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"He who does not understand your silence,
Will probably not understand your words"

~ Elbert Hubbard

Sehun opened the car door for her before going to the driver's side. He felt reluctant to send her home wanting to spend more time with her. He glanced at her, she gives him a puzzled look.

"Youngie, can we fo for dinner first before I send you home? I'm hungry." ~ Sehun
"I ate a lot today Oppa. I was thinking about skipping dinner tonight honestly."~ Hayoung
"Well, I didn't eat the whole day. Can you just accompany me."
"How about your members? They must be waiting for you." ~ Hayoung
"It's okay then if you don't want to go with me."
Sehun put his hand on the gear shift, ready to drive. Hayoung hold his hand stopping his movement. She bit her lips and spoke softly.
"I'll go with you. But where do you want to eat? You know we can't be seen together. Alone" she stressed the last word. He was quiet for a while.
"We can buy take out and eat in the car if it's okay with you." He spoke a moment later.
"Let's do that then." She said letting go of his hand and took out her phone from her bag to text Chorong about her delayed trip home.

He drove to the nearest fast food drive thru. Once he got the food he ordered, he drove to the Han river. It's a weekday so there's not many people around. He parked his car at a secluded side of the river, where the light is slightly dim. He took of his seatbelt and let down the window a bit before turning of the car's engine.

She have taken her seat belt off and passed him the paper bag containing his burger and fries. He took out the burger and passed back the paper bag now left with fries in it and ask her to eat some while he took a big bite of  his burger. He finished his burger in no time. She gave him bottle of water, the bag of fries sitting on her lap. She barely ate it.

Done with his dinner, Sehun throw the remaining fries and empty burger box into the nearest garbage bin. He came back and adjusted his seat to accommodate his long legs. He look at her side profile, her eyes focused on the scenery in front of them. It's dark and not much to be seen, except for the lights of the city from the other side of the river.

He lay back comfortably on his seat and continue looking at her. She turns and look at him.
"Oppa, how many girlfriends you had before me?"Hayoung was actually troubled by Chanyeol's remark earlier at Sehun's place. She doesn't like the sound of the word current in Chanyeol's sentence.

"Baby, do you really want to talk about that now?" He was hoping for her to change the topic but seeing her serious expression and small nod he decide to just answer her.
"I had one girlfriend before you. We broke up two years ago because I was too busy to give her attentions."
"Was she working in our line of work? I mean is she working in the entertainment industry?"
"No, she was someone I knew from middle school. We met again after I debuted. Things just doesn't work out." There was silence after his disclosure.

"How about you? Was there any other special man in your life before me?" Sehun asked still laying down on the car seats. Hayoung look at him straight in the eyes, putting her fingers on her exposed collarbone.
"What do you think Oppa?
Sehun's eyes follow her fingers movements and gulped hard. She's playing a dangerous game here.
He look away and collected his thoughts.
"Well judging from your kisses, I'd wager not many." He answered teasingly, trying to ease the rising need he have for her. Not wanting to back down, Hayoung gave him a sexy smile and lean forward towards him. Making sure he can see her cleavage as she do so.
"Well, I could be pretending to be an innocent" she whispered in a breathy voice.

Hayoung only wanted to tease him, but seeing the look in his eyes now. She questioned herself if it's wise. He rise up from his position and got closer to her. Flustered she back away a bit, he lift his left hand holding her face close to him.

"Baby, as much as I love you showing this side of you. I'd prefer you don't tease me too much, unless you want me to do something about it" he whispered on her right ear. She close her eyes,his deep voice making her shiver. He move to look at her face as his index finger make a downward trail from her chin, neck, collarbone and when he move his finger further she opened her eyes and hold his hand halting his action.

They stare at each other's eyes, no words exchanged. Her hand still holding his just above her chest. He pulled his hand back slowly. As if awaken from a dream, Hayoung move to seat properly again and focus her gaze to the front. She felt her whole body flushing.

"We should go home now. It's late" Hayoung said without looking at him. He starts the engine and spoke softly.
"I don't care about the person of your past, I just want to be your present and future." She turned her gaze at him.
"You're the first" she whispers shyly.
He drive out of the parking space with a proud smile.
They didn't speak the entire drive to her home. It was a comfortable silence.

When they arrived at the front of her dorms, it was already a little over 10 p.m. She bid him goodnight before going out and head towards her dorms entrance, he drove away after she got inside.

Writer's Note: Sorry I just have to write this part. 🙈 I think Hayoung trying to act sexy is the cutest thing ever when in reality she oozed that sexy charms with ease (especially on stage)

 🙈 I think Hayoung trying to act sexy is the cutest thing ever when in reality she oozed that sexy charms with ease (especially on stage)

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