"Challenges" part two

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"Good communication is the bridge between confusion and clarity"

~ Nat Turner

"Do you have any other appointment after this?" Sehun asked her after Sooyoung and Yerin left.
"No, I don't. Why are you here? I thought you'll be at home resting."
"If you have nothing on your schedules now, can you come spend time with me?" He said ignoring her question.
She bit her lips, thinking how to say no to him. She missed him too, but they shouldn't be seen together.
"Oppa, can you come to my place later." Her eyes pleading with him.
"Why can't you come with me now?"
"Oppa, please. You know why."
"We won't be seen if that's what worries you."
"It's broad daylight. There are always eyes everywhere." She argue heatedly.
"Is your career all you care about?" He said in low angry voice. She opened her mouth to answer him, but she stopped seeing a few SM trainees walking towards them.

He heard the footsteps and chatting, so he take her hand and pulled her toward the stairways. He let her hand go and look at her in the eyes. He's feeling so many emotions at once and her refusal made it worst.

"I thought you'll be happy seeing me here. I guess I thought wrong." Sehun spoke in a low voice.
"Oppa, it's not like that. Please understand." Hayoung is so desperate to make him understand, they have to think of so many people and not be selfish.
"What is there to understand? I love you, you're my girlfriend and I want to spend my time with you. Is that so wrong?" His voice slightly raised, making her irritated.
"I don't want to talk to you if you're going to act like this." She walk away from him and goes back to where they came from.
Sehun pulled his hair in frustration, and decided to just leave.

SM building parking lot

He got to his car where Suho is waiting with Vivi. Feeling angry and frustrated not knowing what he should do about her. He told Suho about what happened earlier, venting everything and not leaving anything behind.
"Can you believe it Hyung? I really thought she'll be happy seeing me. We've been so busy we couldn't meet at all. If it isn't my schedules, it's hers. So why can't we take advantage of a day like today?"
"Sehun, calm down and listen to me. What do you think will happen if you two got caught?"
Sehun kept quiet, he knows what will happen if they got caught. He saw what happened to Baekhyun and Taeyeon, and Kai with Krystal and Jennie. It was ugly, but he is sure that they can overcome it if it ever happen as long they're together. Beside they eventually will have to tell the fans of their relationship in the future anyway.

"Out of you two, the person who will get the most hate is her. You know how big your fanbase is compare to her. Apink survived in this industry for so long and have loyal fanbases because they hardly have any rumours or scandals. They worked hard to keep it that way. Of course she'll be cautious."
Sehun opened his mouth to say something but Suho lift his hand signalling him not to.

"Love is not just about being happy all the time. Love need trust, sacrifice, understanding but most of all communication in order to work. And I think part of your reasons for being mad now is because of Heechul Hyung. Right?"

Flustered Sehun quickly denied. Suho just laugh and walk out of the car leaving Sehun alone with Vivi and something to ponder. Vivi move to Sehun's lap and look at him adorably, as if sensing his mood. Sehun pats Vivi before asking her to sit at the passenger's sit, which she lazily obey.

Sehun took out his phone and dialled Hayoung's number.He took a deep breath when he heard her say hello.
"Youngie, can I see you?"
"Are you calm now?" She asked, he sighed before speaking again.
"Yes, so can we meet? We need to talk"
"If you say so."
"Baby please. You tell me the time and place, okay?"
The other line was quiet.
"Youngie, please" his voice pleading her.
"My place, tonight. And please leave your temper at home. I got to go. Bye." She hanged up without waiting for his answer. He stare at his cellphone dumbfounded. He shake his head and drove to Chanyeol's place to ask him babysit Vivi for the night. He received a text message from Suho, it was short but meaningful.

Talk to her. And listen to her. ~ Suho

After dropping Vivi, Sehun went back home and think a lot about Suho's words. What Suho said was all true, he couldn't deny it. If it ever be known that EXO's Oh Sehun is dating Oh Hayoung of Apink, there will be consequences to pay and she will probably suffer the most. He never understood why Idols have to adhere to this nonsense of dating being seen as  a scandal. Idols are human too, capable of loving and wanting to be loved.

Writer's Note: I messed up the update 😭 I sincerely apologise 🙏🏽 thanks for supporting this ff.
Please give Park Chanyeol The Box movie lots of love and support.

P/s: I like to add some quotes or lyrics or something I read, heard or whatever. Hope you all not bothered by it 🙈 and I'm from Malaysia so I might even share Quotes or Songs in Malay. I'll try to include English translations ☺️ And again sorry for any grammar errors or my lack of vocabulary. English is my third language 🥺

And Support Chanyeol The Box movie exo-Ls. Malaysian we get The Box on cinemas. Buy your tix and show yeol lots of love 🥺

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