"Kiss and make up"

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A bit mature content 🔞
Not much but please be aware

He glanced at his dashboard clock and think it's still early. He made a detour to a bakery and bought cakes and cream buns that she love so much. His eyes caught on colourful macaroons of various flavours and added those to his order.

He got on his car with the desserts and texted her, telling her he'll arrive in few minutes. No reply, she must really be angry with him. He drove to her place thinking of ways to smooth things with her.

He rang her doorbell and wait for her to open the door. She opened the door slowly, before inviting him in. He look around her apartment, realising the first and last time he came was when she was drunk. He smile at the memory. She left him standing there and went to the kitchen, he trailed behind her, appreciating her figure. She dressed simply wearing short pants and an oversized shirt. She turned looking at him with puzzled face.

"I bought you this." He said shoving the bag containing the cakes and pastry. She accepted the bag and place it on the kitchen counter. They were quiet, both hesitating not knowing how start a conversation.

He walk closer to her, and look at her straight in the eyes. She just stood there in the middle of the kitchen not moving a muscle, waiting for his next move. He slowly put his hands on her arms, sliding down to hold her hands in his. They stood so close, eyes locked in each other's gaze.

"Hayoung-ah, I'm an idiot. I don't think first sometimes and just act. I'm so used to think about myself and my feelings that I forgot to think about your feelings. I'm sorry" he said the words carefully, squeezing her hands lightly. She kept looking at him, still not saying anything.
"Baby, please forgive me." He repeated letting go of her hands to hug her. She didn't respond to his hug. After few minutes he let her go and look at her with sad eyes.
"You really won't forgive me? Do you hate me now?" He asked in a frustrated voice.
"Oppa, you don't have to apologise. In fact I'm the one who should say sorry." She pause and hold his hand pulling him to the living room. She licked her lips nervously and ask him to take a seat. Puzzled he just followed what she ask of him and sat on the sofa. She sat on the coffee table in order to face him.

"Oppa, I'm sorry for not telling you about my schedule at SM today. I know you must be tired, and you only have couple of days off before continuing with the concert tours. I just want to be a considerate girlfriend." She paused to smile at him sweetly.
"And I'm sorry of the way I reacted. I didn't expect to see you there. It's not that I don't want to go with you, but we really have to be careful. If our relationship got revealed somehow, it will break our fan's heart. And if we break up it will hurt more. Please understand me Oppa."

He pulled her onto his lap and stare at her beautiful big brown eyes. Suho Hyung was right, he need to talk and listen to her views and not be selfish.
"Baby, I really wish I could tell the world you're mine. But I understand. I really do.I'm sorry for being an idiot. I don't know what got into me."
She smile at him and say exactly what's in her mind.
"Well you are a fool most of the time" he pinched her cheek and they both laugh.

"Youngie-ah, what's up with you and Heechul Hyung? He seems interested in you." He asked suddenly with his left hand playing on her waist.

"Nothing, he's just a friend. We play games together sometimes. Beside his interest lie elsewhere." She answer with a secretive smile. She put her right hand on his shoulder, and gently massages his neck.
"Were you jealous?"
"Of course I was jealous, Heechul Hyung is good looking, charming and a smooth talker." He said licking his dry lips. She laugh softly.
"But I find you more handsome, charming and even though you aren't really a good talker, I find myself liking you more." She said putting her arms around his neck and pulling him closer to her.

He felt her soft breast on his chest and gulped. His throat suddenly felt dry. He saw her tongue darting out to lick her sweet lips, he couldn't help himself.
He kiss her slowly, taking his fill of her sweet lips. She parted her lips and he took advantage to deepened the kiss. Their tongue duel for dominance, before she surrendered to his tempo. His hand went inside her shirt and caress her waist. He moved slowly so she was seated on the sofa not letting go of her lips still.

He look at her face closely when he finally let her lips go. Her eyes filled with passion, her lips still half parted. He lay her down on the sofa and move atop of her and kiss her again, a bit rougher this time. He suck and bit her lips, his hand going up and down her exposed legs. Unconsciously she parted her legs, he move closer to her core his hand guiding her legs to his waist.

They're both breathing heavily now, he lift his head and  look at her eyes as he  move to let her feel what she is doing to him. Her eyes widen, he love how innocent she is. He pulled her to sit atop him, leaning back on the sofa and enjoying her shocked face.

Hayoung PoV

She is sitting on top of him with her legs parted and her wet centre against his erection. Both his hands on her waist to hold her steady. Her  hands on his broad shoulders, she is shocked and curious at the same time. And as any healthy young woman her age, she is aroused. She doesn't know how to proceed next and look at him for guidance.

"Baby, as much as I want to get you under me now. I need to ask something first." She nodded slowly as a sign for him to continue.
"You never did this before right?" She nodded again, her face turned scarlet.
"And since you never did this before, that means you don't take any contraceptive pills or have condoms lying around here somewhere right?" As understanding dawned on her, her face turned several shade redder than few minutes ago. She shake her head slowly as an answer.

He smile at her before his right hand move from her waist to her face, his thumb caressing her lips, his eyes focused there.
"I love looking at your lips all swollen from my kisses." He paused before speaking again in a very low voice.
"We can do something else, that could satisfy you without actually doing it. Do you trust me?"
"Of course I trust you. But how about you?"
He pulled her head closer and whisper in her ears,
"I'll be enjoying myself by watching you learn and scream my name later. And I promise you'll enjoy it and probably beg for more. Lets go to your room." She felt hot all over listening to his promise, she rise slowly and they both went to her room.

True to his promise, she did beg him and she did scream his name in the end. He did things she never imagined before with his hands, lips and tongue. He didn't leave any inch of her untouched. She fell asleep in his arms fully satiated and exhausted.

*Listen and check out EXO Forever lyrics 👀

Writer's Note: I blush so hard writing this. I'm so shy 😆 Do practice safe sex, if you don't want to handle unwanted pregnancies or STD. If you are waiting until you're married to do it I respect you. If you don't I still respect you too.❤️ Don't let other people opinions to define you. Love you all.

P/s: please vote and comment 🙈

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