"Coincidence" part 2

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Oh Hayoung's POV

"Unnie, I wanna go out and get some bubble tea. This heat is killing me" said Hayoung to Park Chorong Apink's leader.

"Hayoung-ie need me to drive you?" Chorong answered with a smile. She knows it wasn't just the heat, but then also stress that causes Hayoung to be so restless.

"It's okay unnie, I called for a taxi already. Thank you for offering to drive me. And don't worry I won't be out long." Replied Hayoung with a cute smile to her Unnie. Hayoung hurriedly took her keys and sling bag before heading out.

The taxi was already waiting for her, as she step out of the dorms building. She went inside the taxi and tell the driver the address. The ride was short as the cafe was quite near. Hayoung passed by the cafe a couple days ago and thought she never tried it before. Probably new, hence her trip here tonight.

Hayoung went inside the cafe and stand behind a man wearing grey shirt and black short getting his order taken at the counter. The cafe seems quiet. No other customers except her and the man in front of her. The man finished getting his order taken and moved with his tray to the seating area. Hayoung stepped up and ordered chocolate flavoured bubble tea for herself. Seeing delicious pastries and colourful cakes on the display made Hayoung's mouth watered. She added a red velvet cupcake with cream icings on top to her order. Done paying and getting her orders, Hayoung search for a place to seat and enjoy her desserts. She saw a good seat near the window and headed there. She sat two tables away from the man who came in before her.

Hayoung took of her face mask and try the bubble tea.
"That taste so good." Hayoung said looking at her drink. Putting it down she think of her members. Their last two comeback was a success. Eung Eung %% was well received by the general public. After their change of style and music after I'm so sick era, they all are so happy to know Pandas support are as strong as ever. Now she will debut solo. She felt burdened and stressed sometimes, but most of all she is happy to be given the opportunity.

Hayoung's eyes roamed around the cafe, taking note of the interior. It is a bit small but felt cozy at the same time. She felt better and more relaxed. Her eyes stop on the cupcake in front of her, her lips curved a smile. Diet who? 😂

"I will enjoy you today, and worry about my diet plans tomorrow. What's a few extra lunges anyway. Right?" Hayoung said while picking up the fork. The first bite was heavenly that Hayoung let out a satisfied moan. Another mmmh escaped her lips as she took the second bite. "They make good cakes" Hayoung thought.

Sehun in shorts 🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️ Baby look so good I can't Anyway please support Sehun movie Catman and Chanyeol The Box movie

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Sehun in shorts 🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️ Baby look so good I can't
Anyway please support Sehun movie Catman and Chanyeol The Box movie. As well as Baekhyun Comeback 🥳🥳

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