"Live and Love"

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"I fell in love with her courage, her sincerity, and her flaming self respect. And it's these things I'd believe in, even if the whole world indulged in wild suspicions that she wasn't all she should be. I love her and it is the beginning of everything."

"I love her and that's the beginning and end of everything "
F. Scott Fitzgerald (writer of the Great Gatsby, the Curious case of Benjamin Button etc)

Sehun brought the food to the kitchen. Hayoung stood up and help him plating the foods. They sat at the dining table and start to eat. Hayoung ate with gusto, since her diet is on hold at the moment. ( Apink members usually go for tremendous dieting regime when they have comeback schedule and eat regularly when they don't. But they still do watch their weight. Exercises often and keeping fit)

They have minimal conversation as they enjoy the food. Feeling full, Hayoung pushes the plate in front of her and look around the kitchen area again. Her eyes stopped at the coffee machine on the counter. Sehun stopped eating by now. Feeling full himself.
"Coffee?" He asked her
"Maybe later. I am too full. The food was good. Which restaurant you ordered from?" She asked.
"It's near here. Xxx restaurant. Maybe next time I can take you there. They have more amazing menus you can try." He said enthusiastically.
She nodded, gave him a smile and stood up. Her hands moving to clear the plates. He helped her, insisting that she is a guest in his house and shouldn't be doing anything. She laugh and continue cleaning the table. Sehun took the dirty dishes to the sink and left it there. Hayoung glared at him and ask
"Oppa, you not going to wash those?"
"Later, I just want to rest a bit. Too full Youngie-ah"
She chuckles and move towards the sink.
"You can sit and rest. I'll do the washing. You must be tired. You performed at the Fever Festival yesterday right?" she said, while her hands working on washing the dishes. He sat back on the dining table chair and stare at her. She look so cute, with her crop top showing her belly button comfortably standing in his kitchen washing the dishes.

Oh Sehun PoV

I want her to always be with me like this. To talk, laugh, eat together. Just being with each other.Her presence in his life make him happier. And I don't want to lose her. Then it hits him, I don't just like her. I love her. He was shocked by the sudden realisation of his true feelings towards her. He stood up from the chair.

She finished washing the dishes, and turn to him.
She waved her hands in front of him. He focus his gaze back to reality. He gave her a big smile and pull her hand. Taken by surprise her body moved forward , her face so close to his. Her cheeks turned red. He decide he like seeing her blushing.

"Oppa, are you okay?" She asked nervously.His hands still holding her wrists. Close to his chest. She leaned back a little to look up to his face.

"Hayoung-ah, I think I really like you a lot. I know we barely know each other. But my feelings are true. I sincerely like you" Sehun said intensely gazing into her eyes.
"Can I be your boyfriend?" He asked her.

Writer's note: Sorry I just have to insert EXO-CBX video. Because it's a bop. I don't want a man that ask me will you be my girlfriend. I want me a man that ask me if he can be my boyfriend coz that means he respect me. 😆

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