"I like you" part two

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You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Mae West

Sehun PoV

She look gorgeous in those outfits. Simple yet very captivating. He opened the door for her, and caught a whiff of her sweet perfume. He closed the door and went to the driver side.

He said Hi awkwardly. She smiles and said hi back. He noticed the paper bag she's holding and ask her about it.

"Owh, I was up early today. And baked us cheese cake." She said all smiles. Yes he remember her telling him about learning how to bake. She seems passionate about it. He saw her Instagram posts, and often wonder how it taste. (Same Sehun-ah)

"Wow, I will get to taste Youngie cake today?"he said with enthusiasm. Her smile widen and he see a small blush on her cheeks. He like it that she could be forward and shy at times. What you saying Sehun-ah. You just like her. Periodt

They fell into comfortable silence. Just the chatter from the radio DJ can be heard between them. Sehun focused on his driving, when Apink debut song 'I don't know' (mollayo) playing on the radio. They both turned to look at one another and smile before breaking eye contact.

Sehun hummed along softly. He stopped at the red light and look at her mouthing the part he really want to say to her.

Hundreds of times a day
I think about you, but you don't know
How can you not know my heart?
What if you have to?
I must confess

She blushed and look away from him. Before turning back making the iconic hand butterfly move with a smile. They both burst out laughing. Sehun continued to drive and soon arrive at their destination. He parked the car and turned to her.

"We're here" he said turning the ignition to off the engines. She nodded and went out of the car before Sehun could open it for her. He stood next to her and took the paper bag containing the cakes. He showed her the way to the elevator. They walk side by side. (They look good together 😍 just imagining it make me so happy. Hope one day we get their interaction)

They walk into the elevator and Sehun pressed the button to his floor. No words exchanged between them. Hayoung tapping her fingers on her sling bag. They reached his floor and walk out of the elevator. He punched the password and invite her in soon as the door opened. He turned on the lights, showing the spacious living room. The minimal furnishings make it look cozy. A television and a large sofa is the main centre point. The rest is slightly bare. The living room is connected to the kitchen. She look around with her wide eyes.

He smile and put down the paper bag on the kitchen counter. Before asking her whether he should put it in the fridge.

"Owh yes, please put it in the fridge." She came closer to him and took the container containing the cake out. Passing it to him. He opened the fridge door and put it inside. He peeks at the remaining items inside the paper bag.

"You even brought plates and forks" he said shaking his head. He smirked and open his cupboard showing floral patterned plates of various sizes.
She smile and answered cheekily.

"Well, you said you're barely here. I assume you don't cook or eat here. But Oppa what's with the floral pattern? Neomu kiyowo"

"Hey, my mom got it for me." He answered.

"So shall we look around my humble apartment? Or you wanna have a seat first?" He enquire her sweetly.

"Give me a tour of this 'humble' place of yours." Stressing the word humble, she turn giving her back to him before continuing "so where first?"

"My bedroom" he said in a whisper. She turned back looking at him with wide eyes. He laugh loudly.

"Jeez, if you see your face just now" he snickered.
She hit him in the arm. Aigoo so frustrating.

"Oppa your kitchen is so nice, and I see you have all the things needed here."She walk around the kitchen. She cooed looking at the large oven. Perfect for making breads. She opened the refrigerator, empty except for few cans of beers, soju and bottled water. She squint at him. He just smile and lift his broad shoulders.
She walk to the living room, taking mental notes of what could be added to brighten up the space. She noticed that the place look clean. Looking at him she ask.
"Oppa. Who clean this place if you rarely come here?" She know when he is preparing for comebacks or concert tours, he will stay at EXO dorms. He told her as much.
"I have a housekeeper that comes once a week to clean the place" he answer nonchalantly. She nodded in acknowledgement. She walk around the apartment and open the first door to her right, revealing a guess bedroom. A double bed and a dresser on the side. Small but look so nice and clean.

She walk towards the second door, Sehun trailing behind her. She opened it and saw a larger room compare to the previous room. The walls painted in the lightest grey, a large king sized bed made up in all whites at one corner. He gave her back a little push. She get inside the room.

"So, this is my bedroom. The closet and washroom is connected that way." He pointed to her. She look around the room avoiding his eyes. She never been in a man's room alone before. She felt shy and awkward.

He cleared his throat before speaking
"Would you like to see more?"
She shake her head and walk out the door, exploring more of the house. He followed behind her.
"Should we get lunch?"
She stopped on her tracks, look at him and nod as affirmative. She give him a cute puppy eyes look. Wanting to be fed well.

"So what do you want for lunch? Want to go out to a restaurant or maybe a take out?" He ask for her opinion. They both back in the living room.

"Could we order take out? It will be a hassle to eat in a restaurant." She said before adding in hush tone, leaning towards him as if sharing a big secret.

"I am quite popular you know, might caused a mob if we are out in the open" Sehun look at her with his mouth wide open. She winked and he burst out laughing. She took a seat at the sofa comfortably, and place her sling bag next to her. Taking out her cellphone and look at him taking a seat next to her. Her sling bag between them. He took out his cellphone too, and start typing into it.

"Okay done. I ordered some Chinese food. Anything else?"

"Did you order tangsuyuk?( korean sweet and sour pork)" she ask him with anticipation in her voice.
He nodded as confirmation.

"All good then. How long will it take?"
"15 minutes" he answered while turning on the television. He changed channel few times, nothing interesting. He turned it off. They were silent for a moment. She concentrates on her cellphone, checking her messages. Nothing urgent. She put down her phone on the coffee table in front of her.
Turning her head to look at the man sitting next to her. He was looking at her. Their eyes met and locked for a few seconds. She licked her lips nervously. An old habit. He clear his throat, his eyes moved from her eyes to her lips.

"Hayoung-ah" His eyes reluctantly moved back to stare in her eyes.
"Hmm" she answers. Her dark brown eyes staring back at him.
"Do you have a boyfriend?" He ask hesitantly.
"No, I don't." Sehun was about to say more when he heard the doorbell rings.He stood up and open the door. It's their lunch. (Should've come a bit later. Mood spoiler)

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