"Only One"

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"It seems like a dreaming
At the end of exhausted day,
Covering me with warmth.
My empty mind is full of your scent now
Able to dream forever

Too soft scent and little bit shy trembling,
To be honest I'm afraid.
Please cheer me up
And hug me tightly."

~first verse Apink 'Only One'
Play the song while reading this part 😉

They both breathe heavily after the kiss ended. Hayoung hid her face on his chest. She never initiated a kiss ever, before him. She felt her face reddening. She calmed down a bit as her breathing restored back to normal. No turning back now Hayoung-ah.

She lift her head to see him smiling adorably at her.

"I really like you. You're the first man in my life and I can't help it if my lack of experiences made you feel insecure. I don't know how to convey my feelings to you in words. But I truly want you to know that you are the Only One for me." Hayoung's voice was soft but full of conviction and sincerity.

Sehun felt touched and proud at the same time. Touched that she truly want him, and proud that she is so courageous to admit her inexperience. He felt himself tightening his hold on her. He never want to let her go. She buried her face on his shoulder, they stay like that for a moment.

Sehun loosened his embrace on her moments later and stare at her pretty face. They stood there staring at each other for a minute or so before they heard someone clearing his throat. They both jumped away from each other at the same time and turn to see the figure standing at the front door.

Hayoung blushed a deep red while Sehun glare menacingly at the intruder.
"Sorry to disturb you lovebirds. I thought you were alone Sehunnie."Park Chanyeol said nonchalantly.
"Should I leave?" He continued.
"No" "Yes" Hayoung and Sehun spoke at the same time.

Sehun never thought he'll regret the day he gave his apartment's password to his members. He is so used to the members going in and out of his house unannounced that it never bothered him. Not until today. His eyes shooting fire at Chanyeol.

Hayoung look at Sehun, not knowing how to proceed in this embarrassing situation. She's mortified and couldn't believe she'll meet his group member this way. She just wish to be anywhere else but here.

"Hyung, why are you here?" Sehun asked while pulling Hayoung to sit at the sofa. Chanyeol move to sit in front of them.
"Well, Suho Hyung called and ask me to check up on you. He said you were upset about a certain young lady this afternoon." Chanyeol said his gaze directed at Hayoung.
"I came to cheer you up. And the other members are probably on their way here." He paused before speaking again. "So why don't you introduce me to your girlfriend first."

Hayoung appeared calm except for the red tint on her cheeks. Inside she is panicking. "Oh my god. We just dated yesterday, now I got to meet his Hyungs. And why does Sehun have to babble to his Hyung about me???"
Her brain try hatching up plans to get out of Sehun's place, but nothing came up. So she just sat there, both her hands resting politely on her thighs. She look at Sehun with her eyes pleading him to help her escape this.
Sehun shake his head and move his eyes from Hayoung's to Chanyeol.
"Hyung, meet Oh Hayoung. Hayoung this is Park Chanyeol." Sehun said in the most boring way of introducing people. Hayoung bowed a bit and said hi.
"Hi, we've met before. So please be comfortable." Chanyeol said with his big warm smile. Hayoung didn't answer him and just nodded.
"So, you're his current girlfriend? How's it been dating our maknae?" Chanyeol said in a rather serious tone. Hayoung eyes widen and look at Chanyeol thinking how to answer the question.

"He's just teasing you. Never mind him. Hyung, stop it. She's not used to your weird humour." Chanyeol burst out laughing. When he calmed down a bit, Chanyeol stood up and went to the kitchen, open the fridge to get a bottle of water when he saw the container. He took it out and check what's inside.

Left alone, Hayoung turned to Sehun and speak urgently in a low voice.
"I need to go home."
"Babe calm down." Sehun spoke while holding her hand to calm her.
"How'd you expect me to calm down? We just dated yesterday. I can't possibly meet your members today. I don't even know anything about them." She whispered.
"It's okay, just meet them and say hi. I'll send you home afterwards. I promise I won't let them ask you weird questions. Hmm?"
"I can't do this. Oppa please." Hayoung is trying hard to persuade Sehun. Sehun was about to say something more, when the front door was opened from the outside. Revealing three good looking male specimens. 🤤🤤

Baekhyun, Suho, and Kai walk in while talking. Baekhyun and Kai were arguing about something. And Suho was trying to insert his opinion.

Hayoung stood up automatically. It is instilled in her to always greet people politely. Park Chorong will be proud of her. The three men stop their talking as soon their eyes caught on the lovely girl standing in Sehun's living room. Sehun didn't bother to stand up. Hayoung bowed at the three men in front of her politely. The bowed back and look at Sehun. Sehun stood up slowly and introduce Hayoung to Kim Junmyeon , Byun Baekhyun, and Kim Jongin.

Baekhyun asks Sehun of Chanyeol's whereabouts. He didn't answer and just point at the kitchen. The three men went there.
"Babe, let's go." He said to her hurriedly.
"What, are you crazy?? We need to at least inform your hyungs about me leaving." Hayoung can't believe he just want to walk out while his Hyungs are in the kitchen.

Suho came out of the kitchen wearing a beautiful smile. Hayoung felt star-struck.
"Where you bought that cheese cake from Sehun-ah? It taste so good. It's a pity I can't have more, since those kids finished it." He smile at Hayoung, waiting for Sehun to answer him. One by one the other EXO members came out of the kitchen.
"Yes, Sehunnie. Where you got the cake? It taste so heavenly." Baekhyun asking this time. Seeing his hyungs looking at him expectantly, Sehun sigh and told them that Hayoung made the cake.

They all took turn complimenting Hayoung. Hayoung blushes hearing them sincerely telling her about how good her cake was. She smile shyly, and look at each member's face. They're all so handsome, no wonder they have lots of fans. She thanked them all for the compliments.

Sehun felt a sense of pride looking at her treating his Hyungs with respect and good manners. She carry herself well despite the situation. At the same time he feel jealous. He doesn't want her to get close to his group members. They're all good looking and are amazing charmers. He felt threatened.

Everyone in the room were quiet when they hear cellphone ringing. It's from Hayoung's bag. She hurriedly opened her bag and took out her cellphone. Seeing Chorong id on the screen, Hayoung quickly answer the call.

"Hello Eonnie. -paused- I'm coming home now. -paused- don't worry. Okay bye." She look at the EXOs and apologise. She told them she need to go.

"It was nice meeting you all today. I hope we can meet again in the future." She said politely.
"And I will make sure to make another cake for you guys" she added as an afterthought. They all exclaimed happily.
"Let's go. Hyung?" Sehun said holding Hayoung's hand.
"We'll stay. You go on and send Hayoung home." Said Suho. Hayoung bowed again towards them all and said her goodbye, before going out of the apartment with Sehun.

Writer's Note: vote for Sehun and Kai on fanplus Ls. And Sehun birthday ad in IDOLCHAMP. ❤️❤️

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