. She put her cellphone inside her bag. She moves her body to get comfortable and close her eyes. She fell asleep within second.

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