"Begin" part 2

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Oh Hayoung's PoV

As she gotten to the entrance, she turns and gave him a little bow before going inside the building. It's kind of sweet, she never had any man do that for her. She felt protected. She went to her room, shaking the image of him under the streetlight watching her.

Getting out of the shower, Hayoung put on her favourite pyjamas and adjusted the air conditioning temperature. She sat and do her nightly routine. Once done she reached for her sling bag that she wore going out earlier. She rummage through the bag looking for her cellphone. She bit her lips, thinking why her phone is not in the bag. Pretty sure she was holding it outside the cafe. Her eyes widen, could she have left it inside Sehun's car. She panicked thinking of how to contact Sehun and get her phone back. She don't have his numbers. She could ask Namjoo eonnie. What a hassle. So careless Hayoung-ah.

A sudden light knock on her door made her jumped a little. Park Chorong peeked inside her room.
"Hayoung-ah, your home."
"Yes eonnie, I just finished showering and preparing to sleep now."
Chorong nods.
"Rest well Hayoungie, tomorrow you have schedules right?"
"Dance practice tomorrow." Answered Hayoung with a cute pout.
Chorong walk in her room and pat her head.
"Hwaiting uri maknae. Now sleep okay?"
Thay bid their goodnight, and Chorong walks out closing the door behind her.

Hayoung decided to just get to sleep and stop thinking of today's event.

The Next Day
Apink's Dorm

"Youngie, breakfast is ready. Ppali come and eat."
Shout Yoon Bomi outside Hayoung's door. She walked to their kitchen table and pour herself a glass of orange juice before taking her seat.

"Eonnie, thank you for cooking breakfast today. But I am on diet" said Hayoung. She pouted her lips and look at the food on the table wistfully.

Bomi prepared a plate with 2 boiled eggs and a steamed sweet potato.
"Here have some of these" Bomi said pushing the plate in front of Hayoung.

"Gomawoyo Eonnie" said Hayoung with a smile before enjoying her breakfast. Bomi ate her breakfast with gusto. They both stopped eating when they heard the doorbell rang. Chorong who just came out from her room, went to open the door.
One of their managers walked in.

"Hayoung-ah, we need to be at the dance studio in 20 minutes. And why you not picking up my calls or answering any of the messages I sent?" Said the manager-nim looking at Hayoung who drinks her orange juice hurriedly.

"I lost my cellphone. I probably misplace it" Said Hayoung looking at Chorong. She is sure that Eonnie won't say anything about her late night excursion. Manager-nim only shake his head and excuse himself to wait in the car.

"Aigoo this kid. Where was the last place you seen it?" Asked Bomi.

"I don't know. But it's okay Eonnie, I will just look for it later when I got home" Hayoung stood up and grab her backpack. She went to the front door and put on her shoes. She bid her eonnies goodbye before going out.

She arrived at the dance studio. And greet the staff, dancers as well as the dance instructor. Today she start learning the choreography for her title track. Next four days will be gruelling for her as she need to learn and memorise the steps. Next week she will be filming the music video. Everything have to be perfect by then. Hayoung-ah fighting 💪🏽

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