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Oh Sehun PoV

He drove his car heading back to his dormitory and can't stop thinking about Oh Hayoung. Her face, pretty smile and their short conversation. She is mature for her age and wise. Very careful about the consequences of her actions.Fact that she thinks ahead of how it would affect them both if the media or public get to know of them being together no matter how innocent the situation was made Sehun admire her. They are both idols from very well known group, rumours even unproven could be controversial and leave a dent on their image. A heavy sigh escaped his lips. Just another day in the life of an idols, being tied down to the rules. Even if it's not stated or written in contracts whatsoever, he couldn't just simply ignore it. Idols getting caught being together suffer a tremendous after effects from their own fandoms. Some fans may be understanding, but many aren't. Hence many idols kept their love life a very shush matter. He hate that.

He parked his car at the dorms parking lot, engine still running and rub his face to rid of the unpleasant thoughts. Sound of phone ringing brought him to reality. He look at his black phone screen. He found the sound coming from the passenger's seat.She must have forgotten it. He look at the screen, no caller id. It was probably her calling to look for her phone. He press the green icon but didn't make any noise. Waiting for the person on the other line to identify themselves first.

"Youngie-ah" Sehun heard a male voice speaks.
"Oppa just watched your Eung Eung fancams" -heavy breathing- "You look so sexy in that purple mini dress. Your body is to die for. Oppa want you" the male voice continues.

Sehun was taken aback by what the person on the other line said. What kind of a call is this? Still not making any sound, Sehun's forehead creased trying to understand the situation.

"Youngie-ah, let oppa hear your sweet voice. Why you change your number after Oppa last calls? Oppa is lucky to get your number again" a creepy laugh ended his sentence and a grunt of some sort. Sehun end the call immediately, comprehension dawned on him. Bloody sasaengs. How did they manage to get idol's numbers is beyond him. And making calls like that. He felt uncomfortable, and how does it make her feel? Probably 10 times worse. He hope she takes necessary actions, this is not just random calls. It's fucking sexual harassment. Sehun felt his anger rises.

He turned off the car's engine and head to his dorms. Suho no longer sits at the living room. He is probably in bed. Sehun went to his room, putting down his keys, his and Hayoung's hand phone on the bedside table. He unbutton his shirt, grab his towel and went to the shower. He need to cool off his anger.

Writer's note: I often watch Apink's fancam. Their stylist needs to stop giving the girls outfits that is too tight or too short. Sometimes I notice how uncomfortable the girls look dancing in those outfits. Thank god, Dumdhurum era had some amazing outfits.

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