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Good Luck and don't get hurt tomorrow ~ Sehun

It's the first day of Apink Pink World concert in Seoul. The Apink members worked hard with the staffs to have everything goes smoothly, inserting their opinions and idea and they were glad everything goes as planned. Tired but satisfied they went home with hopes for the second which is also the last day too.

Done washing herself, Hayoung lay down to sleep while checking her cellphone when she saw his text.

Your solo performance was awesome 👏🏼 I enjoyed it.
~ Sehun

She sat up from her comfortable position and re-read the message, fearing her eyes was playing with her.

Were you in attendance today? ~ Hayoung

She didn't have to wait long as he replied almost immediately.

I came in late, and went out early if you're worried. You were amazing, can't keep my eyes of you.  ^.~ ~Sehun

Are you crazy?! What if someone saw you? OMG I can't believe you ~ Hayoung

She lay back down on her bed, fuming mad. Her cellphone didn't get to ring when she quickly pressed the green icon.

"You must be mad!" So angry that she didn't bother to say Hello.

"Madly missing you. Relax Youngie-ah"

She pulled the phone away from her and look at it with squinted eyes. He sound so undisturbed that it irritates her.When she put it back close to her ear, she heard his low soothing voice asking her to calm down. Taking several deep breaths, she calmed down slightly.


"Hmm, who did you came with anyway? And are you sure nobody recognised you?"

"I came with P.O hyung."

Her mouth hanged open, he came with block B P.O. Coming back to her senses, she repeated her question earlier.

"Nobody noticed or recognised you and P.O oppa?"

"Yes baby, nobody recognised us. Chill will you. Oh, the fanboy next to us was so kind to us when we didn't know the fanchant. He said it happens to him the first time too. He forgot the fanchant after seeing Apink's visuals."

She smile imagining him talking politely to Apink fanboy. Pandas are amazing.

"Are you still angry?"

"No, I'm not anymore. Just don't do something like that again. Please?"

"Okay I won't. Are you tired? You have another long day tomorrow."

"I'm fine" she finished her sentence with a yawn, gosh she is tired.

"Sleep. Fighting for tomorrow and don't get hurt"

She nodded and said her goodnight. She was about to press the red icon on her screen when she heard his soft whisper.

"I love you"

she ended the line with trembling hand.

She woke up the next day excited and sad for the final day of Apink's concert when she saw his text that made her laugh.

You're the prettiest genie 🧞‍♂️ ever. Fighting

Oh Sehun PoV

He managed to persuade Pyo Ji-Hoon aka Block B P.O to go to the concert with him. Honestly  P.O was more excited to attend the concert since he have a crush on Yoon Bomi of Apink. His manager looked at him disapprovingly when he asked to get him two tickets for the concert last week but he still caved in and got him the tickets.

They went inside the venue the last minute, with simple clothes and mask on. Trying to be as inconspicuous as possible and luck was with them when no one notice or knew them. Well people tend to overlook something or someone when it's not expected.

Hearing the fanchant, he couldn't help but smile underneath his mask. Their fans vary in age but most are in their twenties, it reminded him of his own fans. Some fans just never leave a fandom and kept giving support through out the years, idols and fans growing older together for all fandoms he guess.

The fanboy next to him looked to be in his mid twenties to early thirties, their eyes met and he smile at him while doing the fanchant. The fanboy got closer to him and ask if it's his first time attending. Sehun answered with a nod, not daring to speak.

"I forgot the fanchant too like you when I first attended their concert years ago. The Apink are all beautiful my mind goes blank." He smile fondly at the memories.

"Who did you come with?" Sehun asked in between the loud music, eyes focused on the stage.

"I came with my girlfriend" he pulled a girl next to him and hug her tightly.
"We both proud pink Panda" he clicked his lightstick with hers boths laughing merrily.

They focused back on the stage, when the solo performance stages starts. Sehun eyes widen in awe, each member presented different performances and it differs from Apink concept. When it was Hayoung's turn, he couldn't help but feel proud and fall in love again with this charming talented side of her.

He pulled Pyo closer and whispered they need to leave, since it seems the final segment is upon them. The girls are talking on the stage now. He wave at the couple next to him and they wave back and smile brightly.

Safely out of the venue unnoticed, Sehun and Pyo took different taxis to go home. He thank Pyo for accompanying him there before they part ways.

He knows she'll be angry if she knew he came to watch the concert but he really wants to congratulate her performance. So he sent her the text message.
She never answered his call that fast before, he felt like laughing. She kept asking if anybody notices him, it irritates him but then what to expect of cautious Oh Hayoung. Well at least she is talking to him, like really talking instead of just one syllables answer. He didn't know if she heard him before the line ended, he just wanted to say it to her.

Writer's Note: Ig user Oohsehun went live yesterday and he doesn't sound well, could be the cold weather. Give him lots of love Ls.
Pandas go watch Bomi and Hayoungie appearance on Knowing Bros. They are the cutest ❤️❤️

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