"Coincidence" part 3

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Oh Sehun PoV

He was enjoying his Taro bubble tea and cheese cake, when he notices the girl that came in after him took a seat near his table. He felt uncomfortable and cautious, thinking a sasaeng might have known and followed him to the cafe. Seeing the girl being oblivious of his presence and not even sparing him a glance made Sehun relaxed a bit. He was about to continue eating his remaining cake, when he heard the girl speak softly to the cupcake. He felt quite entertained by her antics, until he heard her moan in satisfaction. His curiosity piqued , he decide to look at her from the corner of his eyes.

"Nice legs." He thought. The denim short and white tee look good on her. She doesn't need to go on a diet. She look mighty fine. His eyes move up to look at her face, and was shocked to see the pretty familiar face.

"Damn, I was checking out Apink's maknae Oh Hayoung." The sudden realisation made Sehun squirmed a bit in his seat. "I need to get out of here before she sees me." It's not that Sehun have anything against her, just that they aren't close. Things might get awkward. Suho and Sehun are quite close with few of her group members like Jung Eunji and Kim Namjoo. Despite that, Sehun and Hayoung never become close. He hate awkward greetings and prefer to avoid it.

Sehun quickly grab his phone and keys from the table. But in his rush the keys got hurled towards Hayoung's foot. She was looking out the window when she heard noises from the next table and felt something hit her little toes. The shock and pain made Hayoung let out a small pained noise from her lips.

"Are you okay? I am terribly sorry." Said Sehun hurrying to pick up his keys. He kneeled down, got his keys and unconsciously touch her toes to check for injuries. Startled Hayoung quickly pulled her foot from his touch.

"I'm okay. No worries." Hayoung said with a little smile.

Sehun looked up to say something more, but the words was lost as his eyes met her. He notices the changes in her facial expressions. The small smile replaced by gasp of recognition.

"Oh Sehun-ssi?" Hayoung said looking down at the man still kneeling down in front of her. Hayoung felt a blush rising up her cheeks when it dawned on her the awkward positions they're in and how it would look to others. "Could you please stand up" said Hayoung avoiding his gaze.

Sehun quickly stood up and babbled few words of apologies. He stopped when he realised that he sounds like an idiot. Well he is truly sorry and want to convey it to her.

"It's okay. I'm not hurt" she said with a bright smile looking up at him.
Sehun nodded at her and look around the cafe avoiding looking at her face. It was awkward, when she suddenly stood up and spoke.
"I guess I got to go home now. It was nice meeting you here despite the incident"
Hayoung smiled and bow a little. Sehun automatically bowed back at her. She walk towards the exit with her phone on her right hand. Unsure about how to proceed, Sehun decide to follow her.

Outside the cafe, it dawned on him that she came alone. And being the gentleman that he is, he decide to offer her a ride.

"Uhm, Oh Hayoung-ssi. How you plan to get home?" ~ Sehun
"Huh, Sehun-ssi. I am going to call a taxi." ~ Hayoung
"Can I send you home instead? As a token of my apologies" ~ Sehun
She was about to refuse. But seeing the sincere look he gave her, made Hayoung felt bad for refusing.
"I don't want to be in the way. I can just take a taxi."

"You are not in the way. And I would take a refusal as a sign of you not forgiving me" Sehun said with a serious face. A chuckle escaped Hayoung's lips. Sehun find it cute.

"If you insist then I won't reject the offer" ~ Hayoung
Sehun showed her the way to his car and open the passenger side door. Before going in and start the car's engine.

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Writer's' note: Sehun and his car is so hot looking

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Writer's' note: Sehun and his car is so hot looking. Photo credit to owner. Please leave a comment on what I can improve if you are reading this. ❤️❤️ please forgive any grammar errors as English is my 3rd language.
Super Happy getting update from Yeol and KyungSoo. Get ready for D.O. Solo Ls
*Sasaengs that follow idols and not letting them have any privacy need to get a life. They are not fans.

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