"Friends or ?"

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Love is Friendship set on Fire ~ Jeremy Taylor

They have became close friend these past couple of months. Hayoung finished with her solo debut promotion. And few other activities. Sehun was busier. He had Exploration concert tour throughout September. And now preparations for their next album. They didn't get to meet up after that first chance meeting. They kept in contact via phone calls and texting.

They share each other's schedule and checking up on one another. Their relationship is in the grey area. They spent times talking with each other on the phone whenever possible, more than anyone claiming to be just friends. Sending gifts to one another. Having couple items. But both never confessed feeling more than just friendship. They just go with the flow 🙈

EXO-SC just finishes their fever festival 2019 performances. And were heading back to the dorms. Sehun was texting with Hayoung when Chanyeol asked Sehun of his and Hayoung relationship. It was so out of the blue that Sehun was speechless.

"You know if you really like her. You should confess and not leave her hanging like that. Or maybe you're not so into her. Hence you acting like this."

"It's not that Hyung. She is so pretty, smart, kind and thoughtful. Half of the male population in the entertainment industry are her fanboys. I feel safe in this situation we're in. I don't want to ruin our friendship if she doesn't reciprocate my feelings." Sehun said in low voice.

"Well you never know how she feels about you unless you confess. And if she rejected you, then it's her loss. My dongsaeng-ie is tall, rich and handsome. Most importantly he is so loyal, kind and caring." Chanyeol said fondly looking at Sehun.

"Ah Hyung." Sehun chuckled. Slightly embarrassed by Chanyeol's words.

"Think about it. It's better to regret things you have done than what you haven't. Don't you think so?" Encourage Chanyeol again.

"I'll think about it Hyung. And thanks for your advice."
Chanyeol wave his hand, a sign that it's nothing.

"But what was that about half of the male population in entertainment industry being in love with her? How about the other half?" Asked Chanyeol looking at Sehun.

"Well the other half see her as their little sister or they already have a partner. And I hope you are in either one of these categories." Sehun gave Chanyeol the look and they both burst out laughing. Chanyeol right hand slap Sehun's arm.

Later that night in his room, Sehun think of Chanyeol's words again and came to a decision. He picked up his phone and send Hayoung a text.

Youngie-ah are you free tomorrow and day after? ~ Sehun

It's a little over 12 a.m. he really hope Hayoung still awake. Well if she is playing on of those video games.... she surely is still awake.

Yes I'm free. Wae? ~ Hayoung

I'm free these two days too. I was wondering if you could help me with the new apartment I bought ~ Sehun

Help with?~ Hayoung

Well it's furnished. But I am thinking about getting small items that makes it feel like home. And you're a girl. So I need advices. Please Youngie-ah. ~ Sehun

Okay, sure. Where should I meet you? ~ Hayoung

I will come pick you up. Around 1 pm. We can have lunch together 👉🏻👈🏻~ Sehun

Alright. But Oppa instead of 1 pm. Can you pick me up at 12.30 pm. See your apartment first and then we can discuss what you want for your apartment during lunch ☺️ ~ Hayoung

Okay. See you tomorrow then. Night Hayoung-ie. Dream of me 😉 ~ Sehun

He made a little jump. He is meeting her tomorrow. Now how and when to confess? Sehun laid down on his bed thinking for a plan until he fell asleep.

Hayoung PoV

We are meeting each other after months of texting and speaking on the telephone. Hayoung went to her wardrobe preparing her outfits for their lunch. Is it a date? She touch her reddening face with both her hands.

She chose carefully among her clothes. She's indecisive whether to wear jeans or skirt with blouse or a dress. Let's just wear something casual and comfy. Done with the task, she lay down in her bed and felt asleep thinking of tomorrow.

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