"By your side"

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Sehun decided to go home first before going to Chanyeol's place to pick up his dog ViVi but to his surprise Chanyeol was already waiting for him at his apartment.

"Hyung, why are you here?"
"Since you didn't come to pick up Vivi, I figured to send him here myself. I just arrived actually. Have you packed for our schedules?" He said walking towards the kitchen to get a bottle of water.
"I packed yesterday. I just have to send Vivi to my mom's place. Drive me Hyung, I'm tired."
"Well, seeing you're still wearing clothes from yesterday. I'm sure you're tired." Chanyeol laugh and Sehun just smile sheepishly before going to his room to change.

They drove to his parents place and dropped off Vivi before heading to SM entertainment. They will be leaving together from SM to the airport with the rest of the members.

They were all inside the van when Suho asked Sehun how it went with Hayoung, he was about to answer when Chanyeol butt in.
"Someone got laid last night." Sehun glare at Chanyeol and hit him on the arms. Chanyeol laugh loudly and the other members start to tease Sehun.

EXO spent the rest of December with concerts schedules, tiring but they are happiest on stage performing and seeing the excited faces of fans made them feel they've accomplished what they strived for.

Hayoung PoV

She was glad the marks was gone after few days. Sehun have been very busy and tired from his concert schedules that she didn't ask him to meet her. Beside Apink was also very busy for their year end performances which means dance practice, wardrobe fitting and many more preventing them from being able to see each other.Apink will be appearing on several award shows, and they prepared different kind of performance for their fans.

Apink appeared on KBS's Gayo Daechukje with their hit song Eung Eung %% when their performance was cut short. It was a mess and sad day for the members and their fans. The mistreatment was so heartbreaking that the girls took it to their social medias to express their regret at not being able to show fans what they wanted to do.

Hayoung stare at her crying leader Park Chorong and the other members sad and upset faces. They all gathered at Chorong and Bomi's place with mixed feelings. The entire group felt disrespected and embarrassed, but seeing the support from fellow idols and artists made them feel better. Most importantly the support from pandas 🐼 gave them strength and made them stronger.

It was a little over midnight when Apink members agreed to call it a night. There is nothing much they could do, they will just move on. Eunji drove Hayoung home since they live quite near to each other's apartment.

Hayoung walk slowly to her door, her feet felt heavy. She is still in her performance dress with a large coat that reached her knees covering her from the cold December weather. She tried to appear strong in front of the Eonnies when in reality she wanted to breakdown and cry. Her phone rings when she got inside her apartment.

"Hello Oppa." She said slowly.
"Are you okay Youngie?" Sehun asked from the other line. Hearing him ask the question made her eyes to tear up. She couldn't answer him knowing her voice will crack. Her tears fall without her noticing.
"I'm coming over now. Wait for me." She nods her head still unable to find her voice.
"Yes Oppa, please come."

She sat down hugging her knees on the living room sofa, silent tears rolling down her cheeks. She stayed that way for few minutes before taking a deep breath and stood up to get herself a glass of water.

Sehun came a few minutes later and she felt slightly calmer. He gave her a long comforting hug and before she knew it she starts sobbing. There in the middle of the living room, she cried her heart out on his chest. He let her go to wipe her tears and whispers few consoling words.

He took her hand and sat her down on the sofa. Looking at her with understanding in his eyes.
"Want to talk about it?" He asked her softly, his hands holding hers.
"We worked hard, wanting to give a good performance for our fans. But I guess we aren't so popular that the broadcasting company thinks we don't deserve the few extra minutes." She said in a low voice. She wanted to shout and scream at the unfairness of the situation but at the same time she know it's useless.
"Youngie, none of this is you or your members fault. Your performance was prepared within the allotted time given. They're all idiots not to appreciate a talented group like Apink."
She smile weakly, emotionally drained.
"And Youngie, your group have full support from everyone in the industry as well as fans everywhere."
"How did you know?" She ask her face lit up slightly hearing his words.
"I didn't know anything or noticed something was off about your performance until Baekhyun Hyung called and told me Apink trended in Twitter." Her eyes went wide, she reach for her phone to open the Twitter application. Seeing Apink trending worldwide and fans asking the broadcasting company to apologise to them made her teared up again. She look up to prevent the tears from falling, he gave her a smile before pulling her into his embrace.

"Feeling better now?" He asked few minutes later, leaning back on the sofa. She smile brightly and nodded.
"Thanks to you, I felt so much better. I wanted to cry and vent, but I had to be strong for the eonnies. Seeing Chorong eonnie broke my heart. I'm relieved I have you to hold me while I cry and now I must look like a mess."
"I'm a maknae too, I could relate I guess. But baby it's okay to express yourself to your members too. It must be hard for you to act strong." He said pulling her close to him. She put her heads on his shoulder and look at their intertwined fingers.
"Do you have to act strong too in front of your Hyungs?"
He took a deep breath before answering her.
"Sometimes, but when I do express myself I am glad they listen to me. I can always count on their love and support. I'm sure its the same for you and your members too."
She nods as an affirmative, her eyes felt swollen from the crying earlier. Her fingers move to touch her eyes.
"Need something for your eyes?" He ask looking down at her. She only shakes her head as an answer.

"I see you're still wearing your clothes from the performance." He remarked casually, after a moment of silence.
She look down at the V on her coat, upper part of her dress clearly can be seen. Sitting up straight, she opens the coat revealing her dress.
"I need to shower, can you stay with me tonight? Please" she spoke softly her lips curved into a sweet smile.
"I like the bow on this dress. Made me think you're a present I need to unwrap." His fingers playing with the big bow on her chest. She laugh hearing his words.
"A messy present. My make up must be ruined from the tears I shed. I can feel my eyes must be swollen real bad. You have weird taste for a present Mr Oh" she said teasingly. He smile hearing her teasing tone, glad she is really okay.
"You don't look messy at all. In fact you looking like a mighty fine present to me Miss Oh. Which reminds me I didn't get Christmas presents from you Miss Oh"

Writer's Note: what happened with KBS was messed up. I hate them for making the girls cry. Dumhdurum was a slap to all that said Apink is no longer relevant. Thank you pandas that worked hard. Please stream I'm so sick. #ApinkRoadto100Million before 10y anniversary please 🥺

The next chapter will be hot. Hope y'all can take it. I blame Kai sexy album, Baekhyun Drown from his Japanese album and Bambi, Baekhyun 3rd album teasers for making me writing these sexy stuff.

P/s: this story totally changed from what I drafted early on. So bear with me dear readers. Do not forget to comment and vote 🥺

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