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It was one of those summer nights where even the absence of the sun doesn't take away the heat. Despite the comfort of his air conditioned room, Sehun felt restless. He stood up, grab his car keys and hand phone. He glance at his bedside clock, it showed 10p.m. "Whatever, I need to go out" Sehun said to himself.

As he walk out of his room, he saw Kim Junmyeon / Suho (I miss uri leadernim, serve your country well oppa and comeback safe and healthy please☺️)

"Hyung, I am going out to get some bubble tea and fresh air." Sehun look at Suho whose eyes are focus on his notebook.
"Go ahead Sehun-ah, take care and don't come home late." Suho answered without sparing Sehun a glance.

Sehun walk out of the house and head to his car. He turned on the car's air conditioner to the max as soon as he got the engine running. He was glad that after debuting as sub unit with Chanyeol hyung, he seems to have more freedom. The managers trusted him more.
"As long as you can be responsible on how you carry yourself out there and not bring harm to the group and company's name. We trust you." So he doesn't report his every movement and felt freer compared to the early years.

Sehun check on his phone for good bubble tea recommendations , and decide on this cute new cafe that just opened. He drives away to the cafe while thinking about his and Chanyeol recent sub unit debut. It was a success, but the promotions period seem short. And they don't get to see EXO-Ls much. No music show appearance or variety shows.

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He arrived at the cafe location and park his car nearby. He put on his face masks and goes inside the cafe.

To be continued 🤭

SM please let my boys go to variety shows and promote them properly please 😤

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