"Beside You"

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"If a man doesn't know ho to dance, he doesn't know how to make love, there I said it!" ~ Craig Ferguson
(American tv show host)

I've been meaning to tell you
I've got this feeling that won't subside
I look at you and I fantasised
You're mine tonight

Now I've got you in my sights
With this hungry eyes
One look at you and I can't disguise
I've got hungry eyes

I feel the magic between you and I
I wanna hold you so hear me out
I wanna show what love's all about
Darling tonight

Part of the lyrics
~Hungry Eyes by Eric Carmen
Soundtrack for Dirty Dancing released in 1987

He hold her face with both his hands, hoping his eyes could convey all the emotions he is feeling now. Gratitude, touched, honoured and loved.

He stood up and took off his shirt and jeans, coming back to the bed with only his boxers on. He smirked a little looking at her wide eyes checking his erection.
Touching her face with his fingertips, he took a mental picture of her in this moment. Letting his fingers trail down her neck to stop on her shoulder,  he push her down on the bed and felt her tremble beneath his touch.

Kissing her lips lightly, as his right hand move down her arms to intertwined their fingers

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Kissing her lips lightly, as his right hand move down her arms to intertwined their fingers. He brought her hand up to his neck and left it there. Moving his hands to her waist he caresses her side, stopping just on the underside of her left breast. Their kissed deepened as his hand move to lightly knead her breast.

She felt as if her entire body was on fire as his lips left hers to trail kisses down her neck and hover above her right nipple. She shivers as he blew on her nipple and lightly licking it with his tongue before putting it in his mouth and sucking her gently. She moaned when he graze her nipple with his teeth before moving to the other breast and giving the same treatment to it.

Arching her back, her left hand held his head close to her chest. Her other hand moving up and down his broad back, feeling herself getting wet between her legs.

Pulling back from her, he stare at her with eyes heavy with passion. Her breasts rising and falling with the rhythm of her breathing. He supports his head with his left hand as his right caresses her white thigh marvelling in her beauty just as he heard her sharp intake of breath as his hand got closer to her wet centre. He slid his fingers to her wet core, rubbing her clits slowly while his mouth taking hers in a deep kiss. He felt rather than heard her moaning deep in her throat, as he slid a finger inside her tight core. Letting go of her lips, he stare down at her face as his fingers worked on her. She whimpered as she got closer to the brink of ecstasy. Pulling away from her, he took of his boxer and get a condom from his wallet. Tearing the wrapping and putting it on in mere seconds, he hovered atop of her parted legs. He look at her eyes, searching as he put his erected member in front of her entrance.

She gave him a nod signalling she's ready as he position himself between her legs, his hands on her thighs. She bit her lips hard as her body resisted his intrusion. He stop moving and kiss her on the mouth, his hands between them to brace her from his weight arousing her more before slowly moving inside her an inch at a time.

He felt her barrier that proves her innocence, and pulled his mouth from her lips.
"Sorry if this hurt baby, but I promise you'll feel better after this"  he spoke in his deep voice and drove his member to the hilt feeling her barrier teared, her fingernails digging onto his back. Not moving a muscle, he let her get used to him being inside of her.

He focused his gaze on her face, eyes closed tight and her small teeth biting her plump bottom lips. Several moments passed before he slowly move back and forth inside her. Pacing his tempo to build her arousal again, he saw her eyes opened and gazing at him with intensity. She hug him tighter as her legs move up giving him the sign he needed. Changing the tempo, he move faster and he could hear her begging and moaning his name. He felt himself coming as her body tightened, squeezing his member deep inside her and screams his name. He pumped few more times reaching for his own climax before burying himself deep inside her, grunting her name in satisfaction.

Pulling himself out of her, he collapses on the bed next to her. They're both breathing hard, bodies glistening with sweats from the love making. As their breathing gradually came back to normal, he stood up and went to the toilet removing the protective sheets from his member. Walking back to her with a small wet towel.

Seeing her lying down on the bed with her arm over her face, he wondered if she regretted what they did. He sat down on the bed, his weight shifting it slightly. She let her arm down and look at him with questions in her eyes looking at towel.
"May I?" He asked signalling to her centre.
She sat down on the bed and took the towel from him. Her flushed face grew redder. She scooted out of the bed and grab a bathing towel before heading to the bathroom leaving him.

He smile and picked up his boxers from the floor. He was putting it on when he saw the spots of blood on her bedsheets. He couldn't help but have his male egos boosted.

Hayoung PoV

She smile while washing herself despite the discomfort. Done with her washing, she felt hesitant to go out. Feeling rather shy at her boldness in approaching him first for their love making. Taking a deep breath, she opened the bathroom door and peeked at him. He's lying on her bed with his eyes closed, she approaches the bed with measured steps.

Picking up her discarded night gown from the floor, she put it back on and tied the bow meticulously. She stood at the foot of the bed, unsure with herself. He opened his eyes and gesture her to lie down next to him with his hand. She hesitantly lay down next to him using his outstretched arm as her pillow. He pulled her closer to him and envelope her in a warm embrace.

"Thank you for the lovely gift. I will never forget it ever." He said in a husky tone. She blushed furiously, not knowing how to respond.
"Did I hurt you a lot?" he ask with his gaze focus on her face.
She was about to shake her head when the mischievous side of her took over.
"Well, you're. How do I put it.big."
He laughed loudly and pinched her cheek.
"But it did get better like you promised." She said with a satisfied smile recalling what they did earlier.
"Oppa, do you often carry condoms in your wallet?" She asked after moments of silence, burying herself comfortably into his arms.
"After the last occasion, I figured I might as well do that. And it does come in handy tonight right?" Pulling the comforters, covering them both.
"Why don't you try opening the top drawer next to you" Her words puzzled him. Pulling his arm from under her, he turned to open the drawer. His mouth agape looking down at various boxes of condoms. He turned to look at her, before shaking his head and chuckles.
"Baby, that could probably last us a year"
She punched his chest lightly and smile at him sleepily.
"I never bought those in my life ever. When the pharmacist ask me about sizes, and types I almost fainted of embarrassment"
"I love you" he said looking at her closed eyes. She nodded and snuggled closer. He hold her and they both fell asleep in no time.

Writer's Note: I did it 💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻 tq for the support and votes ❤️❤️

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